Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Have one more small update.... The Green xxxxx and Skunk afghani both59 days 12/12 under the Mars II in the closeet were both watered with 1 gallon of purified water... the Green xxxxx also had 2 tsp cal/mag and the Skunk afghani had 1/2 strength step 3 Growology and 2 tsp cal/mag..... I was hoping to be chopping the Green xxxxx today but I just don't think she is quite there yet so have decided to give her a couple of more days......:circle-of-love:
Looking lovely D....

Ol sara should give you a commision.... I wonder how many panels have been bought, on the basis of your grow success ?? :cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley::thumb:

Another batch of top buds winging their way to you very soon...

Enjoy em

Thanks Bud and I have to be honest and say Sara has been more than generous to me. Not only do I honestly love my Top Leds and even if I had too buy every one I have I would still love my Top Leds. I believe for the growers that are growing for mostly personal use that these just can't be beat as far as price and quality. I by no means am saying there are no better quality lights out there but not for anywhere near the cost of the Top Leds and I simply could not have afforded that much of an outlay for my personal stash and again Sara has been far and above generous to me.... Now someday when I hit the lottery I plan on building a grow room and then I will be looking more for a light like LA and King are using but for now I am so happy with what my Top Leds help me grow....:yummy:....:circle-of-love:
I bought two Top LED Panels on Dennise's recommendation and results. I will also buy more.
I have a really good feeling that you are going to show me up real bad too when your grow is done under those lights......:circle-of-love:
Well I have a few more updates and I am going to start with Bubba's...... His auto Pineapple Express was potted in FF Ocean Forest and Happy Frog mixed 50/50 to a 3 gallon Smart pot and topped with hydroton and watered with plain purified water and then placed in the tent under the GreenSun ZNet4 16 on and 8 off with the Black Russian and the Black Jack..... So now all I need is for someone to tell me what to tell him to do next cause I do not have a clue. I don't know which nutes to use or what they should be started with. Do they need veg nutes at all since they are potted up in rich soil..:confused:... Do I wait to start nutes until they look deficient in something..:confused:... then once they are started does he go straight to flowering nutes or does he start with veg'ing nutes...:confused:... I honestly have no idea where to even start and if you remember the auto WW I started you know I ain't exaggerating...:thedoubletake:.. It actually got put out on the back porch today cause I finally needed the room. I am going to let her finish and I think I will end up with 1 cola about 1/2 inch long but it is funny to watch....:)... But anywho back to the subject at hand.... any info you guys could give would be greatly appreciated as I am stumped at this point. I remembered being told to pot her up into her final home after she popped and did that but that ended my knowledge of autos...:helpsmilie:....:circle-of-love:
Now on to my girls.... I potted the Black Jack up today also into a 5 gallon Smart pot using the FF Ocean Forest and Happy Frog 50/50.... I was hoping to be able to put her off until the PeeJay super soil was ready but she just wouldn't wait so she was potted up and watered with just purified water and put in the tent under the ZNet4 16 hours on and 8 hour dark.......:circle-of-love:
Then lastly the Wild Thai and B2B had to be tied up a bit....:loopy: The B2B is by far the most aggressively growing girl I have ever seen.... I cut 2 of her fan leaves and bent her over to get some better light to her under growth. She is going to be a monster and as soon as the Green xxxxx is chopped she is going into flower......:circle-of-love:
I still wanna see you type, Green Cxxxx. Lol.
Looking great. Wish I could help w/ the autos. I always grow them when I get freebies, but they never amount to much.
Good luck!
I would not feed nutrients to your auto flower Pineapple Express as the soil that you have transplanted will have enough nutrients until the leaves just begin to yellow then begin feeding a small amount of nutrients.
I still wanna see you type, Green Cxxxx. Lol.
Looking great. Wish I could help w/ the autos. I always grow them when I get freebies, but they never amount to much.
Good luck!
Thanks cajun.....:circle-of-love:
Very healthy, strong ladies you have there Dennise! always :)

I'm jelous...very jelous. :)
Oh you have just been away for a bit and missed my spider mites, worms, forgetting to water them, screwing up a whole round of beans and the list goes on and on but as always the awesome peeps around here got me straightened out.....:circle-of-love:
I would not feed nutrients to your auto flower Pineapple Express as the soil that you have transplanted will have enough nutrients until the leaves just begin to yellow then begin feeding a small amount of nutrients.
Oh thank you so much King :adore:... If I continue to just post her up her every so often will ya tell what and when please..:confused:....:circle-of-love:
Dennise go back to the start of your Grow Journal and see how you started to introduce nutrients to your plants in the same soil mixture you are using now. You can use your Grow Journal as a guide on when to introduce nutrients and how much to use for your plants in the 50% FoxFarm Ocean Forest soil and 50% FoxFarm Happy Frog soil. You can ask any questions in advance and I am still watching your Grow Journal to guide you.
I get that on the reg fem seeds that grow because of the length of light but I don't get how or when to start with the autos. I know how to watch them when first potted up and that I can water with plain purified water for a bit but what I don't understand is with the autos do I even give them veg nutes or do I start with the flowering nutes because they have such a short veg time..:confused: Or does it depend on how far they are along when they start to look needy.... :sorry: King as usual with new things I'm kinda lost and completely unsure of myself. If I can figure out what to start them with I think I can go from there like you said ... just by going back through my notes... I'm trying to make sense and I don't think I am doing a very good job of it....:straightface:....:circle-of-love:
Give your auto flower plant pH adjusted water until the leaves begin to yellow then if your plant has not begun to flower yet then switch to giving your plant vegetative nutrients, If your plant has begun to flower then give your auto flower plant flowering nutrients.
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