
What's your.guys opinions





Keep it Amigo.:thumb:

Stay safe
That strain was way too leafy. The bottom buds will won't develop if the light won't rich them

Remove bottom buds, allowing plants to devote resources - including the energy provided by those green "solar cells" that you've gone to war with - to their upper buds. Grow and harvest larger top buds. Problem solved.

Confucius says, "Removing leaves from tomato plants does not lead to requiring more bushel baskets on harvest day."
i'm with @TorturedSoul on this one. same as @013. anything that doesn't make the canopy i've removed by now, letting the plant build the upper 2/3.

good news is you've got plenty of plant to get you to the end. defol wasn't too heavy at all. should be no problem.
i'm with @TorturedSoul on this one. same as @013. anything that doesn't make the canopy i've removed by now, letting the plant build the upper 2/3.

good news is you've got plenty of plant to get you to the end. defol wasn't too heavy at all. should be no problem.
I won't drink beers today then.. it was hight stress to think about that defolition
I won't drink beers today then.. it was hight stress to think about that defolition

lol. it'll be fine. i was worried they got stripped. there's plenty left.
I won't drink beers today then.. it was hight stress to think about that defolition

Yet another fine example of troubleshooting by inches on the forum; I KNEW we'd get to the root of the problem, sooner or later. When it comes to alcohol, one should only drink single-malt Scotch whisky that is at least 21 years old. Unless one is currently engaged at hauling blocks for a pyramid-builder, that is - because good Scotch should not be consumed by the gallon.


Don't stress unnecessarily. Your plants look fine, and will produce much bud. I realize that yours is a "production" garden and that, therefore, you may feel that it would be too costly to experiment with it. However, it might be useful (as well as interesting) to mark a few small groups of plants and to do just that... remove everything below the canopy on one group, remove (mostly - accidents happen ;) ) just the bottom(ish) flowers from another, and leave those flowers but pick enough leaves off so that light can get down there on a third. And then track the gross weight harvested from each (also track the dollar amount they sold for, I suppose), in comparison to the overall crop harvest. Strain choice will have some effect on the numbers, methinks, as will the relative density of your planting (e.g., how many plants you stick in the space / how closely). <SHRUGS> I suppose the amount of labor hours required for each, and the labor rate will play a part, too. You might end up discovering that there is one clear "best" way to do a thing, in regards to those specific lights and strains - and that it turns out to be a different way than you had assumed. Or not, who knows. . . .
I was doing under thw hps 0 defolition and comes out 4.2 lbs per 1150 wats gavita . Some times 3.85. But u also find out that 4.2 or 3.85 are not the best quality. The clients complain about the smallest bud in the bag. For exem they want only big buds and kinda force me to take all the smal Buds from the bottom so the energy comes to the top only but that's not optimal for me cause when I take the bottoms and more leafs from the top my bottom Buds become little bigger and more mature and I can sell them more easy. But every time when I make defolition I find out i come with 20% less quantity but the products looks more even in the bags so it's easy to sell. That was 2014 when I was working under hps. Idk about those leds but I think it will be the same. So I maybe make 10 lights with heavy defolition 10 lights with light defolition and 30 lights without any defolition. What do you guys think about that
I already drink 2 beers immediately after I damaged.hairs. so I really hope and will pray those plants to be fine it's only 80 plants but I don't like what I seeing
Anyone else here missing some hairs? Let's all have a beer. :laughtwo:

@Diyandimitrov Your grow is looking awesome!
Thanks that's the defolition ones



OMG feken brilliant :cheer:
You have everything dialed in nicely now.
Just keep you foot 9nnthe pedal all the way to harvest. :thumb:
Excellent work my friend.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Very nice setup. Plants look great.
A lot of fucking hard work in that shop.
I usually strip everything under the net, and only leave the top 4 fans on the main colas.( around 4 wks flower)Really helps my airflow and seems to drop my RH a little bit too.
I just hate trimming a bunch of little shit. Still my biggest challenge pushing myself to trim off more in flower.
OMG feken brilliant :cheer:
You have everything dialed in nicely now.
Just keep you foot 9nnthe pedal all the way to harvest. :thumb:
Excellent work my friend.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
I find out over 1000ppfd it's hurting my top buds but it gives me perfect ppfd to my lower buds so I kinda losing some cuality on my tops bud I win more quantity on my lower buds. And that's 12 hours day not 11. Wich means 38 to 42 dli it's give me perfect ppfd. Everything over 42 dli witch it's 950 ppfd on 12 hours day slow down my growth. Maybe it's just those rain mints strain. My gelsorbet a different room it can handle 950 1000 ppfd or 41 42 dli with no problem 24 day in flowering. That's my gelsorbey 24 day in flowering. Hopefully I can share some information and help you out with that like you guys help me

Very nice setup. Plants look great.
A lot of fucking hard work in that shop.
I usually strip everything under the net, and only leave the top 4 fans on the main colas.( around 4 wks flower)Really helps my airflow and seems to drop my RH a little bit too.
I just hate trimming a bunch of little shit. Still my biggest challenge pushing myself to trim off more in flower.
I also find out defolition all the leafs at once shocked the plants so if I make defolition again I start at day 21 finishing day 45. That's what my experience saying idk if I'm right or wrong
Did any one know about some techniques in end of week 6 or week 7 witch I take all the leafs from the plant and live like that so the bottom buds can see the light and become more mature something like that ? Or that's another bullshit
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