Crumbs To Brix: Archiweedies' Organic, 4x8

I dont "dunk"....never have.
Yes..a drink means straight water. If your watering by the dunking method i cant help you.
Mother nature waters from the do i.
Dunking is not my thing...wastes product i cant afford and i transplant earlier than most cuz i do it at MY convenience.cheers.

Ahh okay, thank you much for the clarification! I usually top feed as well but just trying to crawl before I walk.
The only reason Doc started to dunk was because he wanted the whole pot to be saturated . I do the same by watering slowly ,..down the top. There are many reasons i don't dunk. But whatever floats your boat. Don't like messin around like that with pots and water ....and water and pots...and leftover ,..and wasted product and extra time and extra distilled...... etc. etc.
If you have the time , the space , the patience and extra money ...and feel the need ....then dunk. It's just not my thang! cheers eh.
The only reason Doc started to dunk was because he wanted the whole pot to be saturated . I do the same by watering slowly ,..down the top. There are many reasons i don't dunk. But whatever floats your boat. Don't like messin around like that with pots and water ....and water and pots...and leftover ,..and wasted product and extra time and extra distilled...... etc. etc.
If you have the time , the space , the patience and extra money ...and feel the need ....then dunk. It's just not my thang! cheers eh.

I feel like I offended you, I hope that’s not the case. I’ll be honest I spent a long time trying to comprehend the feed rates and stuff and I’m still not sure I have it all sorted.
If you think you can help me avoid wasted water and product, I’m all ears. I hate the amount of wastewater from my RO and anything I can do to avoid that would be a plus.
I am a faithful student of Emilya’s watering methods ( link in sig for anyone not familiar) so I am fully confident I can soak a pot properly without dunking.

You're off and running Arch, Good vibes to you !! And subbed.
Hi SP! I am off and running now that you’re here!
I'm sure Duggan will chime in but you did not offend him! This is just one of the things he says a lot, he doesn't dunk and he's turned out a couple pretty decent plants, ha!:rofl: Doc reccomends dunking and many do that including myself BUT am thinking about NOT dunking next round. There are many ways to skin a cat, poor kitty!
I'm sure Duggan will chime in but you did not offend him! This is just one of the things he says a lot, he doesn't dunk and he's turned out a couple pretty decent plants, ha!:rofl: Doc reccomends dunking and many do that including myself BUT am thinking about NOT dunking next round. There are many ways to skin a cat, poor kitty!
Yea them cats always get it in the end :rofl:.
No worries then, either way I am an eager student and would love to learn a different way to go about it. I like the idea of being able to just mix what I need and water. I also like the idea of dunking. mon! What Ween said!:high-five:.... Sometimes i get a bit 'short' shall we say, and lack people skills .
Doc does recommend dunking , but it's really not necessary and as long as you water slowly, over a period of time , with trays under, you will soon find out , just how much water it's gonna take to satisfy your garden. You say you are using RO...great , but i bet ya hate pouring the leftover down the drain...especially with Doc's gear in it. Cheers....timer goin off . mon! What Ween said!:high-five:.... Sometimes i get a bit 'short' shall we say, and lack people skills .
Doc does recommend dunking , but it's really not necessary and as long as you water slowly, over a period of time , with trays under, you will soon find out , just how much water it's gonna take to satisfy your garden. You say you are using RO...great , but i bet ya hate pouring the leftover down the drain...especially with Doc's gear in it. Cheers....timer goin off .
Ahh yes I do hate to waste stuff! No worries, the internet can be hard to understand the tone sometimes. I feel what your saying about finding just the right amount to water. When I water I water very slowly. Think like, a quarter cup of water just to wet the topsoil. Have a puff or ten and then water slowly the outside edge of the container. Let that soak in, have more puffs, and repeat until that little squirt of runoff comes out letting you know. :high-five:

If that sounds alright in yer, book I dont mind proceeding your way. I'm a huge fan of the work Doc has put in to growing the best cannabis possible. Having said that, if I had any argument at all, its that the "dosing" has always been worded in a way that us synthetic nute guys cant seem to wrap our heads around. Now, I'm not trying to step on toes with that comment, if I wanted a water only soil i know those exist. Like Doc, Im trying to grow the best medicine possible ( for me atleast).

Im used to measuring nutes out one gallon at a time! Kinda like Vin Diesel's one quarter- mile at a time haha!
Gotcha Archie. Doc had originally instructed people the way i mix....with water amounts...not soil amounts. I found that very confusing for my lil brain. Using water seems so natural to me and i get real frustrated sometimes when i see a bunch of members talking about Drench mixes and stuff. Its my bad , for sure,..i get that , but,...but. Ok, for Drenches , try this for a couple grows and tell me how you like it. Use 15 mls. per gal. of water for all of Doc's Drenches,...GI, Trans, and Cationic Drench. There...pretty easy! Only mist with DeStress when training or when obvious stress is going on. Use Brix every week to ten days , no more and stick to instructions for those foliar amounts. Lots more to say but ....crazy busy. cheers man!
Gotcha Archie. Doc had originally instructed people the way i mix....with water amounts...not soil amounts. I found that very confusing for my lil brain. Using water seems so natural to me and i get real frustrated sometimes when i see a bunch of members talking about Drench mixes and stuff. Its my bad , for sure,..i get that , but,...but. Ok, for Drenches , try this for a couple grows and tell me how you like it. Use 15 mls. per gal. of water for all of Doc's Drenches,...GI, Trans, and Cationic Drench. There...pretty easy! Only mist with DeStress when training or when obvious stress is going on. Use Brix every week to ten days , no more and stick to instructions for those foliar amounts. Lots more to say but ....crazy busy. cheers man!
No need to apologize for being busy brother!
Yes man! Thank you for just giving me an amount per gallon of water lol! Sold, Im doing it your way! I understand Doc's original intention by watering by the amount of soil, I really do. I just think most of us are used to mixing x amount per gallon of water or per liter.
Speaking of measurements, as a furniture maker I find myself bouncing back and forth between metric and imperial all the time. Interestingly enough, I pretty much measure in all metric when it comes to my grow. I've even converted my Tennessee redneck brain to use Celsius! Look at me ma!!!! :green_heart:
Doc original instructions is for 5 gallons of water for a "kit" of plants, ie 6 plants in 7s. Many don't do a full kit and it got confusing hence the per soil method which works great and really is easy BUT it doesn't get much easier than 15ml per gallon of water! You do need to know how much water your pots are gonna take, I.e. 1 gallon of water may feed 4 plants in 1s...,? I'm not really sure since I've been dunking. Next grow, I'll find out.

Doc original instructions is for 5 gallons of water for a "kit" of plants, ie 6 plants in 7s. Many don't do a full kit and it got confusing hence the per soil method which works great and really is easy BUT it doesn't get much easier than 15ml per gallon of water! You do need to know how much water your pots are gonna take, I.e. 1 gallon of water may feed 4 plants in 1s...,? I'm not really sure since I've been dunking. Next grow, I'll find out.

Yep Im on board with all that but if I make a 15ml/gallon solution and it's too much, I'd rather waste that than wast 2.5 gallons from the dunking deal. Either way, any leftover is getting used on my dry ass non420 plants right @InTheShed ?
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