Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY


In this pic, you can see all 3 of the Peacock Feather or Foxtail buds. They were very freaky looking to me. They are not desirable, but they are freaky to look at.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

This grow started as 15 seeds that were not feminized. 3 were a Big Skunk Strain, and 12 were Northern Lights. After Sexing, I had 2 Skunks and 7 N/L plants, that Vegged 5 weeks to the day. In a 5 gallon bucket, I had one giant Skunk that gave me 5 1/2 ounces and one runt that I did not weigh, it was so puny. There was a little less than 1/4 ounce from the runt, my hleper told me later. I let my helper have it to take home and dry.
I gave away all the sickly runts that were shaded by the bigger plants to my two helpers to take home and dry. I did not count the runt weight in my harvest weight.
In both tanks of N/Ls, I had a giant, a medium, and a runt.

Total yield that I kept was 18 and 1/7 ounces of dried manicured buds. I also got 4 gallon baggies very full of trim leaves, and 2 extra large shoe boxes full of fan leaves.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Taste? Smell?

This is my 8th and strangest grow I've done. I have many different varied HIGHS and many different TASTES from this crop. Much more different than normal or usual.

I am mostly smoking the popcorn buds during the week. I love to smoke a joint over several hours every night, and I normally smoke one alone, but my nice large buds kick my butt so bad, I can't smoke a half joint from the big buds. It gives me anxiety, makes me nervous and my heart races.

I have some buds that smell like honey suckles or sweet flowers and they taste sweet like honey suckles.. I have some buds that smell like cat urine or a skunk's spray. I have some buds that taste like Sugar and some that taste like Sandlewood smells. Some taste like pine sol or turpintine. Just really a lot of different Highs and different tastes.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

I dried the very small popcorn buds 3 and 4 days. The humidity was high so some took a 4th day to dry. The small buds the size of my little finger dried in 4 or 5 days. The larger ones 5 or 6 days, and the largest ones 7 or 8 days.
Again, it rained all week so I dried them a day longer than normal or average from my other grows in the past.
AFTER they were dry, I removed the extra stem from the ends and placed them in my wide mouth quart jars. Some I had to cut in half or 3 pieces, to get them into the jars. I sorted them and labeled them by size and strain.

Daily, I opened each jar, smelled them, stirred them and resealed the jar lids.
They call this "burping" them. After one week of curing, I emptied one jar at a time into a stainless steel bowl and weighed them and wrote down the weight of each jar. I burped them daily for 30 days in a row.

Two years ago, on the 30th day of burping jars, I found a moldy smell in one of my jars. I emptied it into a large bowl for a day, and later, a day later, it was OK. I have never lost a jar to mold, but I am extra careful.

I can not stress the importance of proper CURING. Everyday for 30 days, the smell, the taste, and the high improves and gets better.

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Gallon baggies, two more in the freezer now, chilling.


I dry my leaves in open boxes, until they feel dry, 2 or 3 days.


I had five full gallon baggies of trim leaves when I finished manicuring and drying them.

I have already processed two bags ONCE for extracting KIEF to make HASH. Those two bags are smaller now since I crumbled them and are now half the size they were.

To me, there are FAN Leaves, the larger lower ones for oil. Then there are the Bud Leaves, those indivdual leaves that project away from the buds on short stems. And there are TRIM leaves, the ones trimmed off the buds when manicuring.
One of my helpers kept throwing the BUD leaves in with the trim leaves when and while we were harvesting. Those Bud leaves and Trim leaves will give me Kief, to make HASH. Kief is removed trichomes, aka resin glands. AFTER the KIEF is pressed and packed into a cake or patty, it is HASH.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

It is much safer to DRY until the stems snap, but if you do,
they will be TOO DRY and have less sweet taste. With the moisture, goes the sugars. Too Moist, you get MOLD. TOO DRY, you lose taste.
Please go back and first read the start of this thread.

