Demonic Angel's 1500 Watt LED Ebb & Flow Attempt

Re: Demonic Angel's 1500 Watt LED Ebb & Flow Attempt

I got a suprise in the mail??? Wtf? lol

Clearly you have too much now.

My address is...

They are going awesome went I went over sis.
Yea not too bad this system is pretty cool I like it though. Maybe your next run you could try coco. I think you'll like it more lol. I'm developing another batch of my soil but this one is going to be way better but will take some time to get it where I want it
Yea not too bad this system is pretty cool I like it though. Maybe your next run you could try coco. I think you'll like it more lol. I'm developing another batch of my soil but this one is going to be way better but will take some time to get it where I want it
Ya I was thing about it but I love soil grow.
Re: Demonic Angel's 1500 Watt LED Ebb & Flow Attempt

Thats a fantastic surprise!! Youll be very happy da! IM TELLING YOU!!!! ARM CHAIR GROWING! Youll love it
Oh I have always been using it just didn't order it and it just showed up here lol a friend ordered me some because I mentioned getting more and it showed up lmao
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