Deep Water Culture w/Clones - CFL's & LED's - Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Chrgrs, my PE sprouted today:


I was re-reading your instructions and you suggested putting them in the cloner as soon as they sprouted? Should I place the cube in the bottom of the netpot and put some of the media around it, or should I put some of the media underneath the cube, also? I'm a little worried since the concensus seems to be that I drowned the plants last time, that it's too early. What do you recommend?
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


Yes I would put grow media under & around cube, pack it in, then I would place into cloner as soon as sprout comes up to spread its first infant leaves. This is probably going to be today. Light should be farther then nearer to them & slowly bring closer as the first few days tick away until we get it as close as it should be during veg. Remember very weak nute solution in cloner, I would say 1/5-1/4 strength of regular veg strength nutes. Any other questions just fire away, good to see we are going to grow this time!! Just remember it seems to go so slow @ first but, it is just because of our excitement to grow! We move slow & we do not make mistakes! And before you know it is going like gangbusters! Talk to ya soon my friend & Happy Grows ~H~

Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers- the future of & best hope for real MJ Reform in Michigan & the whole USA!:allgood:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Chrgrs, thanks bro. Since you say to "pack" the media under & around, I'll use one of the cube inserts. It fits into a netpot and holds the cube. Here's a pic of one from my last try:


Should I have the water level touching the bottom of the media, or put it just below so only the bubbles hit the media?

Also, are you sure I should start the nutes now? I thought I should start 1/4 strength when it had it's 3-4th set of new leaves?

Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Oh....I almost forgot to tell you...I ordered the DMGZ this weekend so should have it by end of the week. :thanks:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Chrgrs, thanks bro. Since you say to "pack" the media under & around, I'll use one of the cube inserts. It fits into a netpot and holds the cube. Here's a pic of one from my last try:


Should I have the water level touching the bottom of the media, or put it just below so only the bubbles hit the media?

Also, are you sure I should start the nutes now? I thought I should start 1/4 strength when it had it's 3-4th set of new leaves?


Perfect, this is perfect. Should never have to touch or adjust after this. :tokin: Happy Grows ~H~

Medial Marijuana Patients & caregivers- the future of & best hope for real MJ Reform in Michigan & the whole USA!:allgood:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


Now we are coooking with gas! Another very smart move on your part, I must say I do not think you will ever regret it!! Dutch Master Gold Range Zone is the shizbot , baby!!! You can call me "H" if you like, everybody including my wife does!:Hookah::blunt:

Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers- the future of & best hope for rela MJ Reform in Michigan & the whole USA!:allgood:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Just jumping in and readin through. I wanted to add something about h202 and zymes, even though I think it's about as good as beating a dead horse at this point... Do not use zymes with h2o2, the h2o2 will kill the zymes and then that will cause major issues, clogging, gross gunky crap, etc. Pick one or the other, or something different all together. I have not used Dutch Master Gold Range Zone, and do not know what's in it. I am interested in learning more about it, and seeing how well it performs.
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


I agree with whole zyme thing, I just going to leave them alone. I am not exaggerating when I say that Dutch Master Gold Range Zone saved my grow (& the pics just don't lie)!; when I guarantee you 95% of the people out there would have given up!! But what would we learn then? I just can say enough good things about this Dutch Master line, I really am having wonderful results!!:goodjob: I still use the H2O2 but let it stabilize to water & extra Oxygen molecule; Hydro shop guys say 30mins to 1 hour can add but I allow to sit in RO'ed Water 18-24hrs(seems to still have a great effect with the air stone bubbles, they almost have a fizz sound there are so many):slide: I am posting some pics of day #9 of flower & you can see the hairs!!:wood: Thanks for stopping by & keep watching, since we have a 8 or so more weeks to go to see just how good they really are!!! Happy Grows ~H~

Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers- the future of & the best hope for real MJ Reform in Michigan & the whole USA!:allgood:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


Well Here we are on Monday & I get home from work, well I just am really happy how fast they're going. I credit it to the switch over to the Dutch Master Gold Range Line of products. I think I plan to use all their products, including the Gold Range A.P.S. & Replucator, since I am building a Aeroponic w/Air Stones Cloner. Well enough rambling, sorry been unwinding if you know what I mean!:Hookah:RoorRip:bigtoke::passitleft::bongrip::rollit: LOL!! Well shut up & show them the pics!!


HOG in Res #2

Hog In Res #1

Purple Kush in Res #1

Hawaiian in Res #2

HOG w/Hawaiian in background in Res #2

Talk at you later, gaters!!!:peacetwo::MoreNutes::rasta::Hookah:
Happy Grows ~H~

Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers- the future of & the best hope for real MJ Reform in Michigan & whole USA!:allgood:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


Well it has been a long week & I change a couple things up this week that I should not have.

#1. I forgot and added ph'ed water to my Foliar Nute, specifically says not to!
#2. Had extra nute water form Ph'ing last weekend & did dilute it but added it to the reservoirs during to use up
#3 I added Botanicare Calmag to res last week to try to use up, but for got there is a good amount of N in that & we are in flowering, so do not want N
#4 Foliar Feed too often over last 2 weeks trying to push things!! Dummy Me!!
#5 Found this morning that external vent fan was coming on @ 5am & dropping temps to 52F in tent!

