Derbybud Does CBD Strains In Coco & More

Glad to be back but Wow what a shock last night and again this morning. Left vacation spot where the temp lows were about lower 70's and highs about 90. Got out of the car when we got home to 46f and this morning it's 36f. Had to go looking for my flannel jeans to go out and take care of the horses. Ouch! I want ready for that.
Haha i feel ya. Our weather is so messed up its gone from being 22c to like 10c the next day its ridiculous lol. Welcome back derbs! I know you been back for a minute but you're such a ninja round ere its hard to tell lol. What ya thinkig of running when ya get back to it homie?
Blowing up bricks and rinsing coco. A few small taps this morning. Might go into coco later today.

My least favorite part of growing in coco. I have it down to a science though (I detailed that in my journal) so it doesn't make a huge mess but I have to use my laundry tub and I hate that. I can't do it outside because in my neighborhood that would draw too much attention.

I do like popping beans and starting a fresh grow.
Searching for taps now.
2 Early Miss autos
Bomb Seeds
2 Cherry Bomb autos
Auto Seeds
2 Polar Express autos
2 Dream Berry autos
8 autos going and I'll start some photos in about 4 weeks.
Awesome stuff! Great start Derbs! Congrats on the MOTM nom:high-five:

Pulled a Newty and killed 5 out of 7 beans on my last pop hahaha. Polar Express and Dreamberry sound intriguing ! Looking forward to seeing the master back in action :roorrip:
Just how me and Newty rolls. Will kill a bean if it doesn't have what it takes to make the cake?
Hahaha this is no longer the case for old newty;) can you believe my germination rate is 80-90% now #bam
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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