Deep Water Culture w/Clones - CFL's & LED's - Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

:thumb:Ya I think these bubbleponic systems are prone to it but they can & do give explosive results. I would be honored to help out, if I can & can tell you for sure Dutch Master Gold Range Zone!!!!!! RO'ed water is a big plus, & like to super oxygenate the RO'ed H2O 18-24hrs before nutes & re ph. I am here & you can ask away anytime. ~H~:MoreNutes::goodluck:

PS- I will subscribe to your journal as soon as you start it.:peacetwo:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Chrgrs, great job on the grow...absolutely beautiful plants. I've just started my first grow and failed miserably losing my first two seedlings. Battling high temps, so you may have just sold me on some DMGRZ! Apparently the H2O2 & hygrozyme weren't enough. I might just be taking you up on your offer to help! Best wishes for continued success and a healthy harvest!
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Friday night & all is well! I forgot to update everyone on the fact that have added & couple lights to the tent. I had one of the blue LED bulbs burn out & I took the opportunity to upgrade the LED tracks by adding another blue(well not blue now, now full spectrum; manufacture did away with blue & says full spectrum white is better then blue) LED bulb + socket fixture to each, as well as replace the burned out bulb. Got the set up @ out of Minnesota I think. Plus today to help with side lighting I bought another 10.5" parabalic reflector light & added 2 Daylight CFL's both 27w ea @ 1750 lumens per bulb. Here is some pics & also included a pic of each of the really sick plants I took out of the system; I just put them in strait coco. I will post pics of girls after res change this weekend :blunt:

See the little white LED bulbs in the back

New reflector @ end of res #2

Teaser pic of res#1

This was the Hawaiian Plant that had the rot & it was the biggest in the first few pics on this journal, it's living though & maybe it will turn into a lollipop!:slide:

The sick HOG that I took out of Res #1, so cute a little Bonsai, LOL:rasta:

Talk to ya soon ~H~
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Looking good dude, glad to see its coming along NICELY......:goodjob:

Now I just have to get mine all set, I had some issues last night that I found at like 3am when I was working on the "big" grow room, I dont know what it was on the rock wool cubes but it just looked like something slimey and had a tiny stink to it, not noticeable unless you put your nose right on it. Anyhow I wanted to know what that stuff you have your resivoirs wrapped in that looks like silver bubble wrap is called I have been trying to find that stuff but no one knows what I am talking about when I ask at home depot/lowes....

Lookin very good though dude...... Congrats......
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Whitey, I believe that's "foil" tape. You can get it in the ducting section at your local home center.

Chrgrs, looking great. Thanks for stopping by my grow and for the help. Can't wait to see the pics after this weekend!
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Thanks guys! Foil tape on lids is foil duct tape from Home Depot, & the other wrap I had on the tanks was a wrap for water heaters & such gotten @ Home Depot by the Water heater blankets. :MoreNutes:

I am telling you Dutch Master Gold Range Zone & that this would be a non issues right now. :goodluck:

Any questions fire way, Happy Grows ~H~

Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers- the future of, & best hope for Real MJ Reform in Michigan & the whole USA!:allgood:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Well it sunday & it is time to update everyone after the res change & having our first week of flower under our belts. The girls have really grown in this week but before we get to that I have a couple things to say.

#1. You must RO your water, you just don't know what's in it!

#2. I am here for help & I will try to give you the best advise I can! I am not trying to tell anyone this is how you have to do things, but I am saying works for me & can work for you too!

#3. I love all these egotistical pricks that think cause they grew a little weed in there closet they are the shizbot! I want everybody to grow & mean everything not just MJ but veggies, fruits, flowers! I love to garden! I want everybody to garden! I just want to spread the love~

#4. I have swallowed the Dutch Master Kool-Aid & I think their shit is the best thing since white sliced bread, but that is my opinion! Although I think they made their line for everyone to be able to be successful @ hydro!

#5. With that being said I also think, what I have learned from OJT, that there are a few other things that are needed along with their products to have a successful high yeild, pleasent grow experience!

#6. I also fault from this too, because it can get so damn expensive getting up & going that we tend to take things a little too serious & only see the money laid out!; Have fun, this is suppose to be a relaxing experience! We will get you to were you want to be!!:wood::Hookah: ~H~

Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers- the future of, & best hope for real MJ Reform in Michigan & the whole USA:allgood:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


Well with that out of the way let's start with what we had left in res readings friday night & what we have done to the res water for the change to second week of flowering.

