Dark Matter, Red Sky, Chunky Cherry Thai, BP Skunk In LOS

Highya SO,

I think she'll pull through! It will give you more confidence with your next one! Your pruned mother presentation was very informative! It's always fun trying new things, then making it better next time.

Snowing up here, too. Supposed to be 2.5 in. Dusting. I made homemade pizza for the Super Bowl. It is sooooo good!! Enjoy your pizza and Happy Vapin'
Thanks Bode, we'll see how it goes. There's a lot to learn, all simple I think, but there's something to do all the time keeping mothers. I have to find the rhythm and get on board. We got 5 or 8 inches of powder over the last two days on top of a great one last week of 16 or 18 inches. Mother nature is dropping on us this month. Had a pepper and onion on super bowl sunday myself.
Spikes, babies and bonsais, on my!

Lot of interesting stuff going on here, @StoneOtter. :nomo:
Please contact your senators and representatives today and tell them how you feel today. Tomorrow may be too late! January 6th will be a way of life if things don't change. If we don't speak up, nothing will change and the insurrectionists will retain a seat at the table of lawmaking. Do it now! I hate to have to write this but have been around for a while and do feel strongly that if we don't do this in numbers today, folks in washington will let this go to civil war! I said civil war! The 6th was the start! It's what we can do. Make contact, your children will benefit in the future with any luck.
Good to know. I think I'll put my soil in the other one when I do it and see how it goes. These see Geoflora veg so far. Any reason you went with pro mix?
I use ProMix HP for everything for the last two+ years. I'm not sure it's available in Los Angeles any more (Lowe's stopped carrying it), so when my last bag runs out in a couple of months I will probably have to make my own per farside's tutorial here!
I use ProMix HP for everything for the last two+ years. I'm not sure it's available in Los Angeles any more (Lowe's stopped carrying it), so when my last bag runs out in a couple of months I will probably have to make my own per farside's tutorial here!
Thanks for the recipe, I'm using a bag of it from a few years ago for rooting cuttings in. I hear it goes stale somehow but it's still working. @farside05 did us a good there!
Thanks for the recipe, I'm using a bag of it from a few years ago for rooting cuttings in. I hear it goes stale somehow but it's still working. @farside05 did us a good there!

In the tutorial I used a wheelbarrow to mix in. I've since bought a 38 gallon storage bin from Home Depo. Makes it a bit easier having a larger container for mixing. They were out of 55 gal bins or I may have gotten it instead if the 38.

The last batch I made was during winter months so I used hot water from the kitchen faucet. I didn't want to freeze my hands off mixing it with water from the hose. It took 11 gallons of water to rehydrate the peat for 20 gallons of Faux-Mix® (15 gallons of peat, 5 gallons of Perlite, 2.5 cups of pelletized Dolomite Lime). 15 gallons of peat is approximately half a bale. You can use the 11 gallons of water as a guideline so you don't turn your project into a mud pie. Granted, if you get it overly wet, it will drain when you put it in pots. Just cuts down on unneeded messes.

Also in the tutorial, I used Espoma Garden Lime. I changed to another brand of Pelletized Dolomite Lime, which is available at Home Depot. Now I have a 40lb bag for the cost of the 6.75lbs of the Espoma brand.
In the tutorial I used a wheelbarrow to mix in. I've since bought a 38 gallon storage bin from Home Depo. Makes it a bit easier having a larger container for mixing. They were out of 55 gal bins or I may have gotten it instead if the 38.

The last batch I made was during winter months so I used hot water from the kitchen faucet. I didn't want to freeze my hands off mixing it with water from the hose. It took 11 gallons of water to rehydrate the peat for 20 gallons of Faux-Mix® (15 gallons of peat, 5 gallons of Perlite, 2.5 cups of pelletized Dolomite Lime). 15 gallons of peat is approximately half a bale. You can use the 11 gallons of water as a guideline so you don't turn your project into a mud pie. Granted, if you get it overly wet, it will drain when you put it in pots. Just cuts down on unneeded messes.

