DephOne's First Grow - Unknown Strain

Thank you, thank you. :) Proud Daddy over here.

Oh, speaking of "Proud Daddy", I've been meaning to tell you younger guys out there a little joke I made up all by myself, and I tell all my nephews this joke, you older guys out there have heard this one.

What's worse then child Support?

Any guess?/grace
Felt that heatwave to bro stay cool. Also worked in a 105 degree shop during the heatwave I was sweating as fast as I could hydrate

Grace good advice but it's a bit too late for me. I do :Love: my mini me! though!
But the rain wasn't heavy enough to fill my jar again. Only got like 2 or 3 inches of water. I hope it pours tonight. Lol

yet another good use for our survival blankets. you can cut one to a desired size and stake it out. either make a hole in the middle and add a small weight or run it at an your collection vessel at the run off point and gain a LOT of rain from even a small shower =)
Kid, I'm back, do you have a rain spout next to the house or garage, place it under a spout, you'll get all the run off from the roofs, that's how I placed my gargage can, now I have 32 gallons of water with each rain. Aunt Grace's Tip of the Day/grace
Well It's not a water spout pic. But it is a growth spurt over night. :)

your babies are growing, you can see the leaves are widening up, soon they will double. You do need a Cfl bulb, you know one of those high effiencieny ones they been pushing us to use. They cost maybe a $1.00 or $2.00, you may have some upstairs in a lamp already, check to see if it's a 2700K or 6500 K, off hand I believe the 2700 is used for later flowering stage, someone correct me as I have no time right now to check myself/thanks/aunt grace
I have $6 in my poor wallet. :( And yeah. I know I need to get a diff light. But it doesn't have an on/off switch/cord. It broke. So I gotta turn it on and off by hand. :( Though I suppose I could cover my hand with a sock or something, cause those coil bulbs get friggin HOT !
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