Dark Devil Auto: A Community Grow Record

So I thought id update my Dark Devil Auto. Here she is at day 78


And here she was an hour before



And here she is now




She had some great roots on her


She totaled 140g wet, I'll post the dry wieght in due course.

Mr Am4zin! Well done captain!:thumb:

I gotta run me one of those.
So so beautiful. Looks like a prime candidate for...NoTM. Colors so striking.:drool:
Thanks. I was a little ashamed to post it, seems really small to me. How tall is yours? Mine is only about 8 inches tall, although I have been keeping the lights closer than they recommend. I moved them up yesterday to see if I can get it to stretch. Makes me feel a bit better knowing I may not be growing a dwarf after all. Or am I?

First one is about 6" 23 days, second is 4-1/2" 23 days, maybe were both growing midgets.....


192 reflector is about 18" up with both veg/flower switches on
BB, no offense taken. I just wasn't sure what you were referring to. You and I are blessed with the CC-style soil recipe that makes growing such a joy. Your plants, more so than mine, demonstrate the strength of that mix.

BrixNewb, she'll get bigger. Keep the lights on her and watch her fill out. She's doing fine at this stage.

The same to you mb5200. Yours are looking fine and healthy. Keep them lit up and they'll surprise you.

Mr Am4zin...... Good grief, those are spectacular buds. Enter one in the next BOTM. What gorgeous colors! Well done. :high-five:

Keep up the great work guys. The end result, the expectation of the incredible high these plants offer, is worth every moment you put into them. After you harvest your first run you won't be able to resist doing another. They're a staple in my grows. Aside from the high, they're such beautiful and enticing plants to grow.
First one is about 6" 23 days, second is 4-1/2" 23 days, maybe were both growing midgets.....

192 reflector is about 18" up with both veg/flower switches on

I set the 300 watt old style Mars Hydro 12" from the Dark Devil and 18" from the seedlings yesterday. If we grow midgets at least we will be doing it together.

BrixNewb, she'll get bigger. Keep the lights on her and watch her fill out. She's doing fine at this stage.

Keep up the great work guys. The end result, the expectation of the incredible high these plants offer, is worth every moment you put into them. After you harvest your first run you won't be able to resist doing another. They're a staple in my grows. Aside from the high, they're such beautiful and enticing plants to grow.

Thanks for that Sue, I am glad you are here encouraging us. Can really change the mindset for a new grower like myself.

Mr. A! That thing is amazing, living up to the name! I had to show my lady, she is in love! Keep it up. Look forward to the smoke report.
Well, I'm officially a Dark Devil owner now. The seeds finally arrived!

Still some decisions to make and actions to take. Looking into some screening/camouflage plants for the outdoor grow. Some tall grasses, thistles, maybe even some sages should help keep the key plants safe from casual observation. There are some ragweeds that would be perfect, but I haven't found a place that sells ragweed seeds yet.

I still plan on growing one or two plants inside. I can probably get away with it in the attic, since they'll be done before it gets too hot up there. I just have to decide about the lights. I have a few clamp lamps and shop lights around here, maybe enough to do the job. I thought about building a COB lamp, since there's some good plans and parts lists available. Or maybe just go with a regular grow light, like a MarsHydro or something similar.

I'm thinking it would be better to just get a grow light. Trying to rig up a bunch of clamp lamps and shop lights means lots of cords and lots of hangers. One lamp, one cord, one timer seems a lot simpler.
Well, I'm officially a Dark Devil owner now. The seeds finally arrived!

Still some decisions to make and actions to take. Looking into some screening/camouflage plants for the outdoor grow. Some tall grasses, thistles, maybe even some sages should help keep the key plants safe from casual observation. There are some ragweeds that would be perfect, but I haven't found a place that sells ragweed seeds yet.

I still plan on growing one or two plants inside. I can probably get away with it in the attic, since they'll be done before it gets too hot up there. I just have to decide about the lights. I have a few clamp lamps and shop lights around here, maybe enough to do the job. I thought about building a COB lamp, since there's some good plans and parts lists available. Or maybe just go with a regular grow light, like a MarsHydro or something similar.

I'm thinking it would be better to just get a grow light. Trying to rig up a bunch of clamp lamps and shop lights means lots of cords and lots of hangers. One lamp, one cord, one timer seems a lot simpler.

Welcome to the Dark side:welcome: can't go wrong with Mars hydro
I did some LST to Dark Devil in order to get more light on some of the lower growth and bring the top level with some of the side branching. Most of the growth I am seeing lately is side branching growing upwards. The plant has remained about the same height.

Top View


Side View

I did some LST to Dark Devil in order to get more light on some of the lower growth and bring the top level with some of the side branching. Most of the growth I am seeing lately is side branching growing upwards. The plant has remained about the same height.

Top View


Side View


But those same de colas are looking fine BrixNewb. Keep it up. :high-five:


broke ground on 1/3

How ho.igh does she measure? Nice, healthy-looking baby there greenlid.

Wishing I could get some dark devil seeds to join.

What's holding you up? Seriously. PM me if you don't want to respond here.
Hi Rifleman , are the metal eyes around the top of the pot for training .

Just something I rigged up one day while I was sitting around. First time I have used the basket since. If she ever gets large enough I'll use them as anchors for lst.
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