I've read that (almost) getting half a pound from an auto-flowering plant is an accomplishment. Congratulations!
I'm trying to figure out what I should choose with the awesome credit that
Crop King Seeds gave me as part of my September Member of the Month prize package (thanks, BtW!), and my only experience - so far
- in growing CKS strains to date is the single Train Wreck Auto I currently have going. And since it spent way too long in an 18-ounce Solo cup and the container I then finally transplanted it into is only a two-liter bottle, lol, I'm sure that's not exactly representative of either CKS or the TWA strain.
And I guarantee that I won't be harvesting 220 grams from it, LMAO! OtOH, it is definitely a well-behaved little plant. I can't see very good (at all!) these days, so I cannot be absolutely sure, but I haven't seen any opposite-sex flowers appear, or other signs of extreme stress - just a cute little plant that's starting to really "grease up." And I think I might have actually managed to skip the stretch (first ~40% of the actual flowering period) altogether by leaving it in the cup for so long, so I'm guessing that there
was stress.
Anyway, due to my inexperience (with CKS), I'd really appreciate it if you could give me a little summary of how your grow went - and how the bud is. How was the smell during the grow? Any issues? Et cetera. What type of effect does the bud give? Duration, potency, smell, taste? Whatever you feel like posting (if anything).
Also, if I remember correctly, you grew CKS' Candy Cane strain, too? Can you do the same for it?
Thanks in advance!
If anyone else wants to chime in with the same kind of information / personal experience with one or more of
Crop King Seeds' strains, preferably recent experiences just in case they have changed anything about their strains - but any experiences would surely be helpful - I'd appreciate it. I just cannot afford to randomly buy multiple packs of seeds (or even a single seed :sad: ) these days in order to figure out which one(s) work best for me, and have to rely on a combination of the seedbanks' descriptions and the statements of those who have actually grown the plants and consumed the bud.
Oh, and thanks again,
Crop King Seeds, both for being one of our forum
sponsors and for donating to our monthly
Ok I'll try but that's a lot to cover and I'm usually more verbose then necessary so I'll try to keep it as short as possible.
Yes I grew both the Candy Cane strain and the WW strains from CKS for my first grow that is now complete.
Both germed using CKS method (paper towel after soak), and placed straight into their final destinations - 5gallon plastic pots filled with mostly FFOF soil, baking under 600w (320wall-watts) Kind led light, later I added a few minor (12-18w) side spot-light type leds. I ran my lights at about 19hr on 5hr off in what eventually became a cramped 2'x4'x7' tent. Both plants had some odd looking leaves early on (wrinkles and stuff I just couldn't explain), but most of that was caused by my environment and getting it dialed in the first couple weeks, wind,heat,humidity etc.
Things went well for awhile, both turned out female like they were supposed too, both were autos like they were supposed to be. Then around flower time my soil ph got low (I think) and both the candy and ww starting having different yellowing problems. Some flushing and dolomite lime to up the soil ph seemed to fix CC, and help but not 'fix' WW, who continued to drop all larger leaves over time and eventually nearly all smaller ones too. I never figured out yet wtf I did wrong with the WW... combo of initially low ph, with then maybe not feeding her veg-nutes the first 2 weeks of her flower mode (which came well after CC's flower mode - part of my mistake was assuming they would basically both be on nearly the same schedule), and then I think for bit I was under-feeding ww, then over feeding, and I think I long under-fed CC. The smell management went fine, I had an exit filter and decent negative pressure for the first 1/3rd of the grow and smells were fine, around day 30 they both started to smell like weed, by day 45 they both clearly had distinct smells. None of it was getting outside the tent unless I opened it... which produced a nice wiff, but not overpowering, not till toward the end anyway, and even then it wasn't that bad. But about 1/3rd into the grow I also had input air filtering going on (for unrelated reasons - cig smoke) so the outer room between the input and exit filters didn't smell at all - but would have without at least one of them runnning.
Long story short - Both ended up surviving to the end, probably both could have done better than they did, but hey they made it to the end and that's what counts! CC was harvested on day 72 from sprout, and WW on day 100 from sprout, CC was a total of 13" high from soil base, and WW was about 24" high from soil base, both had at least 10 day's 'flushing' at the end if not longer, and WW unlike CC got 30hr of darkness before chop. CC was very frosty at the end, WW while frosty too didn't seem as frosty did seem more sticky. CC was bushy and dense , WW was branchy and not as dense, both (even as auto's) I had to defoil a little, maybe too much, which probably hurt me in the end but I felt it had to be done (too many leaves all ontop one another smashing into each other and causing problems..beyond even blocking light issue, and the ones involed were sadly the largest and seemingly most important looking lol).
Now in the end I got about ~115 grams off CC and ~220 of WW. This is actually kind of what I thought I'd get before I started the grow, NOT the amounts mind you (my goal was 6z's total for success), just that CC would produce less than what ever the higher yielding WW was supposed to. I figured at absolute best case I could do would be about 1/2 of whatever the stated sqmeter yields were (ie I only had 1/2 that room for each), and that was if I did everything perfectly (which I didn't). They both over-delivered on those "1/2" expectations, CC by a little, and WW by alot. CKS says 250g for the WW, and 200g for the CC, and while not explicitly stated on their page I assumed they were using the standard sq meter everyone else seems too.
