For the most part, plants are doing well. Per the “Res Closeup”, Jeff continues to dominate the skyline, Winnie is crouched down on the center right (I’ve drawn a circle around her), and Mary is sprawled over the left half of the res. Mary is, roughly, 12” tall; Jeff is, for the most part, 36” tall. Nice even canopy, eh?
Thinking of which - I’ve had the X3 running at 300 watts for a few days. Per the light distribution attachment, quite a bit of the canopy is getting > 900 µmols, which seems to be the level above which cannabis cannot absorb light barring CO2 enrichment. That’s fine by me - even at the award winning prices for electricity in South PRC, the additional cost is, at most, a few dollars a month. My main concern is ensuring that the grow is getting enough light without any damage to the plants and I think I’m hitting that mark.
pH continues to drop. I’m adding Up three times a day. AM reading has been 5.5 to 5.7, varying with when I take a reading, so I Up it to 6.0 which drops to 5.7± by mid-afternoon which gets another 3 ml Up which drops to 5.7± by 2300 which I up to 6.0±. Lather, rinse, repeat. I’m still on the fence about the doser. If anyone’s interested (hah, hah), the Bluelab doser with the Connect ability is currently cheaper ($421) than the doser without the ability to use the connect dongle ($441). Supply and demand - quite something, eh?
Per attachments, some of the leaf tips on Mary are damaged. It looks like nute burn but the EC has been between 0.74 and 0.8 - that’s a reading from the Bluelab monitor which is reading 40 PPM high compared to the pen so the really EC is down around 0.66. Wow.
Time for a res change and, since the plants are well into flowering, I’m wondering if the NPK values need to be adjusted. Perhaps
@FelipeBlu could weigh in on that?
I’m sorta getting used to my new growing style - I call it “HOG” for “hill of green”. Seriously, it totally sucks. I’d much rather have a couple of LST’s plants with colas coming up from a 12” tall plant that 24” wide than a gangly, 3’ tall plant that has stems reaching every everywhere. Strangely enough, Jeff has been topped, LST’d, and super cropped yet the plant is still 3 times the size of the other two.
The “Tent Frontal” shot - just added that because it’s nice to have the tent open. The dehumidifier keeps the RH at 40± and the garage is still pretty warm so it’s easy to have maintain a VPD of 1.3 to 1.4. The Pulse is reporting 78.6°F and 64% RH.