Delps8 DWC Original Glue


Well-Known Member
Grow #9±, starting with one in 2017 and the rest since early 2021. The 2017 grow was a photoperiod, then five auto grows, and photoperiod grows since then. For the past few grows, I've had only one plant but found I couldn't fill out my 2' x 4' tent with just one plant so this grow will start with three plants with one leaving the tent in early veg.

My plan was to grow "Back to the Future" from North Atlantic Seed Company but that was a flop. I went through my standard process of three seeds in a beaker of tap water then into Rapid Rooters when they pop the radicle. Only two of the three seeds popped so I dropped in the other two seeds and put the two that had germinated into Rapid Rooters in a grow dome with a heat mat. After a few days in the dome, they weren't doing very well so I scrapped those and started over with Original Glue from Nirvana.

Rather than drop three, I tossed all five into a beaker and, of course, all five germinated about 24 hours later.

A few days in Rapid Rooters and I removed two of them. They all looked pretty good but I've only tow room for three in the res. And that's where things are today.

The seeds popped on 9/19 so the grow is on day 19.

My grow is in a garage in north Orange County, Southern California. The house only 10 miles from the ocean so we don't get the brutal heat that mauls the cities just a few miles further inland but it can still get hot enough by June that I have to run any air conditioner to cool the garage. That AC unit costs about $500 a month to run. Plus, June is when thrips about. Add in the fact that I don't need a summer grow so I have to backwards plan my grows to make sure that the Spring grow is done by mid-May and that means the Fall grow has to start at least 110 days before that.

Grow plan is to maximize light and maintain VPD, nutrient strength, and pH at optimal levels. Until the second week in flower, I'll try to keep ambient temps as high as 85/30°. By the second week of flower, the plant will have built out the plant structure and, at that point, I'll drop the temperature <78°.

Lights are 330 watt veg and flower lights from Growcraft. I used a Vipar XS 1500 and a Rapid LED Royal Blue puck at the start but switched to the veg light on day 14. The blue heavy spectrum of the veg light will help keep that plants compact.

Original Glue feminized photoperiod, purchase from Nirvana in the summer of 2024. I've grown this strain from Nirvana before so, after the Back to the Future seeds crapped out, I decided to go with them again.

Dropped five seeds on 9/18 and all five germinated the next day.

Genetic Makeup:
Hybrid-Chem's Sister x Sour Dubb x Chocolate Diesel

Growth Stage:

Pot/Bucket Size:
Superponics 12XL. Measures 40" x 23" x 14". 35 gals total, 28 gals usable. Filled to 1/2" from bottom of 3" net pots.
I made a new top for the res out of 3/8" HDPE (plastic) which will make maintenance easier.

Tent Size:
2' x 4' x 8'

Grow Space:
Garage in Southern California

How Many Plants:


RO water stored in a 50 gallon cistern

Jacks 3-2-1 mixed IAW the current feed schedule at 3.79-2.52-0.99. Per the approach detailed by @Farside in his thread "Growing with Bloom Nutes", I'll be using the same mixture throughout. In addition to Jacks, I'm using a potassium silicate silica supplement and Souther AG Fungicide (in place of HydroGuard).

Room/Tent Temperature:
Outdoor temps are pretty mild and the garage temps are from the low 70's to the mid-80's.
Garage floor temp under the tent is 72°± due to crap SoCal suburban home construction. This helps keep the tent warm.

Relative Humidity:
50% to 80%

Seedling at 0.8, veg at 1.0, flower at 1.2-1.5

Media/Res PH:
I've maintained grows at 5.8 in the past but the latest info from Bugbee is that he grows at 6.0. That works for me.

I've had thrip infestations when grows run as late as May or June. I don't anticipate any pests for this grow.


PAR Meter: Apogee MQ-500 calibrated by Apogee 8/22
Light Meter: Uni-T
Air temperature: AC Infinity Controller 69 ("ACI" and "C69")
RH: C69
pH: Bluelab monitor in the res + Bluelab pH pen. Note: the wire for a Bluelab pH probe is not rat-proof. But it turns out that rats aren't 2 x 4-proof so it evens out.
pH Doser: Amazon had the Bluelab pH doser at a really good price so I took the plunge.
EC: Bluelab monitor in the res + Bluelab EC pen when making nutes
VPD: C69

Thanks to the C69, I no longer have to babysit RH to control VPD. The C69 controls Hugh, the ACI humidifier. One of the advantages of the ACI humidifier is that, when it's used with the C69, it has 10 levels of mist so it can be set to add RH very slowly or even continuously to the tent.

With the purchase of the C69, I was able to retire my PulseOne, two Inkbirds, and the humidifier that was controlled by the RH Inkbird.

Over the Summer, Pulse sent me a promo for the PulseZero so I'm using that in tandem with the C69.

They have moved in concert for the time that I've had them in the tent but the C69 responds much faster and updates the app every second.

Seedling at 0.8, veg at 1.0, flower at 1.2-1.5

Whynter 14000 BTU portable. If I never use it again, it will be too soon.

Waykar 4500 sq. ft. model. Will need to run this in flower. Winter-Spring is typically moist in SoCal and I lost my Spring grow this year to bud rot.

