Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

The bottle says 1mil per gallon of soil. You may be confusing the 1/4 transplant/watering with a drench. Again, the bottle says 1 mil per gallon of soil being watered.

Since these aren't exact ready to be drenched, were only using a half cup of water down the top, my measurements make sense.

Yes sir that's exactly what I did. It's been a long few days lol
Here's where mine are at today:


As you can see, one of the replacement seeds has broken ground. As mentioned before, I simply sowed it right in to the same container as the other non-start....and it came right up. The other replacement still hasn't broken ground. So, we're 3 for 6 on germinating these seeds.

I did absolutely nothing to them today. No watering or anything. They're just doing their thing, growing roots, etc.
When my lights came on I had 2of3 of my new blue cheese pop as well. That was only 4 days since putting in soil and no pre water soak as well. And also didn't use the heat mat.

And on another note I finally got invoice for my new light and light is on its way. So these girls 2of the best passions and 2 of the best blue cheese will get the pleasure of growing under the bm god 9. It will be like a early Xmas present to them.
When my lights came on I had 2of3 of my new blue cheese pop as well. That was only 4 days since putting in soil and no pre water soak as well. And also didn’t use the heat mat.

And on another note I finally got invoice for my new light and light is on its way. So these girls 2of the best passions and 2 of the best blue cheese will get the pleasure of growing under the bm god 9. It will be like a early Xmas present to them.


So, hopefully the unfounded rumors that say that it's best to start seeds in non-high brix soil can be put to rest.
So gave the 3 passion girls all 1/2 cup of transplant down the top of pots.
And then used rest to water my other girls.

And holy friggen big bottles. Sorry doc don't think I'll be needing to order tp or GE anytime soon lol.

Almost didn't fit in my storage stand.

And sorry growth ionic to be correct lol

Those gallons are a bargain! Also, here's some industry knowledge:

When looking at nutrients of all kinds, note the weight per gallon. 1 gallon of pure water weighs 8.34 lbs. When you're buying nutrients, you want the bottle to be as heavy as possible....which means the product was not diluted with water.

Please note that both bottles are much heavier than water alone. In fact, they are the most nutrient dense nutrients on the market! Yup. I can say that, cuz it's true!

As for Growth Energy/Growth Ionic......it's a California thing. They didn't like the word "energy" and made me change it. They were cool with "magic" but didn't like "minerals." Microbes scared the hell out of them and they wanted an extra 1500 bucks yearly if I was to use the word "microbe."

CA may be full of hippies who like their organics, but when it comes to agriculture and fertilizer, Ag business owns and controls everything, so they punish those of us who would prefer to grow with nature.
Those gallons are a bargain! Also, here's some industry knowledge:

When looking at nutrients of all kinds, note the weight per gallon. 1 gallon of pure water weighs 8.34 lbs. When you're buying nutrients, you want the bottle to be as heavy as possible....which means the product was not diluted with water.

Please note that both bottles are much heavier than water alone. In fact, they are the most nutrient dense nutrients on the market! Yup. I can say that, cuz it's true!

As for Growth Energy/Growth Ionic......it's a California thing. They didn't like the word "energy" and made me change it. They were cool with "magic" but didn't like "minerals." Microbes scared the hell out of them and they wanted an extra 1500 bucks yearly if I was to use the word "microbe."

CA may be full of hippies who like their organics, but when it comes to agriculture and fertilizer, Ag business owns and controls everything, so they punish those of us who would prefer to grow with nature.

Yea Doc, that shit is ridiculous. Ok with magic? But not microbes... and can't use the word energy... just crazy man.. and you are correct... big AG and big fert companies do run the show... sad but true. And I love knowing now, that you sell the most nutrient dense products out there. Thank you for doing what you do, and at such a reasonable price. I don't think anyone here could be any more grateful.
Yea Doc, that shit is ridiculous. Ok with magic? But not microbes... and can’t use the word energy... just crazy man.. and you are correct... big AG and big fert companies do run the show... sad but true. And I love knowing now, that you sell the most nutrient dense products out there. Thank you for doing what you do, and at such a reasonable price. I don’t think anyone here could be any more grateful.

When we were negotiating our labels with the state and they balked at "energy" I provided several papers from CA state universities that specifically mention soil ENERGY and how to measure it.

You'd think the state of CA would listen to its own state universities....but nope. No such word is allowed on a bottle....but no problem using the word in research papers.

But, we're legal in all 50 states!
If those seedlings are in 1 gallon pots, personally, I wouldn't give them anything but JUST WATER for a good while. In about another week or 2 I'd start with brix at 1/2 strength.
Pretty much the plan.....except sometimes I give transplant, depending.

I'm trying to overcome the group-think that led a few astray and give a few tips and tricks in the process, so we can all get back to fake plants and silly weed.
If those seedlings are in 1 gallon pots, personally, I wouldn't give them anything but JUST WATER for a good while. In about another week or 2 I'd start with brix at 1/2 strength.

Yes cannatard they are in 1 gallon pots and will only get water for next few weeks. When I said I feed the rest of plants I meant plants from a different grow then this one.
Pretty much the plan.....except sometimes I give transplant, depending.

I'm trying to overcome the group-think that led a few astray and give a few tips and tricks in the process, so we can all get back to fake plants and silly weed.

Hahaha!!! I LOVE my fake plants and silly weed...So do many many others. People are "cutting" my weed with dispensary trash so its not so strong and they can smoke a whole joint. Personally, I cant even go past half a J and im well toasted for a good couple of hours at least lol. I dont smoke anything else but my high brix herb...It's a good thing :)
If those seedlings are in 1 gallon pots, personally, I wouldn't give them anything but JUST WATER for a good while. In about another week or 2 I'd start with brix at 1/2 strength.

We're about 2 weeks in after seeds popped out of soil.3 weeks roughly including putting seed directly into soil for germination
Hahaha!!! I LOVE my fake plants and silly weed...So do many many others. People are "cutting" my weed with dispensary trash so its not so strong and they can smoke a whole joint. Personally, I cant even go past half a J and im well toasted for a good couple of hours at least lol. I dont smoke anything else but my high brix herb...It's a good thing :)

What! Diluting High Brix Triple washed cannabis.!!!!..blasphemy! You need to pound some sense into them Cannatard. I personally relish the fact that I can reach my desired state of mind, with very few hits of High Brix cannabis. Then again a whole joint of HB weed is interesting also, depends on the situation.
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