Bottom line, for a great sweet taste, either Flush them 2 or 3 days before harvest by using ONLY water and no nutes, OR Don't flush and do manicure them very closely, like I do. The chemical, grassy, hay-chlorophyll taste is stored in the leaves and not in the pistils or caylxes or flowers. I don't smoke the leaves, I cut them off.

I dry popcorn buds and fluff buds with NO stems for 3 or 4 days in 40% humidity, in darkness, in 70 to 80 degree temps, with the air constantly moving, but no fan blowing on them, just over them.
I dry small buds on small stems, buds like my smallest finger, with stems like the lead in a pencil, for 4 or 5 days.
I dry my largest colas on thicker stems for 7 or 8 days.
And I save a moist fresh stem to re-moisten the ones that get too dry.
I cure 30 days, opening the air tight jars daily for a fresh breath of air.

My jars smell like honey suckles, like sweet daisys, some smell like sandlewood incense, some like freash ground black pepper mixed with sweet flowers, some like pine sol or turpentine, all smell very sweet and pleasant.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

That is it!

I am a rich man, a very blessed man.

Stealth Hydroponics just lowered the price of their kits, but they no longer include the extension cords or surge protectors and they come with adn without lights. If you are a Deep Water Culture, you can use the word Deep Water Culture as a 10% Discount Coupon at their site.
If oyu would like to be a Deep Water Culture ask me how adn what it is all about.
If you need help or advice with your grow, that is why I am here.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Amazing thread Roseman.

I really really enjoyed following this thread. Hands down one of the most informative threads I have read so far. I've been studying these forums, and a couple other forums, for about two months now, and this thread really filled in a lot of grey areas for me.

Watching the step by step process, with your instruction, and commentary... its just really really helpful.

I used the first several pages as a reference guide for my shopping list, and I look forward to using this thread as a reference guide through out my grow, when I start next month.

I'm sure I can speak for a lot of lurkers (coming up on 10k views), and say Thank You.

I look forward to posting my grow for your approval. :dreamy:

