You know what I like to do bud ?Im so not happy with my baby critical!!!!
I need help. All my babies seem stunted and not booming. Dont know if over water under water or WTF?
But at least im home now.
Its hard to explain what to do over the phone while im gone to a novice grower.
Anyway here she is.
Is out a see through cup inside the red cup poles holes for drainage in cups nthatvway you can see progress on roots .
Someone should invent s see through fabric pot in different sizes from solo cups to 10 gal at least . The. We could do the same for the other pots to monitor roots .
That cup if soil that stage about two or three days probably be fore feeding it again . Try to make it a schedule and note how much water your giving . Also trying to feel for the whieght of pots and cups of wet medium verse non will help as well.