Cons Indoor Auto Soil Grow 3.2 Late Bro Grow

I have found the same thing. I am using paper as a diffuser, I think it's effective. I've found that Photone is getting stuck on readings though. I don't know what is causing that or how to stop it.
i just calibrated so i don't know if mine will get stuck i know i accidently put it on hold a few times & thought it was stuck i'll give mine a test in about a week
Hey con! I'm gonna' miss the natural surroundings of your last grow, but I wanna' see this one too!

Those are some interesting strains you've got. The high-THC ratings seem to be becoming more prevalent. :Rasta:
Glad you found your way over GDB yeah i miss the lake already but excited about these strains also
i just calibrated so i don't know if mine will get stuck i know i accidently put it on hold a few times & thought it was stuck i'll give mine a test in about a week
How did you do that? Maybe I am doing that too?
How did you do that? Maybe I am doing that too?
hi Carmen if you touch the screen it will put it on hold but if you go into your settings you can disable or enable it, i've just barely touch the screen with the side of my finger & it will put it on hold so i disabled it
good evening everyone hope all is good, so beans have been soaking for 16.5 hours & gave them a little tap & all sunk to the bottom of the cup whether it's a good sign i could not say i had them still float & germinated fine, so onto the cotton pads & into small ziplock baggies & onto a plate & put on top back part of the fridge and will see if the have tails in a day or 2 , i lightly moistened all the pots so it should be easier to drop the seeds into the pot, i am just going straight into its 7 gal home this time so no up potting or coco coir pots this time

Good afternoon 420 hope all is good, Man i can't believe how fast these cotton wipes work for germination 3rd time using them & have tails the next day, 7 of 8 had tails big enough to put in the dirt today all except the Purple People Eater which should be good to go late tonight or by morning, had no problem getting them in tail down, i put in some BlueSky Mico into the hole added the seedling covered & lightly sprayed with filtered water so we'll see how long till they pop their heads, lights are on and set to 300-320 PPFD & exhaust fans are on with no carbon filters as their is no smell yet now i'll check temps in a bit i'm aiming for 24c, Thanks for looking in & will update again later enjoy your day



Congrats on getting some tails. :thumb:

And when you're done with them you can dry them out and use them with rubbing alcohol for cleaning fingers and scissors during trimming. "Waste not, want not" as my mother used to say.
Thanks Shed yep i'll reuse them for something
Good afternoon everybody so package arrived today i picked up a AC Infinity 6'' Cloudline Pro inline fan & also their 6'' refillable charcoal filter which will be nice to refill instead of replacing every few grows, it comes charged with carbon but they didn't (a store where i bought it from) include a 8lb bag of charcoal so called them & a 8lb pound bag is on its way


Good evening folks some of these plants seem as eager as me 5 of 8 poked their heads out of the dirt & only one helmet head so i'll see what it looks like tomorrow & hopefully the other 3 are not far behind & all survive, yeah they are tiny but they are there



Good morning everybody hope all is well, so all 8 are above ground they all opened yesterday so i'm calling today day 2 & the Grape-nesia & Donkey Kong shed their shells but the membrane was holding them shut so i carefully used a razor blade & poked the membrane & the DK popped open the Grape-nesia took a bit more work & did get it to open up but i pulled it out of the soil so i reburied it & this morning it doesn't look as good as the others so i started to soak another seed & should be on the cotton swab tonight & in the ground monday or early tuesday, the rest are growing as well as can be expected & being sprayed once or twice a day if needed, i turned down the lights to 275 PPFD & around 15 DLI while in the seedling stage other than that its a good start tent temps hovering around 28c with the nice weather outside & thats about all for now thanks for popping in & have a great Sunday






Lol! for now anyways i will do a update tomorrow & see if they are still alive, i swear these cotton pads work wonders for tap roots as to the paper towel method
Gonna try this method at least twice. 🙏
Gonna try this method at least twice. 🙏
Hi Jiggi glad you found your way over, yeah these cotton facial swabs seem to work very well just wet them till damp with no water run off & they will germinate quickly
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