Haha, thanks mate, you're a legend!
Ok so after speaking to you I ended up getting some seeds instead of using clones, I also ended up getting a R/O filter as didn't want to take a chance with my water, it was coming out 0.6 EC most of the time, no idea what's init either.
My seedlings are now 3 days old and I managed to get 100% success and everyone of them popped through, bloody chuffed with that as never germinated anything before. I germinated them in plain R/O water and watered them with nothing but plain R/O water so far. I've found it hard to find some information on using R/O water and this is my first time with both R/O and seedlings so don't want to make any mistakes. I know the seeds are good for 7/10 days on the food they're supplied with to keep them going. I haven't PH'd the R/O as of yet as I know it doesn't PH well with just plain R/O. What I want to know is when should I be adding cal/mag to my R/O water, do I only need to worry about PHing it when adding nutrients to it and when and how is the best way to feed my seedlings their first feeding with R/O water? At the moment I'm only watering them by hand and they're in rapid rooters. Once they have established a decent root base I plan on moving them into net pots surrounded by clay pebbles in a flood and drain system to veg, not quite that far yet tho. Any advice would be much appreciated as both seedlings and R/O as both are brand new to me so your expertise would be fantastic help on the matter.
Thanks cultivator!