Also in the tutorial, I used Espoma Garden Lime. I changed to another brand of Pelletized Dolomite Lime, which is available at Home Depot. Now I have a 40lb bag for the cost of the 6.75lbs of the Espoma brand.
Oooh i have to check out bins! Mixing has a space issue here. Thanks farside! Edit: haha! I call them totes, got em.
Also I've tried reusing it on a current grow. I knocked all the mix out of the root ball and put it back in the bin. Figuring some of the lime was used up in the last grow, I only added half the original amount (so 1.25 cups for 20 gal of mix vs 2.5 cups). Gave it a good soaking after I put it in pots to flush out any nute build up. That processed seemed to work. The plants grew just fine. Not sure how many times you could do that process. Think I'm gonna keep to only reusing it once, then it goes into the outdoor garden.

Reused soil-less mix girls.
Well I got the first page and the last page. Just the gotta read the middle. Lol I'm getting it though. I'm here my friend. :passitleft: :goodjob:
Nice! Enjoy and relax. Don't let my recent blow out deter you. It happens on rare occasion. I'm good, just frustrated and scared like most here and have to express somehow. It's all about the weed and folk here!

Good morning. The future looks good in the nursery! They all got a node and look strong to me today. Just giving them a little water every couple of days now. Picking the cups up and weighing them for emptiness from here on.
And in the Nevilles Haze Zone she is ever so slowly moving forward getting budsites in the usual places. I gave her a flowering soil booster two waters ago and she was not happy with it and told me with some clawed fan leaves. I'll try plain water from here on, there's plenty of nutrition in the soil to get her to a big finish I'm betting. I just have to keep it moist and not kill any microbes before their time.

Finally the two stankberry mother trainers I root trimmed over the last couple days. They're making a comeback already especially the one from two days ago in worm castings. So far.
It's Friday and we're likely going to make it by anyone's standard! :yahoo: Have a great day and weekend! Listen to some music and shake your body if you can! Even if it's just your foot! And remember your Valentine(s)!:love::love::love:
Also I've tried reusing it on a current grow. I knocked all the mix out of the root ball and put it back in the bin. Figuring some of the lime was used up in the last grow, I only added half the original amount (so 1.25 cups for 20 gal of mix vs 2.5 cups). Gave it a good soaking after I put it in pots to flush out any nute build up. That processed seemed to work. The plants grew just fine. Not sure how many times you could do that process. Think I'm gonna keep to only reusing it once, then it goes into the outdoor garden.

Reused soil-less mix girls.
Some things thrill me and reusing growing medium is one for sure! I have some past grow soil out in the compost area that my daughter comes and takes every year for her veggie garden. She was animatedly surprised how much good it did for her veggies. I'm in LOS now so she's got to figure something else soon. Great info Farside!
Those babies look great and I'm so glad they have escaped the wrath of Mickey! Neville is moving at a haze's pace so that's standard, and I think even the west coast can coast into the weekend at this rate. :cheesygrinsmiley:
In the tutorial I used a wheelbarrow to mix in. I've since bought a 38 gallon storage bin from Home Depo. Makes it a bit easier having a larger container for mixing. They were out of 55 gal bins or I may have gotten it instead if the 38.

The last batch I made was during winter months so I used hot water from the kitchen faucet. I didn't want to freeze my hands off mixing it with water from the hose. It took 11 gallons of water to rehydrate the peat for 20 gallons of Faux-Mix® (15 gallons of peat, 5 gallons of Perlite, 2.5 cups of pelletized Dolomite Lime). 15 gallons of peat is approximately half a bale. You can use the 11 gallons of water as a guideline so you don't turn your project into a mud pie. Granted, if you get it overly wet, it will drain when you put it in pots. Just cuts down on unneeded messes.

Also in the tutorial, I used Espoma Garden Lime. I changed to another brand of Pelletized Dolomite Lime, which is available at Home Depot. Now I have a 40lb bag for the cost of the 6.75lbs of the Espoma brand.
Please post this update in your FauxMix thread so in three months I don't have to wonder where I read it!
Even if it's just your foot!
Or teeth :cheesygrinsmiley:
hose babies look great and I'm so glad they have escaped the wrath of Mickey! Neville is moving at a haze's pace so that's standard, and I think even the west coast can coast into the weekend at this rate. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Good to hear about the Neville. The lads I was growing with left us unexpectedly and there's only so much info on them. Slow and steady ahead!

I put the old soil from the mouse grow right back in the soil bin. Stupid uninvited rodents!
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