haha this came out a little mushier than I intended.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Air Pump Post # 57
Air Stones Post # 21, # 42, # 46
Algae Post # 133, 135
Assembly of Parts Page 2 and Forward
Deep Water Culture Explained Post # 12, # 37
Bucket Set Up Post # 35, # 36
Buffers for pH Post # 24
Calibration Post # 19, # 20
CFLs Page 5, 6
Cleaning Meters Post # 16, # 17
Cleanliness Post # 14
Compare Soil to Hydro Post # 25
Cooling Page 6, and Post # 115
Cost Post # 65, 68
Crowded Post # 104, 128, 133, 197
Cup Covers Post # 67
Cut Fan Leaves Post # 131
Cutting Holes Post # 35
Cycles Post # 70
Daily Maintenance Post # 107, 119, 126, 144, 145
Darkness Post # 9
Deficiencies Page 10
Deliberate Stretching # 117
Determining Harvest time Post # 206, 207
Diagnosis Post # 133
Difference Post # 103
DIY Bucket Post # 35, # 36
Drain and Replenish Page 7, Page 12
Drying and Curing Page 15, Page 16, Page 17
Dual Spectrum Page 6
Expense Post # 65, 68
Fans Page 6
Feeding Page 7, and Post # 127
Filter Bags Post # 186
Fimming Page 8, 149
Flowering Post # 178
Flushing at Harvest Page 15
Foliage Spray Post # 116
Germination Post # 49, 61, 71
Harvest Time Post # 206, 207
Harvesting and Curing Page 15, Page 16, Page 17
Heat Page 6, Also see Temperatures
Hermie - Hermaphrodite Post # 201
How Much Light Page 5
Humidity Post # 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 115
Hydroponics Explained Post # 12
Hydroton Post # 59
Increasing Potency, GROWTH, Yield and Trichomes Page 13
Introduction Post # 1
Irrigation Hub Post # 29
Lid Prop Post # 139
Lights Page 5, 6
Location Post # 3, # 8
Lolipopping Post # 167
Looking at Trichomes Page 14
Lumens, Page 5, 6
Maintenance Post # 107, 119, 126, 144, 145
Male/Female Page 11
Manifold Post # 29
Meter Calibration Post # 19, # 20
Meters Post # 15, # 16
Microscope Page 14
Mistakes Post # 121
Misting Post # 116
Moisture Stress Page 10
Mylar Post # 26
Nitrogen In Flowering Post # 190, 192, 213
N-P-K Post # 6
Nutrients Post # 6
Nutritional Lockout Post # 133
Odor Post # 109, 110, 111
Parts List Post # 5
Peroxide Post # 135
Pesticide Post # 8
pH Meter Post # 15, # 16
pH Post # 22, 23, 24, 56, 57, 58, 120, 133, 179
PPM Post # 96
PPM Meter Post # 15, # 16
Preparation Post # 3, # 8
Pre-Soaking Post # 21, # 30
Pumps Post # 28, 141
Pythium Page 10
Reflectivity Post # 26
Reflectors Page 5, 6
Remove Fan Leaves Post # 131
Removing Males Page 12
Removing Water Pump Post # 141
Rockwool Post # 50, 5, 59
Root Rot Page 10
Safety Post # 8
Seeds Post # 49, 61, 71
Set Up Page 2 and Forward
Sexing Post # 132, Page 11
Size Post # 72
Soaking Post # 21, # 30
Sockets Page 5, 6
Spider Mites Page 10
Start Flowering Page 10
Start 12/12 Page 10
Stealth Hydro Nutes Post # 6
Stretching Post # 117
Super Cropping Page 13
Supplies Post # 5
Temperatures Post # 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 115
Tents Post # 26
Tips, Tricks, Trouble Shooting Post # 133
Tool List Post # 5
Topping Page 8, 149
Topping Off the Water Page 12
Trichome Color Post # 206
Tubes Post # 31, # 41
Water Post # 52
Water Pumps Post # 28, 141
Water Pump Filter bags Post # 186
Watts Page 5, 6
When Do I Harvest Post # 206, 207
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Amazing thread Roseman.

I really really enjoyed following this thread. Hands down one of the most informative threads I have read so far. I've been studying these forums, and a couple other forums, for about two months now, and this thread really filled in a lot of grey areas for me.

Watching the step by step process, with your instruction, and commentary... its just really really helpful.

I used the first several pages as a reference guide for my shopping list, and I look forward to using this thread as a reference guide through out my grow, when I start next month.

I'm sure I can speak for a lot of lurkers (coming up on 10k views), and say Thank You.

I look forward to posting my grow for your approval. :dreamy:

haha this came out a little mushier than I intended.

Thank you very much, bro. Your post and response is why I do it.

And hey, bro, you just "felt the love".
+ REP for you friend.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Roseman thank you for posting up where information is located. I'm going to add hyper links to each # you listed.
Edit hyperlinks completed. If anyone finds any errors please PM so I can correct them.

