Derbybud Does CBD Strains In Coco & More

I'm getting down to 60 degrees at night, the Purple Peyote isn't really coming out in these plants but the Starfighter f3 male is showing up everywhere.
Lebanese landrace can exhibit Sativa or indica expressions, they also bred Russian Ruderalis into the line at some point and we see dwarf plants pop up from time to time. It all makes good hash though!
Ruderalis is also how we get the autoflowers. They believe the harsh Russian climates led to this mutation / survival strategy. Just think they tend to not be as photoreactive (In terms of flowering) so no matter what they just try to deep root and pass on the most genetics possible that could survive. It is interesting to see where they occur naturally and how different they look compared to either Indica or sativa
Ruderalis is also how we get the autoflowers. They believe the harsh Russian climates led to this mutation / survival strategy. Just think they tend to not be as photoreactive (In terms of flowering) so no matter what they just try to deep root and pass on the most genetics possible that could survive. It is interesting to see where they occur naturally and how different they look compared to either Indica or sativa
You think if arctic bowl and I go on an off road adventure here in Alaska we could find some landrace ruderalis? I mean likely how it made its way to America. Have you seen the Siberian thundercat? Pretty legit for cold weather also...
There might be something that took hold in the wild a while back but population is an issue in Alaska. U have a smaller population that is then cut by how many smoke when it was legal or illegal throughout history and hope some stay strong enough to survive in permafrost. Very very unlikely to find one and there is debate but many say only Canada has 1 discovered landrace and that's an entire country with somewhat similar climate (depending on area ) as Alaska. So how deep into the woods do you guys want to go is the real question lol
There might be something that took hold in the wild a while back but population is an issue in Alaska. U have a smaller population that is then cut by how many smoke when it was legal or illegal throughout history and hope some stay strong enough to survive in permafrost. Very very unlikely to find one and there is debate but many say only Canada has 1 discovered landrace and that's an entire country with somewhat similar climate (depending on area ) as Alaska. So how deep into the woods do you guys want to go is the real question lol
Realllll deeeeep. No problem. I'm not even Kinda joking. But I'll save and prep for the summer after next! Get a nice little trip set to the end of a wild road then 4x4 till the gas is half gone the hike till the food is gone and hunt and fish home.
Realllll deeeeep. No problem. I'm not even Kinda joking. But I'll save and prep for the summer after next! Get a nice little trip set to the end of a wild road then 4x4 till the gas is half gone the hike till the food is gone and hunt and fish home.
May be someone in the more remote areas that has heard of one. The climate change actually may benefit your weed expidition. More than likely it's going to be the genetics left to their own devices strains versus originating there.
Realllll deeeeep. No problem. I'm not even Kinda joking. But I'll save and prep for the summer after next! Get a nice little trip set to the end of a wild road then 4x4 till the gas is half gone the hike till the food is gone and hunt and fish home.

Now that sounds like a helluva way to spend a day.
Isn't the quality of weed getting better because of hybrids? Why would you want a pure strain?
For the morning. I smoke 24/7. I don't smoke Indica and go to work though right? I use sativa for work.
Hey gang. Sorry I haven't been around lately just this time of year kinda gets me a little depressed as last week would have been my son's 30 th birthday and next week is the anniversary of his death 6 years ago. Shit I'm shaking just trying to get this up here. I apologize and hope to break out of this funk soon. I also want to thank my girly Lopin for helping out and taking questions that are way over my head and to keep my journal going.
If I'm not back anytime soon I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a green new year.
Cheers to all at 420
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