No doubt about it!
I hope so!
You think I got em’? I hope so.
Hmm letting the medium dry out is a challenge right at the moment cause she’s starting to drink almost daily. She’ll need a transplant soon. Perhaps I should go ahead and do that.
I realize now, that I saw what I thought was a gnat flying in the veg box. It was probably an aphid that took flight huh?
Most aphids can’t fly but that doesn’t mean they can’t develop wings to jump from one plant once it took over the first plant it contaminated it woudk look for another plant to take over.
I read a shit ton on aphids
Best thing to do is identify or try to find what kind of aphid it is?
There are many , mine were white almost looked liked spider mites at baby stage to me white pale ish green kinda and adults were black round dots touching them
Felt like jellyish they hang out mostly on fans on lower bud sites even upwards to the middle of buds (sugars leafs ) again on the under side, visible without a scope.
They also hang by the stems that are between internodes . Or bud sites .
Kill them bastards bro they ugly and nasty shits .
Thing with aphids they can doesn’t mean do but can carry virus’s and make your plant sick even leading to death.
They are again another pest that loves to feast on your syrups (nutrients) and they eat through your cells of the stems and fans thus stunting growth , hurting yields and well you get the picture lol
Dude I say spray them daily with that unscented dish soap .
Oh not sure if garlic gloves would do any good amy G here was saying that it is a good pest repellent . Might prevent them coming ?
Best I got bro , keep us updated