Air Pump Post # 57
Air Stones Post # 21, # 42, # 46
Algae Post # 133, 135
Assembly of Parts Page 2 and Forward
Deep Water Culture Explained Post # 12, # 37
Bucket Set Up Post # 35, # 36
Buffers for pH Post # 24
Calibration Post # 19, # 20
CFLs Page 5, 6
Cleaning Meters Post # 16, # 17
Cleanliness Post # 14
Compare Soil to Hydro Post # 25
Cooling Page 6, and Post # 115
Cost Post # 65, #68
Crowded Post # 104, 128, 133, 197
Cup Covers Post # 67
Cut Fan Leaves Post # 131
Cutting Holes Post # 35
Cycles Post # 70
Daily Maintenance Post # 107, 119, 126, 144, 145
Darkness Post # 9
Deficiencies Page 10
Deliberate Stretching # 117
Determining Harvest time Post # 206, 207
Diagnosis Post [URL=" Water Culture-tutorial-sh-kit-diy-4.111069/#post970955"]# 133[/URL]
Difference Post # 103
DIY Bucket Post # 35, # 36
Drain and Replenish Page 7, Page 12
Drying and Curing Page 15, Page 16, Page 17
Dual Spectrum Page 6
Expense Post # 65, 68
Fans Page 6
Feeding Page 7, and Post # 127
Filter Bags Post # 186
Fimming Page 8, 149
Flowering Post # 178
Flushing at Harvest Page 15
Foliage Spray Post # 116
Germination Post # 49, 61, 71
Harvest Time Post # 206, 207
Harvesting and Curing Page 15, Page 16, Page 17
Heat Page 6, Also see Temperatures
Hermie - Hermaphrodite Post # 201
How Much Light Page 5
Humidity Post # 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 115
Hydroponics Explained Post # 12
Hydroton Post # 59
Increasing Potency, GROWTH, Yield and Trichomes Page 13
Introduction Post # 1
Irrigation Hub Post # 29
Lid Prop Post # 139
Lights Page 5, 6
Location Post # 3, # 8
Lolipopping Post # 167
Looking at Trichomes Page 14
Lumens, Page 5, 6
Maintenance Post # 107, 119, 126, 144, 145
Male/Female Page 11
Manifold Post # 29
Meter Calibration Post # 19, # 20
Meters Post # 15, # 16
Microscope Page 14
Mistakes Post # 121
Misting Post # 116
Moisture Stress Page 10
Mylar Post # 26
Nitrogen In Flowering Post # 190, 192, 213
N-P-K Post # 6
Nutrients Post # 6
Nutritional Lockout Post # 133
Odor Post # 109, 110, 111
Parts List Post # 5
Peroxide Post # 135
Pesticide Post # 8
pH Meter Post # 15, # 16
pH Post # 22, 23, 24, 56, 57, 58, 120, 133, 179
PPM Post # 96
PPM Meter Post # 15, # 16
Preparation Post # 3, # 8
Pre-Soaking Post # 21, # 30
Pumps Post # 28, 141
Pythium Page 10
Reflectivity Post # 26
Reflectors Page 5, 6
Remove Fan Leaves Post # 131
Removing Males Page 12
Removing Water Pump Post # 141
Rockwool Post # 50, 5, 59
Root Rot Page 10
Safety Post # 8
Seeds Post # 49, 61, 71
Set Up Page 2 and Forward
Sexing Post # 132,Page 11
Size Post # 72
Soaking Post # 21, # 30
Sockets Page 5, 6
Spider Mites Page 10
Start Flowering Page 10
Start 12/12 Page 10
Stealth Hydro Nutes Post # 6
Stretching Post # 117
Super Cropping Page 13
Supplies Post # 5
Temperatures Post # 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 115
Tents Post # 26
Tips, Tricks, Trouble Shooting Post # 133
Tool List Post # 5
Topping Page 8, 149
Topping Off the Water Page 12
Trichome Color Post # 206
Tubes Post # 31, # 41
Water Post # 52
Water Pumps Post # 28, 141
Water Pump Filter bags Post # 186
Watts Page 5, 6
When Do I Harvest Post # 206, 207
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Absolutely amazing Roseman!!
You have outdone yourself this time!!
This tutorial is a bubble growers Bible!!!!!

:thanks: :goodjob: :thanks:
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Awesome Tutorial Roseman!!!!!!!

Special thanks to Geist, those hyperlinks make it ultra convenient! :thumb:
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

I have to say, this is the most complete guide I have ever found on the net! There's always something you need to refer back to and this makes it super easy! I also have to thank geist for tha links, way to go man!

And thank you so much Roseman for taking the time to put all this info in one place!!
:goodjob::goodjob::thumb::thanks::thanks: :welldone:
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