Dark Devil Auto: A Community Grow Record

Beautiful deep purple pony pack dynamo! :D

Great to see so many growing DDA and sharing here.

Beautiful Kanda! :thumb:

I haven’t checked in with mine for a while. For a moment I thought this was going to be the green pheno, but just this last week a little pale pink is coming into the flowers. This makes me pick it as what Sue dubbed the ‘dusty pink’ pheno, which turns late and slowly getting progressively darker towards the end. We shall see. It started flowering on day 17 and stretched really fast and is a little under 2.5’ Tall from the soil.

I’m pretty excited :D
Beautiful plant!
Thanks @dynamo1 for getting me here via link, ive got a pair of DDA in 2 smarts going in a tent about 2 wks now. At the bottom of this pic.

They will prob be the shittiest plants in this thread. :hookah:

After 10 days of curing I'm getting a very strong, gassy fruit scent from them.
My big girl manage 5.28 and the little one 2.45 oz dry weight.
Nice first run for me.
:woohoo: :cheer:congratulations nice nug and harvest:goodjob:
Thanks dynamo. :love:
I had a lot of fun growing them. Even off of a 10 day cure it tastes really good.
I'll be back to growing more when I use up about half of what I have. Don't want to run out of this one.:yummy:
that’s a huge yield too off only two DDas. @Virgin Ground great job!
I have slightly less now. My oldest son visited and took the nicest nugs home. Lol

I'm 100% fine with it. I would do anything for that kid. Plus, he looked so happy pilfering my jars.
Plus, he looked so happy pilfering my jars.

Lol, memory lane. My brother is several years older than I am, so when I was 11 he was nearly 20 and about ready to move out of the family home. He was like the biggest cannabis (etc.) dealer in three counties. Used to carry bud home in a Hefty sack. He didn't want me grabbing handfuls of it, so he would set a few rat traps and place them just inside the sack on top of the pile. Because... I guess he figured I'd close my eyes before reaching in, IDFK. Anyway, he came sneaking in one night about 4am, wasted on whatever he'd been drinking a substantial quantity of and a 4 way of window pane (I later found out) - and I heard <SNAP> "Ouch, f*ck!." Then <SNAP "Ouch, f*ck!" Like four times, LMFAO. And that was the last time he ever put rat traps in his Hefty sack :rofl:.

There's might be a moral in that, somewhere. Don't do four hits of acid, probably ;) .
Lol, memory lane. My brother is several years older than I am, so when I was 11 he was nearly 20 and about ready to move out of the family home. He was like the biggest cannabis (etc.) dealer in three counties. Used to carry bud home in a Hefty sack. He didn't want me grabbing handfuls of it, so he would set a few rat traps and place them just inside the sack on top of the pile. Because... I guess he figured I'd close my eyes before reaching in, IDFK. Anyway, he came sneaking in one night about 4am, wasted on whatever he'd been drinking a substantial quantity of and a 4 way of window pane (I later found out) - and I heard <SNAP> "Ouch, f*ck!." Then <SNAP "Ouch, f*ck!" Like four times, LMFAO. And that was the last time he ever put rat traps in his Hefty sack :rofl:.

There's might be a moral in that, somewhere. Don't do four hits of acid, probably ;) .
Sounds like something my dumb-ass brother would do. He wouldn't need the acid though. He has a natural talent for such things.
:circle-of-love: world’s best mom!
I'm a push-over. Oldest one is super spoiled by me.
Poor little thing...rain, hail, wind and she still lives. I had to move her into the greenhouse though. She’s a tough one, I’ll give her that.

what maker is that greenhouse. We have glass like that in our house-horizontally oriented. Looks nice.
what maker is that greenhouse. We have glass like that in our house-horizontally oriented. Looks nice.
I got it off Amazon 6 years ago. Not sure who made it, but it’s lasted. I like it for sure.
Nice Amy! Looking green to me, but I’m sure the photo doesn’t do justice.

im not even sure if I should go on updating here, but for continuity’s sake I will..ive been calling this girl mystery plant. Today is day 13 of 12/12, day 76 from sprout. I will say she smells like a DDa already...

Day 81

Opened up my 3X3 tent the other morning to check on my DDA2 and noticed some white specs on the black lid of my DWC bucket. Didn't take long to realize I had pests. It was contained to a few lower buds on the plant but I decided it had to come down @ day 72.

DDA2 6202020.jpg

Main Cola
DDA2 Main Cola 6202020.jpg

DDA1 is not what I consider a beautiful plant "from a distance" but up close the buds are a deep purple color. Its hard not to stare.
DDA1 6202020.jpg

DDA1 Flower 6202020.jpg

She has been on a plain water diet since last Tuesday so in a week or so I'll be chopping.

I feel my Northern Lights capsule kicking in so Saturday is off to a good start. Have a great weekend everyone!

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