#1. Added 15ml of Dutch Master Gold Range Zone tuesday night watering

#2. Added 2oz of Sweet Carbo Berry wendsday night watering

#3. Foliar fed Dutch Master Gold Range Liquid Light & Saturator spray mixed to bottle instructions & sprayed to point of runoff Sunday, Wendsday & Friday

#4. Misted with RO'ed H2O to point of runoff every day that I did not foliar feed

Final res readings on friday night after adding PH'ed & H2O2 satbilized RO'ed H2O. Res #1- PH 5.7 @ 1240ppm Res #2- PH 6.1 @ 1090ppm:popcorn:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Thought I would post a pic or two on my tools I am using now!

Filter I am using, got it on ebay but guy has website & is super cheap compared; he is a very nice guy(had cracked filter cartridge & sent one with just pic of problem in email + made me a great deal with no shipping due to having a issue on a replacement set) replacement set cost me less then what local water softner place wanted fro just 1!!!!

The 2 pieces I had to get @ Lowes to adapter to my faucet, Homies did have them!

My online customized to my ppm meter & system Dutch Master Gold Range Feeding Schedule!

My stroage area for the tools of my hobby!:slide:

Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers- the future of & best hope for real MJ Reform in Michigan & the whole USA:allgood:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


Make up of Res water for 2nd Week of Flowering!

Ro'ed water with 5ml/gal Nutrilife H2O2 added 18-24hrs before use!
1oz Botanicare Silca Blast(change DM Gold Range Silca when gone)
2oz Botanicare Sweet Carbo Berry
15ml Dutch Master Gold Range Zone
15ml Nutrilife SM-90
1oz Botanicare Calmag(just trying to use up & only have couple oz. left)
2oz Dutch Master Gold Range Add .27 Flower
2oz Dutch Master Gold Range Nutrient A Flower
2oz Dutch Master Gold Range Nutrient B Flower
2tsp General Hydroponics Liquid PH Down

Had to add some plain stabilized RO H2O to get reading down a little to final reading of Res #1 1460ppm & Res #2 1450ppm with a target of 1442ppm
and both PH'ed right @ 5.5! Perfect!:blunt:

Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers- the future of & best hope for real MJ Reform in Michigan & in the whole USA!:allgood:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Wow, the things people have to go through to grow some pot. This being your first indoor grow word to the wise. I'm not sure you're going to want to hear this but it seems a lot of people on here have problems with Stealth Hydros. Something about all those plant roots in close proximity seems like you're asking for 1 sickly plant to make all your plants sick. I grow in DWC but prefer to use 5 gallon black buckets, aquarium air stones, and 8" netpot full of hydroton. I find the roots can get really big and spread out to become huge rootballs. As a organic gardener it really scares me to learn people are putting things like bleach in their reservoirs or even H2O2. I use that to clean my buckets after a grow and I am done using them. A page back you mentioned hygrozyme as a complete waste of money. I on the other hand have found SensiZym (prefer Advanced Nutrients) and Hygrozyme have been very beneficial in my grows. If I ever had foul smelling water or slimey roots a dose of SensiZym cleared it right up. As for fungus gnats, my other nemesis, I have found AZAMAX mixxed @ second lowest concentration into the reservoir works the best for preventing them from laying maggots in your roots. I have already made this post longer than it already should be. CFL and LED are not my specialty. As this is hydro and your first grow do make sure you flush your res for @ least the last 2 weeks if not 3 before smoking that ganja. Really helps the flavor on the final cure.
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


After a couple hours front HOG in res #2 got a little drooppy, so check water line to net pot & found a little clogged @ pot due to benny bacteria(see why I wont ever use Hygrozyme, Liquid Karma or any zyme in hydro again!)
And then misted everybody down with plain Ro'ed & stabilized H2O! She came back well within an hour & looked great by lights out time! These pics are from this morning & ph was 5.8 @ 1480 in Res #1 & 5.9 @ 1440 in Res #2.:popcorn: Without further ado!


Res #1

Res #2

Had to spread out the space between res again

Res #2

HOG has white hairs!

Another HOG Shot of different bud site with hairs

Whole mess!:blunt::slide::Hookah::MoreNutes:

Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers- the future of & best hope for real MJ Reform in Michigan & the whole USA!:allgood:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Wow, the things people have to go through to grow some pot. This being your first indoor grow word to the wise. I'm not sure you're going to want to hear this but it seems a lot of people on here have problems with Stealth Hydros. Something about all those plant roots in close proximity seems like you're asking for 1 sickly plant to make all your plants sick. I grow in DWC but prefer to use 5 gallon black buckets, aquarium air stones, and 8" netpot full of hydroton. I find the roots can get really big and spread out to become huge rootballs. As a organic gardener it really scares me to learn people are putting things like bleach in their reservoirs or even H2O2. I use that to clean my buckets after a grow and I am done using them. A page back you mentioned hygrozyme as a complete waste of money. I on the other hand have found SensiZym (prefer Advanced Nutrients) and Hygrozyme have been very beneficial in my grows. If I ever had foul smelling water or slimey roots a dose of SensiZym cleared it right up. As for fungus gnats, my other nemesis, I have found AZAMAX mixxed @ second lowest concentration into the reservoir works the best for preventing them from laying maggots in your roots. I have already made this post longer than it already should be. CFL and LED are not my specialty. As this is hydro and your first grow do make sure you flush your res for @ least the last 2 weeks if not 3 before smoking that ganja. Really helps the flavor on the final cure.

Appreciate the words of advise & yes I plan on flushing 14 days prior to harvest. Plus have been performing Clearex flushes periodically & plan to go to weak nute solution flushes after Clearex is used up! As for the Zyme of the week, I have used & am not into to it. It did nothing for me with the advanced issues that I had! In fact, with the Advice from 3 Hydro Stores & numerious post on line saying Hygrozyme & H2O2, made things worse!! The only thing & I repeat the only thing that worked wasDUTCH MASTER GOLD RANGE ZONE!! PERIOD!!! Yes I do think Stealth Hydro Systems are prone to water bourn issues. It would seem that they have started selling Physan 20 on the website, but I did not want to use since not for edible crops. As for bleach & such, did not use past plant fix stage & there will be so many res changes from then until finish, it will be a non issue! I plan in the future to go to buckets w/controller res or maybe waterfarms, not sure but am sure of one thing, I will master this form of Hydro before I move on & I will get my investment back on top of it!!!! As for the whole Organic thing, in my humble opion, Hydro is not a organic way of growing in the first place; & if I really could go organic, I would & just grow in the ground in my veggie garden or any one of my 6 different perennial beds!! Were I have my Blueberries, Strawberries, Lingonberries, Cranberries, Currents, Arctic Kiwi & Columnar Apple Trees growing!! I am a retired Executive Chef with a ACF Accredited Culinary Degree & over 20yrs in the business & I do not want to ingest anything that is not good for me, so you can bet I have done my research & will be water flushing for sure!! :goodluck::Hookah::MoreNutes:

Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers- the future of & best hope for real MJ Reform in Michigan & the whole USA!:allgood:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

It seems you are well on your way to mastering the art of hydro. :goodjob: Your plants are looking much better than when you first got them. After looking at the first set of pics I wasn't sure those clones were going to make it. Just yesterday I got a hold of purple Kush x 2 and a Great White Shark Clone from the local collective. I wanted to put them in DWC but it would have involved washing the dirt off the root ball and although I've done that before I figured I would grow them out for 4 months and then take clones and use the clones I just got as mothers. I smoked some dried buds of the purple kush when i got them and it was pure purple grape tasting goodness. Purple strains have their own following I suppose. Like some people like Haze I like the purps and am always on the lookout for new blue and purple gear to add to my quiver. I already have 2 hashplant mothers, and just started flowering a 3rd in a Smart Pot under a HPS 1000 Sun Master, a Warlock mother (the lock in Rocklock) and I am growing 5 plants total in DWC. Warlock is an amazing strain and the only reason I got the clones was the guy who had them had too many and gave me 2 of them. Thank god he did because they are amazing plants that grow very fast and look like they have very good genes. Once you've been growing for a while you can tell when a plant has crappy genes from too many crosses or whatever. Once you get a hold of a strain with good genes it will outproduce the other plants its grown with even if they are treated the same. There is a saying. A slow horse and a fast horse eat the same amount. One other Sativa/Indica cross I am growing is Carnival which is a strange strain crossed in Spain. The leaves turn almost white when flowering and is reported to have 22% or higher THC. Even the stems of the leaves and branches have THC glands on them LOL. It has a very unique fuel smell, and usually stay away from Spanish breeders but this plant looked more Indica so I gave it a try. The roots on that plant are amazingly dense and big. This is my first time growing Haze and it is HUGE and bushy. Looks more Indica than haze and the branching is very unique and uniform. I like DWC and made some home made waterfarms by taking the drip ring and collar and putting it through a netpot and also adding airstones. I also run a GH Waterfarm but I think they are not that great. Black is a better color for a pot because it seems to cut down on bacterial growth and also you don't notice when it get's dirty. My waterfarm also needed to have twice as many holes punched in the bottom because they do not come with them drilled wide or enough holes and when you get later into flowering your Water farm can actually overflow. So, if you do get 1 of those beasts drill a ton of extra holes in it. I would recommend building your own from 5 gallon buckets (5 or 6 bucks a piece, sometimes cheaper on sale) and netpot lids (also cheap) and airstones (3 bucks a piece) and some tubing and check valves (5 or 10 bucks) and a air pump with two airlines (I like to use 2 airstones 3 bucks a piece, and an aquarium air pump about 14 dollars) so for about 20 bucks you can build your own and buy the kit which comes with the drip collar, its called the Farm kit for about 24 dollars. That is totally optional. Not sure the drip collar even helps that much. So for about 40 dollars a unit you could build your own water farm and it would be just as good if not better because you get a bigger zone for your roots. Fill it with 2.6 gallons of nutes and away you go. I want to read up on this Dutch Master Gold Range Zone. What is in it exactly? I will have to check out their website. I mostly use Advanced Nutrients or Gen Hydro and Fox Farm to veg. I have found some nutrients don't mix well with young clones getting out of transplant shock and the FF Grow Big has been a good one that all strains seem to like. For flower I have been using Connoisseur but that may change next grow. I think growing hydro is a lot easier than soil once you get it set up but you have to be very careful not to add too much nutrients. It's always better to be on the safe side and give them less and add more if needed. Also, that was really smart to get the RO filter. I want to get one of those myself. I need 1 badly as a matter of fact. I am on well water and the water comes straight out of the ground with no filter at yeah. I should probably get a TDS meter also. I only have a PH meter so I cannot test my EC or PPM. That's next on my list but I just got set back so much by Christmas, buying a bunch of stuff, a dehumidifier, a pellet stove, and a bunch of presents for my family. Hope you get some good smoke off those plants and keep posting pics. Cheers.
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

