Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Hey Dennise, do we get to see pics of these mysterious cheapo LEDs?

Garden is looking great! :goodjob:
Yea I kinda have had a weird day for lack of a better word but I will do it in a bit. It is amazing to me how well they are working. The group babes love em'. I promise I will do it before lites out........:rollit::rollit::rollit:
I'm slow but sure......:geek: here are the group babies under the cheapo's... Got to say they really do love them. There is such a noticeable difference in them today. The runt baby is still under a LED bulb too but the LST done on her has made all the difference in the world. She is filling in and she is going to have to be in veg for quite a while longer so by the time I am ready for her to go to flower I think she will be completely around the pit in a circle :circle-of-love:
how much were they and how many watts are they rated at? I may get them for my grow area instead of using all cfls. they look pretty bright. your plants look happy and trained nicely :Love:
Ok the Clone family5... Bless their little hearts.:Love: I have had a hard time keeping them warm today. They are in a drafty part of the house that is kept warm by the wood stove and it was -18 here last night and I feel asleep then I actually had to leave the property for a few hours and didn't want to re-lite the stove and leave all my dogs in the house with me gone soooo they have run in the low to mid 60' all day until shortly ago when the fire got to goin' again. Any who here they are all twisted and happy...
Broke Ass I just went and looked at hers and I do think you are correct..................:clap::welldone::clap:

Yepper, same LED panels. I got mine from fleabay, same search title to find them.

Glad to see the babies are loving the lighting Dennise! I have mine over some revegging attempts, so I'm not sure how they are doing yet. It's only been 3 days. My Basil and Rosemary seemed to love it though! LOL
Canna turns out I didn't have enough cannabutter left to make brownies so I had to settle for 4 very chocolate chip cookies. they are cooling now but I will be on that cloud with you shortly.........:hugs::angel::hugs: And on the LED's ... if you had that in your post I might have just gotten it from there and typed it in amazon. I don't remember..........:confused::confused::confused:
Canna turns out I didn't have enough cannabutter left to make brownies so I had to settle for 4 very chocolate chip cookies. they are cooling now but I will be on that cloud with you shortly.........:hugs::angel::hugs: And on the LED's ... if you had that in your post I might have just gotten it from there and typed it in amazon. I don't remember..........:confused::confused::confused:

Those look very snackable! I'll fluff up a space on the cloud 'fer ya. :blalol:
We should have Tuesday night cook offs on the site the way everyone is baking tonight. LOL

On the lights, I'm not sure I posted the where...don't remember now. I just meant that if someone wanted to try fleabay for them to type in the same information on the kind of panels. ;-)
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