Dank's Adventures In Dankland

Haha! Bored AF here too! Bout to harvest a plant because I'm bored. LoL

White OG is coming down tonight... just waiting for my trimming area to drop below 90°. LoL
Trimming is bad enough, I don't wanna do it while sweating.

Bout to burn a little blunt of Dreamberry for now...

Hey P what's the top dress you have on your pots. Is it a fungas gnat barrier
Hey P what's the top dress you have on your pots. Is it a fungas gnat barrier

It's a 75/25 mix of perlite/DE. Kills off everything below, and keeps the surface of the pots dry so they don't come back.

It'll wipe out a small army of gnats in 3-4 days.
Do you just mix it up in a bowl and put it on top. Man I really appreciate that. I think the last few bags of soil I got were infested. What a pain :laughtwo:
I have a 5 gal bucket with a lid. Pour everything in, shake the fuck outta it, then let it sit for 20 before opening.... it'll be super dusty, so I let it settle before popping the bucket open.

I top dress about 1-2" on each pot. As you water it a few times, you'll notice it will kinda "cake" together. Almost like a rice cake.... anywhoo... this little cookie is the perfect barrier to fuck them gnats up.

I've found that the top dressing, coupled with fans blowing across the surface of the soil, and some yellow sticky traps, you'll have them gone in a week... tops
:high-five: Thanks for dropping the knowledge brother! I'll be shopping tomorrow for the stuff. Fuck I hate bugs in my garden. Lol
Yeah man... I just got through a bad one.

Millions of little eggs hatched from somewhere. Their dead carcasses actually looked like coco spilled on the floor.

Fucking gross!
Actually..... if you're trying to keep the perlite from messing up any soil you plan to reuse (los, coco...) you can scoop the top dressing off after you harvest. Kinda like cleaning a litter box.

You won't get it all, but you can get the majority. It can be rinsed & drained/dried, re-dusted with DE & used again.
good morning dankman hows it going bud :) I hate gnats to they can be devastating I run my plants slightly dry at first then when they get roots down at the bottom of the pot I do a lot of watering from below and once a week I water from the top to keep some moisture in the soil on top but it dries out and the gnats don't get in there plus several fans good luck bud.:Rasta:
good morning dankman hows it going bud :) I hate gnats to they can be devastating I run my plants slightly dry at first then when they get roots down at the bottom of the pot I do a lot of watering from below and once a week I water from the top to keep some moisture in the soil on top but it dries out and the gnats don't get in there plus several fans good luck bud.:Rasta:
Hey sticky yeah they are a pain. I haven't had them this bad before. I keep my pots fairly dry too. I'm going to the grow today to get the perlite and food grade DE. Awhile back I got aggravated with fox farm ocean forest soil, the last few bags were funky like it was rained on for years. So I went to Roots organic soil that I really like too. But I think it's where these gnat's are from. Every since I got that load of bags they've been around. I think these jokers at the hydro stores are growers too. Makes me wonder what kinda shit they bring to the store on accident
Will this work on Thrips P9?
Not sure... I'd doubt it. Thrips are much better at sneaking around & hiding on leaves.

Gnats kinda live & nest in the moist soil, so the top dressing fucking destroys them, but the thrips can thrive elsewhere.

I'd stick with Neem or Isopropyl/water mix.

Thanks P! I'm not sure about green cleaner too for thrips but I really liked it for spider mites. It's not too harsh on the plant. It also doesn't leave a oily film. Also safers soap to wash the sprays off is helpful to keeping them healthy while fighting bugs. When I had mites I rotated spray's and every couple of weeks I used safers soap and I could see the plant perk up almost immediately. Like the pores wanted to breath. I'm high and rambling. Lol
Hey sticky yeah they are a pain. I haven't had them this bad before. I keep my pots fairly dry too. I'm going to the grow today to get the perlite and food grade DE. Awhile back I got aggravated with fox farm ocean forest soil, the last few bags were funky like it was rained on for years. So I went to Roots organic soil that I really like too. But I think it's where these gnat's are from. Every since I got that load of bags they've been around. I think these jokers at the hydro stores are growers too. Makes me wonder what kinda shit they bring to the store on accident
it sucks once they get in there its hard to get them out ive bought roots soil before that had gnats in it I use captain jack dead bug I spray everything walls floors under everything and the plant soil surface that will reduce the population in a big way do that a few times plus let the tops of your pots dry and youll get rid of them good luck brother. :)
Hi Dankman ok if I jump in? My bug issues pretty much went away after I stopped drawing fresh air directly from outside instead from inside the basement. Also I am very anal about being clean and not bring critters in on myself. Also have turned down free clones more than once. One small issue in the last two years ( knock on wood)with leaf miners. Neem oil cleaned that right up. Good luck with them.
I just got home from the grow store and the head shed. I went back to fox farm ocean forest soil. Also got the DE and perlite.

I got a new banger bowl for my old water bong. It's going to bring rosin to the next level. Good 17$ investment. Before anyone says it, I know my bong is nasty. I'll clean it today :laughtwo:

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