ACI variable speed oscillating tent fan
ACI variable speed tent fan
ACI 4" inline fan
Two USB powered desk fans
Two 6" clamp on fans that I had before I went uptown with AC Infinity

Trellis: Scrog Pro 2' x 4' and ACI 2' x 4' net

Misc. Eqpt.:
Trupow 1/10HP 330GPH electric pump for res swaps. I only swap the res every few weeks but no way I'm going to hump 28 gallons of nutes.
Good Ideas Imp-L50-TC Impressions Palm Rain Barrel (50 gallon cistern)
HydroLogic 150 GPD RO unit
Active Aqua AACH10HP Water Chiller Cooling System, 1/10 HP
Wyze Web cams
GH Down
Chemboys Up (much stronger than GH Up)
Kasa Smart Strips are used to for scheduling and/or controlling power to all electrical devices in the tent. I did mechanical timers in 2017 and, after a power outage, I set them incorrectly and the plant revegged. No mas.
Grow journal is in Excel. I've considered with writing my own (I've been writing software for a living since the early 90's) but Excel does just what I need.
I "made" a dryer from a Koolatron wine fridge and a Pohl Schmitt along with a spare AC Infinity controller. I used it for my Spring grow this year and it works flawlessly.
A bottle of CalMag that I use as a doorstop.
Day 19

Plants are just seedlings so not much happening. Per the blurb above, this is my second set of seeds, the first ones didn't germinate or looked poorly so I replaced them with the Original Glue.

Three in the tent now but will take one out in the next week or so.

The new res top will be on tomorrow so I'll post pictures and add some verbiage then.
Day 20

"installed" the new res top.




There's a hinged "portal" across the front that I can raise or detach. That will make it easy to check the roots and when doing a new res.

There are holes across the back for the hose for the doser, the power cord for the water chiller pump, the two hoses going to and from the chiller, as well as the wires for the pH doser and the Bluelab monitor. I cut them all to 1 ½" so I could put in grommets for running wires into desktops.

That's a big bucket, eh?

The wires hanging down aren't in the res. It does look strange.

The little white matchbox looking thing is a PuseZero. The wire to the right is for the AC Infinity controller.


That's the access flap.

I compared these plants to my 2401 grow and they look to be about 4 days "smaller". I ususally top at 21 days but these plants are 20 days from the day the seed popped. is that the right time to start the clock?

I just don't see how I'll be topping these in the next day or two but it's funny it's been 5 months since the last grow so I've got to get my "sea legs" back.

Everything's ticking along.

The fan on the left is running at 2/10

Water is 68± (depends on which thermo you read)

pH is set on 6.0 and the doser has added 5ml Down in the last day

PPM is 360/500

I've ramped up the light fairly quickly. They're at 470µmol with a schedule of 24/0 so the DLI is 41mols. Hang height is really low so the Growcraft is only running at 109 watts. The driver is hanging in the tent and I lowered it to about 1' above the light because I want to keep temps up.

Tomorrow, I'll bump PPFD a bit and see how they handle it. I should be at 600 in the next few days.

It's getting chilly here in SoCal. We've had some days in the 80's recently but that warm spell will be gone in a couple of days and we'll have highs in the low-mid 70's and lows in the low 60's and 50's.

I've set VPD at 1.0 and the C69+humifier has done a great job. Temps have varied from 85 to 78 an I'm hoping the driver will be able to keep temps closer to 85.
Day 22
And the beat goes on…

They grow pretty quickly once roots are in the water. The root structure is pretty good but the veg light does a really good job of keeping the plants short. The plant in the center is only 4" tall but it might beat the fourth node already. The photos below show how dense it is under the leaves.


I've kept the tent below 80 most of the time and that means I've got to get RH down a bit if I want to keep VPD at 1.0. I've got the Waykar running and the little Pohl Schmitt tent-sized dehu arrived today. My preference is to keep the tent zipped up since that gives me more light in the tent and keeps the tent warm.

But now that I'm shooting to keep temps at 78-80, I'm leaving the tent open so I'm not getting the light bouncing off the tent flaps.

Problem, problems, eh? :)

Light started where I was for grow 2401 but I've ramped it up more in the last few days. At 0900 today, I went to 698µmol and set a 30 minute timer to check on the plants. Sure enough, when I checked 30 minutes later, some of the leaves on one of the plants was start to taco so I dropped PPFD to 634µmol.

From my grow journal (Excel)
=AVERAGE(691,708,694). <=== 0900 values

=AVERAGE(634,622,645). <=== 0930 values

The plant that was reacting was at 708µmol so I dropped the wattage by about 10% and that got me to 634.

I'm running them 24/0 so the DLI is pretty good considering we're at the 3 week mark.


I'll check tomorrow and see if I'm at the fourth node. If so, I'll top the plants and will pick out one of the plants to leave the tent. Even with lotsa blue light, when I swap in the flower light, growth really takes off.

In past grows, I've LST'd the plants, the goal being to spread them out to fill the tent and to create an even canopy. After having done a few grows with just one plant, I found I wasn't able to fill the tent, so I decided to go with two plants this time. I'll still LST the plants but I've got <24" per plant which is a big change.

I bumped the nutrient PPM from 360/500 to 420/500. The "420" was a coincidence. When I swap a res, I make a 4 gallon batch of nutes before I mix the full 28 gallons and so PPM went from 360 to 420 when I dumped in what was left in the 4 gallon batch.

pH has been rising, going back 4 days which is pretty much when I got roots in the water. The doser is set to 6.0 and its daily dosages have been 4, 5, 0, 2.6 ml of Down. That's a fair amount, it seems but Jacks only uses one type of N (the "not ammonium" type) so that could be driving the up the Down usage <--- see what I did there! :)


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