DephOne's First Grow - Unknown Strain

no probs mate, glad to offer some help, i have heard that ona gel is the best thing to get rid of smells, it dont mask them it gets rid of them, just need some ona gel and put it in a bucket, poke holes in the side of the bucket and mount a fan into the lid of the bucket so that when the fans on it blows the air into the bucket and out the side vents, this then forces the smell into the bucket and a nice pleasent smell comes out the bucket, cheap to buy and easy to set up, its my next option if things get to bad, its cheaper to build a ona bucket than it is to get a carbon filter
That's a genius idea. Niceee.

Okay Folks... Got a question and a picture to go with it. :)

The leafy looking things, almost dead center of photo.. Are those new stems forming at the Node? Or Are those genitals?
thats new groth! untill she gets older and you change your lighting schedual you wont be able to tell easaly
Hmm. I see. Btw, Just looked at HomeDepot website. The HD near me only has Osmocote Flower and Vegetable. With a 14-14-14 npk.
They don't sell the Plus.. Is it significant?
yep yep
Damn... That sucks.. I guess I gotta get enough money in my account to order some. :/

no no sorry young man My old ass eyes read your post rong the OC that you can get easy is fine to start out with:) my bad but the plus would be better:)
Nope slow release pelleys
the only instant stuff about growing is death :)
those are the leaves that begins the plants life kind of like the placenta in a chicken egg the chick (your new plant) feeds off that till it can walk and get its own food:)
Woah, $h17 that's awesome.!

Oh yeah, was doing some research, came across this...

For non-medical purposes:

Beginning October 1, 2012, possession of under 10 grams of marijuana is punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a fine of up to $500. More than that and you can be jailed for up to a year, in addition to a fine of up to $1,000. Troublingly, the arrest rate for African-Americans in Maryland is almost 20% higher than the national average and is over three times that of whites in the state.

Think I'm gonna stick to buying 1/4 's. lol.
Okay. Today the Kids are 3 weeks and 1 day old. Here's some photos. :)

All the Kids Chillin under their light.

Child #1

She also has a ton of new growth. :) (close up)

#2, the middle child. Doesn't seem to be growing as fast as the others. :/

And the 3rd child, she's the tallest. :)

Lemme know what you guys think, any feed back, ideas, etc. :)
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