These things in & of themselves, by themselves aren't that bad but add all them together + have plants that were really sick & you get a little situation on your hands!! I have flushed reservoirs with RO'ed + H2O2 + 3oz Clearex/res for 1 hour this morning. I stopped the foliar feeding until 1 more middle of next week to use up foliar water + will be close to time to stop foliar during flowering anyway; I have dropped that Calmag, dropped the Gold Range Zone to Moderate strength usuage, added more Sweet for stability, this has dropped the ppm down closer to the beginning of flowering levels, & carefully Ph'ed my nute water(only had to added 1.5tsp to get to 5.6) so as not to have any left over nute water. I have also adjusted timer I missed to come on @ lights on!! :smokin2:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


The Claw!!! This is the HOG & too much Nitrogen during Flowering, think it was the Calmag

This is also the HOG & it is I believe too much ferts & over Foliar Feeding!

HOG over fert!!

HOG over fert!!

HOG over fert!!

HOG over fert!!

HOG The Claw, too much N!!

Healthy HOG leaves!!

Healthy HOG leaves!!

Now I make it look worse then it is, it is only on less then 25% of HOG leaves, none on Hawaiian leaves & only have a couple curled up edges & litterally 2 or 3 light white spots on Purple Kush!! I will Take some more pics later today after flushes & nute change!!:cheertwo::wood::grinjoint:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


Well I had so much cough lock I fell asleep but I tooks some pics before I went up stairs. I will take a couple more today, but they look much better!:yahoo:


Cola starting to form on HOG in Res #2

Another Cola forming on the same HOG

Cola strating to form on Purple Kush in back of Res #1

Cola strating to form on Purple Kush in front in Res #1

Starting to bud up on HOG in Res #1

Res #2 & all looks good!

Res #1 is really starting to come along nicely!

Add more later, Happy Grows ~H~
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Chrgrs, thanks bro. Since you say to "pack" the media under & around, I'll use one of the cube inserts. It fits into a netpot and holds the cube. Here's a pic of one from my last try:


Should I have the water level touching the bottom of the media, or put it just below so only the bubbles hit the media?

Also, are you sure I should start the nutes now? I thought I should start 1/4 strength when it had it's 3-4th set of new leaves?


No do not starrt with nutes now. The new plant will will feed off the cotylons (mispelled). Wait to you see 2 set of true leaves and give them 1/8 of the recommeded nutes.
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Just found your thread and I have rad from thread one til now. You came along way with the root rot. Glad you overcame it. I myself use DM's gold and along with DM's add .27 in my dwc and aeroponics. Its some good stuff. Props for having a good detailed journal along with plenty of pics to view.
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Hey bro, its looking good dude. Take a swing by my thread when you get a second, I am a little worried about mold fungus, I need something to put in the res, I have to give them a spritz of that stuff today I think, gotta check when I last gave it to them. But I went in today and theres a smell in there, I dont know if its the soil plant getting watered last night or theres something growing in there. I dont see anything, what little roots my babies got look as healthy as they can I guess, pure white. The shop has hygrozyme or whatever you posted that was garbage so obviously thats not it, and I have some FF micro brew and kangaroots coming, hopefully they'll get here soon enough.

Thanks again dude....
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Just found your thread and I have rad from thread one til now. You came along way with the root rot. Glad you overcame it. I myself use DM's gold and along with DM's add .27 in my dwc and aeroponics. Its some good stuff. Props for having a good detailed journal along with plenty of pics to view.


Thank you for stopping by; Ya the whole root rot, water mold nightmare but I have to agree the Dutch Master Gold Range Products are the way to go. Thank you for the kind words. I am just trying to make sure I leave a good noob record, so hopefully others will find it helpful + good detail = good way to evaluate ones development in skill from grow to grow! I am going to switch everything over to 14 gallon reservoirs next grow to give roots some more room, man are they monsters!! Got to give props to Craig, Joe & all the others @ Dutch Master for some really worthy products!:welldone:
Stop by anytime, Happy Grows ~H~
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Hey H...just stopping by to send some good vibes your way. I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you, but don't want to hijack your thread either. Your plants are looking GREAT & I appreciate all the help! The DMGZ should be here today (holiday delays) and will let you know how it works out. I'll try not to forget to write! RoorRip
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


Well it is 2.5 weeks into flower & all is very good. Have been adding Botanicare Sweet Carbo Berry @ res changes & mid week waterings. Res #1 got 3oz & Res #2 got 4oz respectively. I do believe it helps with stress & lets hope it does help the flavor, because that would just be cool!!! Ph is running 5.7-5.9 & after adding 1 gal RO'ed Sanitized Ph'ed @ 5.4 H2O to each res with Sweet Berry ppm was 1240 in Res#1 & 1180 in Res #2 with a final Ph of 5.5 in both.


Purple Kush

Purple Kush






Here is a nutrient/ph chart for Hydro & Soil, nice to have I think if for no other reason then were lockout occurs!!!

Talk to ya all this weekend after Res change!! Happy Grows ~H~
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