David-Ls Soil Kush/Cheese LED 90W UFO First Grow Journal - 2011

ok .. I've been reluctant to post photos .. they really look bad, I consider them a lost cause ...

anyways .. Day 59 from seed, Day 19 of 12/12 .

for the past 2 weeks I've been giving them fresh water and NO NUTES, I've flushed them twice as well....

I'm thinking of cutting / pruning of all of the dead leaves ... they have about 4-5 weeks to go on 12/12 and I'm considering re-potting them into bigger pots but don't really have the space for bigger pots :/

I should also move the lights back just like big budda said in the post above...

what would you do if your plants looked like this ?
and what could be the cause of this? only nute burn? or a combination of nute burn / heat stress and small pots?

Hello there, I was just catching up on your grow and I'm sorry you have had some trouble my friend.

I too had issues with my first set of clones and had to scrap them. Now I'm not saying that's what you should do, but If you are going to be leaving soon you may not have enough time for them to heal and to grow strong enough to finish.

Your setup looks good, I think with a little fine tuning you will be able to crank out some fine plants. A few things that I noticed that could be a factor is your humidity and your hanging fan.

RH for veg should be above at least 50% or your plants will drain the water from your soil fast, leaving behind salts and nutrient residues that can become too much for your girls and lead to nute burn as well.

As far as the fan goes, right now it looks as if it is level with your light fixture. From your photos, they appear to have some heat stress. The heat from the light may be getting blown towards your plants and baking them. I would recommend aiming the fan to blow a few inches over the tops of the plants or aiming it upwards towards the light to keep any heat from getting to them.

I hope this helps you some... I'm a new grower myself and understand your frustration and how much time you have invested. I have learned a lot on this great site but one thing in particular stands out that I learned from DocBud (He is truly a growing guru here)... The most important part of your grow is your grow environment. After that it's pretty much all down hill from there.


Holy shit man
They got very bad.If they were mine and it was my first grow attempt i would let them finish just for the experience.
To be honest i would say its a number of things:

heat stress
nute burn
small pots
lack of ventelation(maybe)
ph to low/high
cal/mag deficency.

There is so much that it could be, but you will never no.

The only thing you can do is when you start growing your next batch do things by half or even a quatar.

bigger pots
more ventalation
if its a small area use a light with low heat.

And remember when using nutes always do it by 1/4 at the start because you can always add more but you can never take away if its to much.

But as for now, just let it ride man, you went to all this trouble so you mite aswell let them finish.

Hope it goes well man.
wow ..thank you for the input guys !!

I will definitely change the things you've pointed out for my next grow,
I've learned a lot from my mistakes and from all of the helpful people of this forum (including you guys).

As for now, yeah I'm a let them finish up .... and I'll keep posting photos.

once again .. Thanks for all the help! I really appreciate it

I practiced with bag seeds after l killed my first MMj crop a while back. And that was after 6 months of diligent study on the journals and stuff on here and other sites online. It seems we all make "rookie" mistakes, and after we learn from them, they aren't mistakes anymore, they are just learning experiences...I went back to MORE studying, like hours a day, and followed the advice of the respected members on here who told me to practice with my bag seeds, then once I got some of them to grow, then move on to doing my MMJ again, so I don't waste money and time by killing my beloved plants...We can water too much too, that's a common mistake...I went with "Hempy" style growing, originally by "DocBud", then I read a journal by "BlueDog", who went with a mixture of like mostly perlite on the bottom of the Solo cups with a little Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil mixed with more perlite in the top half in the pot...so the roots get a little more to hang on to, and you get the preferred taste of a soil grow, but you still have all the advantages of growing with perlite too, like it's light weight, and the fact that it lets water drain right thru to the bottom reservoir of the Hempy cup (the space under the nail hole you put in the side of the cups/ buckets an inch or two up, to give the roots a water reservoir to grow down to, and that way they don't sit in water, so you can't over-water them). And bugs are not usually a problem when you're doing it w/ perlite...
Anyhow, just my two cents...so sad to see the girls go down like that. But don't feel bad, now you got your one bad experience behind you, and now it should be much better! I'm pulling for you! Check out my grow, it's the link at the bottom of my signature...you'll see how I also made my own big mistakes before I got it down and am now the proud mama of a dozen healthy and happy seedlings!

I am pulling for your girls to pull thru, or that if you have to start over, that the next one is a SUPER grow!

Bright Blessings:goodluck:
RVgrower : I'm definitely going to read through your journal, thanks for sharing...
yeah I need to look into my soil mix for my next grow and re-design my grow room to cause less heat stress on my plants.

Big Budda ;) thanks man!

I had the opportunity to take a few high-res pictures .. so here they are :
Hey there David-L, (by the way, I love this name, it's also my son's name....no lie!) Anyhow,
I think I saw you write up there that you were thinking of trimming off all the dead leaves....I would ask someone about that first, being as that you're in your like 3rd week of flower. I would be scared to as I don't think that's the right thing to do....when a plant (or tree for that matter...) is in a dormant stage , it's okay to prune, like in the late fall, when the tree isn't running with sap, and on plants, it's the same...they are making you some pretty little flowers you want to smoke in the future, so they need all their energy to make those flowers right now, and if you trim your leaves, that will divert energy away from that process possibly, and that would be bad. Now I am NO expert w/ cannabis, as much as I know it and love it for over 30 yrs now, I haven't seriously studied it's life cycle and needs till the last 7-8 months...but i did do work as a landscaper off and on my whole life, and always have had houseplants, and a garden or flowers or roses outside, and always have had trees..., and worked as an exterminator for 20 yrs, so I know a little bit about the lifecycle of living plants and things and they are all very similar........I really think you should leave them, they're not worried about those dead leaves right now, they are busy making you something better...the leaves will either crumble away as you leave it be, or if any remain after drying, then just trim them during your manicure...again, just my 2 cents, but I hope another older, oh excuse me, I mean WISER! grower will chime in on this issue, I think it's a good question for newer growers- whether to do any "trimming of leaves or grooming your plants in flower stage?"

What does everyone think? Am I close to correct, totally wrong, or???
Hey RVgrower, Yeh you are partially right,

When the leaves of a cannabis plant are dying/dead and you are after starting flowering the plant uses the energy to try and save that leaf/leafs and this causes the plant a little longer to flower.
Buy trimming the dead leaves or even giving them a gentle thug(they should come off very easy) the plant will focous more on the flower and not so much the dying/dead leaves.

But if you have a healthy plant with no dying leaves and you decide to trim the fan leaves or whatever the case may be, the plant will go into serious shock and you could end up loosing your whole plant.

Now dont get me wrong, some people do trim the fan leafs to get more light to the plant during flowering but they will always tell you that it has set there flowering time back by a couple of weeks,
Or in worst case ruin the whole plant.

Just dont over do it.

Hope this helps.

best of luck david-L:thumb:
yes you guys are absolutely right, I will only remove the dead leaves.

here are a few more photos , Day 69 (from seed) Flowering Day 32.

Day 77 from seed / Day 40 of flowering

Day 95 (from seed) / Flowering Day 58 (almost ready for harvest ?? )


although this grow wasn't the most successful , I learned a lot and I will definitely change a few things before I start my new grow ...

I'm going on a vacation now and have to harvest a little bit earlier so they can dry up before my departure.

I'll post new photos when they are cut / dried etc...

thank you guys for all the help and input, I've learned a lot !!
Thanks for sharing your grow with us!

Don't forget to head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too! :cheertwo:

I’m moving this to completed journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please start one here:
Journals in Progress

Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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