I've been having a difficult time getting my seeds to germinate. I bought 3 5-packs, and had 2 packs of seeds replaced and I have only 6 successful plants out of 25 seeds to show for it, excluding my clones. I'm not complaining about the seeds, don't get me wrong; I just won't be using the paper towel method when I get my next seeds (and I do plan to get more of your seeds). They'll be going directly to the soil. I tried both methods with other types of seeds lately to compare and the soil method just seems to work better for me. And I'll start them one at a time to avoid potentially messing them up as a group.
The plants that did come up are doing real good. I'm growing White Widow fems and I have 2 in the early budding stage. The ones that I'm growing indoors have MUCH denser foliage and more branching than the 2 that I have in pots out by the door.
The plants seem reasonably true-breeding; I have one indoor plant with slightly longer internodes than the others, but the outdoor ones also appear phenotypically similar to each other. The vast differences in growing conditions are, of course, taken into account so I really don't expect the indoor and outdoor plants to be alike anyway.
I have absolutely mo complaints about the service from your telephone agents; they were very friendly and polite to me, and my seeds arrived around when I was told they would. I just wish I had better luck with them. Lots of money gone down the drain.