Demonic Angel's 1500 Watt LED Ebb & Flow Attempt

I see im a little confused. So your coco ph fluctuates from 5.5 to 6.2?

Thats probably why you dont see any issues, i think he was going straight 6.2 from the start. He wasnt in soil just coco. I am not familiar with soil. I stay away from it lol. Its hard to grow in soil at leaast for me.

I did see grow weed easy but for the first time right now! Never seen it advised to go in that high in the forums but like i said if it works it works. Many ways to skin a cat. I started doing some reading because this is very interesting and one user stated he could go up to 6.2 but would have issues if he did it for more thena week while another said the only thing he noticed was more red/ purpling in the stems.

Im very intrigued! Thanks DA!
Your welcome BF. I love soil grows. In soil I find 6.2 ph perfect, and I try to stay there as much as I can. Anything over 6.5 is bad, you start to look at lockout. At least in my soil at least.
Hey! Thanks for clarifying that for me! I was trying to figure it out! Im thinking DA plants look great! Why is he locking out. Ive always used ph perfect until this grow. I call it armchair growing! I was spoiled never checked ph but this grow i went with lucus formula maxibloom and got a pen so now i have be with it!
No problem are you sure the pen is calibrated and everything?
My ph is 6.7 right now and it still freaks me out when i look at the blue lab.
What is run off or you guyd don't worty about runoff? Kust curious to see whst ph ois sftt it runs through. Idk lol
Well theres no runoff, the roots sit in a pool of water in the bottom of the bucket. Remember i use AN base nutes so AN claims roots will take up nutes between 4.0 & 8.0 ph. Mine is 6.7 and the plants are fine. With AN you just have to trust it.
Re: Demonic Angel's 1500 Watt LED Ebb & Flow Attempt

I got a suprise in the mail??? Wtf? lol
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