Out of Solos with autos I think the latest I ever uppotted was day 17. They’ll hold together after about ten days in coco, soil takes longer. Hold together is one thing. Uppotted with those thick roots around the outside is another. I used to wait until when Emilya taught me to, which was, when the vessel drains all the water 100% and is completely dry and light in 24 hours you uppot. Now I don’t wait that long. I believe uppotting like that actually costs you a day or two with autos. When the roots are all wrapped tight around the root ball when you uppot, like most people do, it takes the roots some time to unfurl and loosen and start to invade the new medium. If you uppot early, like as soon as the root ball will stay fully together and before there’s a ring of roots around the outside, that time is eliminated. The roots just keep growing out as if they don’t even know they got uppotted. I think this is why when I uppot my plant is back to praying in a couple hours. Just my take on it. Happy 2024.