It seems you are well on your way to mastering the art of hydro. :goodjob: Your plants are looking much better than when you first got them. After looking at the first set of pics I wasn't sure those clones were going to make it. Just yesterday I got a hold of purple Kush x 2 and a Great White Shark Clone from the local collective. I wanted to put them in DWC but it would have involved washing the dirt off the root ball and although I've done that before I figured I would grow them out for 4 months and then take clones and use the clones I just got as mothers. I smoked some dried buds of the purple kush when i got them and it was pure purple grape tasting goodness. Purple strains have their own following I suppose. Like some people like Haze I like the purps and am always on the lookout for new blue and purple gear to add to my quiver. I already have 2 hashplant mothers, and just started flowering a 3rd in a Smart Pot under a HPS 1000 Sun Master, a Warlock mother (the lock in Rocklock) and I am growing 5 plants total in DWC. Warlock is an amazing strain and the only reason I got the clones was the guy who had them had too many and gave me 2 of them. Thank god he did because they are amazing plants that grow very fast and look like they have very good genes. Once you've been growing for a while you can tell when a plant has crappy genes from too many crosses or whatever. Once you get a hold of a strain with good genes it will outproduce the other plants its grown with even if they are treated the same. There is a saying. A slow horse and a fast horse eat the same amount. One other Sativa/Indica cross I am growing is Carnival which is a strange strain crossed in Spain. The leaves turn almost white when flowering and is reported to have 22% or higher THC. Even the stems of the leaves and branches have THC glands on them LOL. It has a very unique fuel smell, and usually stay away from Spanish breeders but this plant looked more Indica so I gave it a try. The roots on that plant are amazingly dense and big. This is my first time growing Haze and it is HUGE and bushy. Looks more Indica than haze and the branching is very unique and uniform. I like DWC and made some home made waterfarms by taking the drip ring and collar and putting it through a netpot and also adding airstones. I also run a GH Waterfarm but I think they are not that great. Black is a better color for a pot because it seems to cut down on bacterial growth and also you don't notice when it get's dirty. My waterfarm also needed to have twice as many holes punched in the bottom because they do not come with them drilled wide or enough holes and when you get later into flowering your Water farm can actually overflow. So, if you do get 1 of those beasts drill a ton of extra holes in it. I would recommend building your own from 5 gallon buckets (5 or 6 bucks a piece, sometimes cheaper on sale) and netpot lids (also cheap) and airstones (3 bucks a piece) and some tubing and check valves (5 or 10 bucks) and a air pump with two airlines (I like to use 2 airstones 3 bucks a piece, and an aquarium air pump about 14 dollars) so for about 20 bucks you can build your own and buy the kit which comes with the drip collar, its called the Farm kit for about 24 dollars. That is totally optional. Not sure the drip collar even helps that much. So for about 40 dollars a unit you could build your own water farm and it would be just as good if not better because you get a bigger zone for your roots. Fill it with 2.6 gallons of nutes and away you go. I want to read up on this Dutch Master Gold Range Zone. What is in it exactly? I will have to check out their website. I mostly use Advanced Nutrients or Gen Hydro and Fox Farm to veg. I have found some nutrients don't mix well with young clones getting out of transplant shock and the FF Grow Big has been a good one that all strains seem to like. For flower I have been using Connoisseur but that may change next grow. I think growing hydro is a lot easier than soil once you get it set up but you have to be very careful not to add too much nutrients. It's always better to be on the safe side and give them less and add more if needed. Also, that was really smart to get the RO filter. I want to get one of those myself. I need 1 badly as a matter of fact. I am on well water and the water comes straight out of the ground with no filter at yeah. I should probably get a TDS meter also. I only have a PH meter so I cannot test my EC or PPM. That's next on my list but I just got set back so much by Christmas, buying a bunch of stuff, a dehumidifier, a pellet stove, and a bunch of presents for my family. Hope you get some good smoke off those plants and keep posting pics. Cheers.