As for results vs sort of advertised descriptions:
Fruity and sour flavor, this 7 week strain is one of our sweetest tasting auto flowering strains. Super easy to grow this strain is a very strong, long-branching plant with a moderately high yeild. An exotic sweet tasting strain with a long lasting and very euphoric high.
Candy Cane is easy to grow thus it is fit for new growers as well. Not like the other bulk yielders though but this is well loved by our customers because of its flavor and effect.
The THC level of Candy Cane can reach up to 17.81% with CBD of 0.01% and CBN of 0.40%. It can provide its smoker with long-lasting body buzz.
That's what they describe, along with basic stats of the strain.
Fruity it is not in my opinion, not at all fruity, but I'm not gods gift to cannabis taste testings so mileage may vary. But it's no Lemon haze, or strawberry kush in terms of fruity taste, that's for sure, "sour" eh maybe a bit, 'sweet' tasting, yes I agree it is. To me it smells a little like spearmint\peppermint (kind of like...you guessed it a candy cane), it had that distinct smell from about day 30+ onward while growing, and it was I would stay the stronger smelling of the two. Smoking it I would say it tastes similar, earthy spearment, idk taste via bong always seems distorted to me but that's my report.
It IS a 7 week flowering strain though, I harvested on day 72, I could harvested a few days earlier, I probably could have waited another day or two as well. While the non-autos can grow up to like 5ft, mine was 13" - I topped and lst'd her, but she was still BUSHY and DENSE as HELL. After a couple weeks curing she smokes pretty smooth now, and the high is both body and head and it will linger for awhile so long-lasting is probably accurate if you say 2hr is long lasting - I'm basing that off say 3-4 hits from the bong at 8pm, you're good till 10pm. It's a very functional head high though (idk that I would say 'euphoric' but maybe it fits), I can sit and code while medicated on it, or go do yard work. Strength...hmm it's not weak, but it's also not over-powering, it's in my view a little bit of creeper high, I take a hit or two and it could take 5-10 minutes as the high slowly creeps in fully. They say avg around 15-17%thc... kinda feels that's about right when I smoke it, but wtf do I know.
They claim it's easy to grow and good for beginners like myself, I would have to agree. I mean threw some minor issues at it and it just kept going, so for most who are still learning I would say it's a stain that will take a bit of abuse and keep marching onward even if yeild is effected.
As for the WW..
We took our feminized White Widow and made her flower automatically. High in THC and known for white trichome crystals and orange hairs that develop at the end of its flowering stage. Easy to grow, especially for beginners. Caution the high from White Widow is not for beginners.
They mention that^ as well has some basic stats on strain page.
I don't want to babble on about issues I had during the grow with my WW, I'd bet nothing I ran into had much to do with the strain, but it's worth noting at points in time I wasn't sure she was even going to make it to the end at the rate I was losing leaves, and yet she still managed to give me 220grams. So... easy\resilient strain I would have to say - oh hell yeah! Known for "white tri's and orange hairs"... well the orange hair thing is certainly true, def a little more colorful in that regard than CC, but CC to my eyes showed far more frost, at least outwardly, though I have to say at harvest time WW showed more frost than I really had noticed prior to then.
The high... oh yeah the high is completely different.
Now mind you none of the WW is ready to smoke, having just jarred it, but from the samples right after harvest and a larger sampling from jar day fluff and crumbs...woah. First off the smell is much like when it was growing, more muted than CC in my opinion (unless you shook her or something), and again I don't have a good nose, but I would say sort of pine'y imho. It tastes...idk wtf it tastes like to be honest, part of this is I was smoking uncured stuff, maybe I could better describe it in two weeks. What I can say is, it's a no-joke strain, it's a heavy head high, and bit couch-locky, and it comes on with in a minute of smoking. Now some of that may be cause I let it go about as long as I thought the plant could (I mean even my sugars were yellowing when I chopped her), I tried to get 20% amber for a good knock me out\ smoke before bed type product, some of it may just be not-cured yet. I think I succeeded in what I wanted with it though, no matter what though it's definitely not something I would smoke a bowl and then go get in the car and do my grocery shopping like Candy. Also I get a little bit of a hang-over-haze from WW, ie many hours later unlike cc, I don't feel clear headed, it's for me, a de-motivating smoke - but that's what I desired, something to knock me out and help when my back pain comes. It's duration..That's interesting question.
The first night I tried a little fuffy popcorn from some stuff that fell off during harvest... it had me on my ass for 2+hr. A week later when smoking a ton of stuff from the trim and fluff tray which I have to imagine what covered like crazy in tris ... i would say it was slightly more potent than a week before, but not quite as long lasting, ~hr per bowl, though a cloudy mental haze does linger for hours after that.
I hope that answers some of your questions, without rewriting 107 days of journals lol, but if I missed something feel free to ask. I feel like for the most part each the seeds from the stain delivered mostly as advertised...taste is always a little subjective, highs can be slightly different due to one's choice in harvesting time frame, but the only thing I would disagree with really is "fruity" for candy cane.
If you really want something clearly fruity it's not the strain for you. I love fruity stuff (and I have real fruity seeds to chose from), but they're almost all sativa or sativa dominate and grow big (bigger than I was prepared to risk this first grow), and this was not one of those, nor did I think it would be. WW as I said is hard for me to describe when it comes to taste, I wanted knock-out type of smoke along with a good yield and I got it, not the most potent stuff I've ever smoked in my life, but it's definitely 20% or more thc range and comes on heavy.