Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Hey Ive been really good recently and not entered in month's lol. OK maybe not by choice, maybe more having no plants! !! Yet the competition has gotten consistently better every month :)
As long as that flux gets lots of vert before flower, its guaranteed to hit over the 20 mark!!!!!!! :)
Winner winner chicken dinner! :)

8" or better right???
OK this is now officially a totally fluxed up day! My Garden girl is covered in spider mites and had to have done it in 2 days time. I have checked the Wild Thai and the rest of my girls and don't see anything on them and I threw the Garden girl out in the backyard and sprayed the tent and everything in it down with clorox water. What do I do now? Can the Garden girl be saved or do I just throw her in the mulch pile? Jezzz this sucks! Somebody please tell me what to do.......:circle-of-love:
Put her back outside. Wash everything. Give everything that SNS rosemary oil systemic as directed on the label for infestation.

Since you are considering composting her, I advice you get your garden hose out and put a sharp spray coming from the hose and hose off every leaf with that hardish spray and wash the mites off. You can do that a few times a day and they will be gone by the time the systemic starts to work. Don't scrap her. This is why my plants have not come back inside and I started new ones.

My autos were covered in mites and I was fine doing what I told you to do. It just takes patience and washing the undersides of the leaves every day. If you don't want to use the hose water, put your purified water in a spray bottle or pump up sprayer would be best and pump it as hard as it will go and hose the leaves that way. Twice a day for two weeks till the systemic works.
:ciao: Hi Dennise

I would start by protecting the Wild Thai with a prevenative spray and drench.If you have the SNS products, then 209 and 217. Plus the 203 drench wouldn't hurt (although mite's like laying eggs on leaves).

It took about 10-14 days for the 203 to bug proof my healthy plants. :)

Then go to work on the infested girl(s). Spray 217 on the underside of the leaves heavily. Like dripping heavy. Spray the top side too. Gotta do it like 30 mins after lights out though. The spray is oil based and if you spray under the lights its bad news. Even right after lights out the oil can flux up the transpiration process of the plant, so give it 30 mins. :)

Spray every 2-3 days. Mite life cycle is quick. It will take 3-5 applications to interrupt the life cycle enough to get them buggers under control.

On a side note, the inside, outside thing may not be in your best interest for pest issues. I am 100% certain that my mite issue was caused by letting the girls out for a breather by the flower bed on occasion. I won't make that mistake again.
The good news is, unless you see webbing, they aren't crazy bad yet. Still manageable.
I will suggest that any of the affected plants get washed using the Doc Bud washing technique. Mostly because if not, all thetrim will be full of eggs and noone wants to smoke that.
I washed my GDP and it was infested. After the wash, it is as clean as a whistle.

Dont trash a vegging plant just cause have mites, I only trash plants that have been 'tented' by mites last couple weeks in flower, they can be controlled with vigilance...

I have been dealing with mites for a year now.

You have had good advice so far so just to add...

1. Use any kind of anti-mite spray, I use Mighty Wash but there are many, and REALLY soak the UNDERSIDE of leaves working from bottom up. Do this in shade if outside, or late/early in day, or with lights off if inside.
2. Give it 30-60 mins.
3. Spray off with RO or tap water THOROUGHLY.
4. Repeat every 3 days for AT LEAST 3 treatments.
5. Do a Preventative spray on ALL plants that you could have contacted after the infested one and monitor them for eggs/mites under neath leaves.

Could also by some predator mites after done with treatments, and keep them going as preventative thing. But do not get them and then spray obviously.

Also can get some of the 'hot shot' pest strips to hang in tents with vegging plants, but only if in rooms where you not in more then couple hours a day.

VIGILANCE is the key, as soon as you let up they will make a comeback.

Lastly any pics of level of infestation?
That SNS stuff is great cleaned them right up for me !

Craw I didn't take any pics cause by the time I stopped freaking out there was nothing to take pics of. I am waiting for the girl to get home from work that has my SNS209 and that is the only one of the SNS line I have. I took her outside ouf course and I took the hose and I blasted the zhit out of her and then I sat there and washed off every inch of her. There aren't that many leaves on her cause I had done a heavy defoliation last week or so and there was really no webbing started just a bunch of the little fluxers weaving away. She is drenched right now but it is hotter than the devil out there right now so by the time I can get my SNS back I am just going to go ahead and give it to her. I know it is a systemic thing but couldn't I also mix it with water and use it as a spray on her? Ok she just text me and is home so I am off to get the SNS209..... Hopefully the garden place is still open too and I can stop in there and see if she has any get rid of mite stuff....... I AM NEVER GROWING ANYTHING EVER OUTSIDE AGAIN!!!!..........:circle-of-love:
Spimp... I have checked every inch of the Wild Thai and I see nothing but I am going to give her a couple of doses of the SNS 209 too just to make sure. They were in the same room but in different tents and thank God she was in the tent by herself... OK got to go. Been fighting a panic attack all day and I really need to get this done and get back home... This sucks......:circle-of-love:
Never tried it but if vigilant enough just plain water wash may work, but it won't kill them. I hate the little fuckers so I want to kill them, but plain water sure won't harm plants or your lungs later:)

Sorry for the panic attack, I get those every now and then, close eyes and listen/focus on your breathing, at least that what I do.
Don't know if this will help dennise but u do know spiders don't like hedge balls Otherwise known as horse apples in the southbut I use them all the time in my house to keep spiders away. they work real well. Keep a couple in grow room too just in case. Can get at just about any supermarket. Worth a try, good luck.
Please Relax Dennise!

The 209 is ment to be applied with the feedings, but you can make a nice solution with it using a spray bottle and spray the leaves. It won't work as good as the 217, but it should help put up a little line of defense for the time being. The spidermites are so small that you may not even be able to see them, just because you don't see anything doesn't mean they're not there.

Like Spimp said, don't take plants from outside and bring them in, last thing we want is for the indoor gals to get bugs.

Just relax! :Namaste:
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