I have been looking into the making your own bucket system & I have to admit I am really interested!:hmmm: the Dutch Master Gold Range Zone has a total nitrate nitrogen(N) of .08%, Soluble Potash(K2O) .15%, Sulfur(S) .06%, Water soluble Copper(Cu).1% Derived from Potassum nitrate & Copper Sulfate @ rate of preventative 5ml/5 gallons or if issues aggrressive @ 12ml/5 gallons. They also have a beginner nute for clones call Ducth Master Gold Range A.P.S., I have not tried it but I am making a Aeroponic Cloner & plan on trying it, the also Have a non hormone based clone dip called Dutch Master Gold Range Replicator. I am also using their foliar spray Liquid Light & wetting agent Saturator with great success. They even got a product to turn your hermie back to female called Reverse!:bravo: I used the Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A & B with great success @ the end of Veg & will be using it until I have used it up. I then will switch over to the DM Gold Range Grow A & B, not because I don't like the Sensi Grow but because I have had so much success with their other products I want to see what a pure Dutch Master Gold Range Grow would look like! A meter is a good thing, I have a Hanna & Oakton both Ph & PPM. It sure make thing easier!!:blunt: Happy Grows ~H~

Medical Marijuana Pateints & Caregivers- the future of & best hope for real MJ Reform in Michigan & the whole USA!:allgood:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

I saw the "Reverse" product and it looked pretty cool, but it said it won't turn a male into a female. Does it turn a hermie into a female or does it just help prevent hermies and raise the % of females?

See: REVERSE Product | English
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


It will do both, spray DM Gold Range Reverse on mixed with DM Gold Range Saturator & it is a preventative for hermie, but if you wait until males flower show on you female plant(hermaphrodite), it will switch it back to full female & male flowers(pollen sacks) will fall off after a few days to a week or 2. I have read several threads on other grow forums were this product saved every grow it was used in!! Many under-ground commerical guys absolutely swear by it!!:reading420magazine::bravo: I will have some on hand if i do seeds & would rush my big ass right up to the Hydro store to get some if I see any signs of Hermie!!!:smokin2: All 3 Hydro stores in my area carry @ the very least Dutch Master A.P.S., Liquid Light & Reverse!!! Hum, I wonder!!!!LOL!!:wood::goodluck::Hookah:

Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers- the future of & best hope for real MJ Reform in Michigan & the whole USA!:allgood:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media


Another thought too, I have seen were sometimes using feminized seeds can lead to Hermie, due to being the way they produce a Feminized seed in the first frickin place. So, if your thinking what I'm thinking, it might be a real good thing for you & your feminized seeds!! Just a thought!!:goodluck::Hookah::peacetwo:

Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers- the future of & the best hope for real MJ Reform in Michigan & the whole USA!:allgood:
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

That's EXACTLY what I was thinking. I do know feminized seeds can be prone to hermie, but at the rate I've been going through seeds, it may not be too bad getting a male, especially since they're good seeds. Of course the problem is that I also understand seeds from hermies are prone to hermie, so, sooner or later I'm sure the Reverse comes in handy!
Re: Deep Water Culture w/Clones, CFL's & LED's, Coco Croutons & Hydroton Media

Ya getting a male would be cool, then could seperate & pollenate buds you want.:rasta: But bud that has some seed is a totally different thing then hermie bud, which I have had the displeasure of trying once when I lived in Cali. Trust me you don't want to go the hermie route, unless you have a larger grow & you are trying to produce your own commercial or in house seed stock!:Hookah::tokin::wood:

Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers- the future of & best hope for real MJ Reform in Michigan & the whole USA!:allgood:
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