D.W.C. Build Almost Done

Ok I got what I need to fire up new flower tent. Tonight I will get it all hooked up. I not sure what I am going to put in there yet. I am trying to veg a few plants for six month to do a monster grow. What I have been planing for almost a year now is to get all my plants veg for six months scheduler so every two weeks too a month I got new flower going but all of them veg for half a year to make the grow big. I am not a fan of flowering so many plants at one time just to make a pound like 5 10 15 plants. I see lots of people doing that but I am in no hurry. I want full growth from every plant maxed out. I rather Tend to a few then having so many at one time to deal with and make pants flower early. Slow and easy I found makes grows for me fun and I get to really see what each strain can really put out to full level. I know for people reading it can get real boring. I say it does for me to at times waiting but I will be doing a lot of seeding and making mothers. I will have fourteen strains going very soon. I guess the one thing I will do is throw a Big Buds and Flo in the flower room to sex them to be 100% on sex. I will post the steps so some people that have not seen how to sex a clone can learn. That will also allow me to test flower room and see how all the temps and things are to get it all tuned in for the first monster grow in that tent. Now I do have two other rooms I will let you guys in on but do to people knowing what room looks like that I know I will not be posting pics on them for security reasons. They are 14'x32'x7.5' rooms. I have had them for many years. They both have full environment controls. Co2,Humidity,AC,Heat,Fans,6ea 1k lights,veg 10ea 600watt lights. Well I am all in now. You all know my whole set up four rooms two new and two old. Thank you for spending your time to read and look at what I am doing. I helps knowing others share the same growing love. I use to build cars (Hot Rods and muscle car ) but got burned out from not knowing anybody that had the same love. As you can tell I am well medicaided off my last flower round so I tend to wright away. So far I am 6378.93$ in for the two tents builds and I buy a lot at wholesale cost. I own two business so I tend to order the big things at cost. I love to go to the grow store for most little things to do my part in helping them stay in business. I will get off of here now and get back to work so I can post a good update to the final build. Well close to finsh just got to order five more LED light from Led Grow Lights. Happy Growing To You All and remember to always have fun with growing.

Has J.C. met his brother CO(aka The Professor)? I'm sure somewhere on top of the Himalayan's there is someone that knows more than you but I'll never get to talk with them. :Namaste: :adore: :adore:
Hey Professor, nice tip on the sand, I'll be using it when I get to my 3gal. pots. :bravo:

The sand trick I learned from my grandfather from his garden in CA. It was always done out side but worked. We face bugs as well inside. I like how it also reflects light off of soil and keeps it cool.
Hey Professor, I'm huffin a stogie for you right now, Oliva Nub I've been aging for about 6 months. You got your sht together my friend! :goodjob: :welldone:
Thank you my friend. That is a good idea. I am going to light me up a 2009 liberty today. I have four left. Almost 5 years old. I hope it taste as good as it did in 2009 lol.
Ok today was a really long day in the grow tents. Fist off I saw me Big Buds and Flow were showing signs of trouble. So I ph my water just to start with and saw my water has changed from 7.0 too 9.8. Good call on that check. Note to all and self always check water first. Now that that problem is fixed. I was looking in veg room and saw there is no way I could fit 23 more solo cups full of new girls. So decision was made to make the final move for the old Train mother over to the flower tent. Now she is in here final resting place to veg untill she gets 5'x5' then the switch will be switched. Then after that move I transplanted two big cones and two FLO clones. Getting them going in solo cup and ready to go into there final homes in the 7 gallon smart pots in a few weeks. they will be joining Train mother later on. Now next step was I moved the train clones that are in smart pots over where mother train was under the Top Led 144x3 light. So now that light is veging Three trains choo choo. Ok enough of the funny biz. Now back to the flower room I have two of the Top LED 144x3 Now on Bloom on mother Train __choo_choo. tomorrow I will be doing some tie downs on mother train and help her get to the goal size to flower. Now back to the seeds. Much respect to ! Buy Cannabis Seeds Online - Herbies Seeds Updated:6th Mar 2014 - Cheap Marijuana Seeds UK I will be putting all the seeds that have the tap roots out into rapid rooters the into the DOME.. oh ya. (I will have to make a spin the bottle board game to see with one to smoke soon). If I can find a way to have my came mounted I will do a video on seed transplant. For now my fellow 420 growers. I am on a union break. Alittle bit of x box them sack time to start a crazy day two of CO Finest grow rooms.I can not take you all enough for reading and watching much respect to you all AND... As always Happy Growing To You All............................................................. Ohh pic here's a few pics. I love to see more then read lol.... Veg room

Flower room
Now looking at pic let play a game. How many buds do you think she will make????

I'll throw a number in, 40+, 1 1/2lb.
Good weekend weed to you good sir.
Thank you my friend. Until next time. Same bat channel. Dun-na-na-na-na-na-na-na BATMAN!. old school on ya.
Haven't been on in a while but I'm glad to see your grow still looks epic! Love it CO!
Haven't been on in a while but I'm glad to see your grow still looks epic! Love it CO!
Thank you . Good to have you back. How are things going for you?
Things are good I have been enjoying the lovely spring weather and have just had a lot going on!
Good Video CO. I'll make sure to flush my clay before I transplant my ladies. How much Clay do you think I need for a 20 site hydro system?
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