
Did any one know about some techniques in end of week 6 or week 7 witch I take all the leafs from the plant and live like that so the bottom buds can see the light and become more mature something like that ? Or that's another bullshit
Those leaves are solar panels for the adjacent Bud.
That will remove the energy source and fek the buds outcome. :Namaste:
Plus if you defol now the plant thinks it's being eaten by a deer or something.
It produces a hormone in defense.
This reduces growth untill that hormone dissipates. :eek:
Again reducing the final size of your buds.
I'd recommend you leave your hands in your pockets and stop watching you tube.:rofl:
I don't make money from views.;)
The stuff your absorbing can be unproven nonsense :oops:
Your doing the right thing getting a second opinion.
See what anyone says after me.

-Everything still dialed in ok?
Or you screwing around with that too?
If things are dialed in I don't touch a thing on them or controls.
Especially in a critical swelling point in flower.
My girls are bushy A.F. huge, healthy, and give me great hard nugs.
Get this baby to the finish line :cheer:
Hope your having great Day my friend.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
My first coco medium room, obama runtz. 16n flowering temperature 82n83 co2 1350 and 72 75 rh. I'm in love with


Thanks everyone for the knowledge and skills you sharing with me every time when I have a problem I couldn't do it like that without your information @013 @bluter @Bill284 and everyone else
Coco for the win.:cheer:
Looks fantastic my friend. :thumb:
Do you have a drying room set up ready to go?

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
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