Cold climate eg Scotland

Welcome here @Damba ! I'm myself located in Scandinavia so I understand your issues with the colder climate.
Even with a cold snap at the end of last month, this isn't a real big issue, to be honest. When summertime comes around the heat will become a bigger issue especially if you are running a HPS.
I'll try to find your journal and follow. Cheers
Hi Gnome, I'm hoping to have my LED lights by summer to combat heat issues, think I may already have some as leaves a little curled at the base, going to have to bite the bullet and have my exhaust fan on all the time. Raised the lights up a few inches last night to help and they all took another little stretch so going to repot in bigger pots tonight to help stem stability, soft ties ok for emergency treatment but they can also affect stems from swaying properly I've noticed as I've been sitting staring at them pondering my next move lol
Well I took your advice m8 and I have put a 4 inch intake from the wardrobe and 1 still from the loft so best of both worlds a cooling intake and a warm air intake, as a result with humidifier on and room at 27º Celsius the RH gone up to 41% cheers again
If you use both intakes in bedroom you can heat it at lights of times saves a bit on electricity
If you use both intakes in bedroom you can heat it at lights of times saves a bit on electricity
Got a 6 inch vent cover with insect mesh I was going to use it as an extra vent for cooling just cut a hole in the wall with no ducting but your idea sounds good whatever I choose think I need more flexiduct hmmm need to suss that dilemma out. Cheers for the advice
Hi Urban yes helicopter maybe a bit of a threat flies overhead quite a bit, was thinking using foil building paper to help reflect its infa red camera just staple it to roof trusses silver side towards sky what d'ya think
Alrighty Damba .. im from central belt as well , i grew x2 autos in ma shed inna grow tent ...height was 6ft ..plenty ... plants were northern lights auto and red russian auto need any more info im happy to help .. nae fear fae helicopter
Jesus christ. I thought i had wandered into a groundhog day situation there. lol.

OMG — I am am crying laughing!! :rofl::rofl: I thought the exact same thing, then I’m reading along and nothing - no one, not a soul, said anything, just zoned in conversation about the cool loft space :nomo: which I’m all into too. But seriously - not a peep until you. We must be the only ones who noticed?. :rofl:

OMG — I am am crying laughing!! :rofl::rofl: I thought the exact same thing, then I’m reading along and nothing - no one, not a soul, said anything, just zoned in conversation about the cool loft space :nomo: which I’m all into too. But seriously - not a peep until you. We must be the only ones who noticed?. :rofl:


I too thought I was stuck in a loop like a bad trip but someone replied to the images so they duplicated haha
Use you intake to blow mist over plants And a fan to circulate then take a reading next to plants
mine was 12% humidity raised to 40 plants now thriving
Hi, got 4 inch intake from the wardrobe now and a 4 inch from close to the soffit/eaves of the roof as the cooling intake, both are passive intakes, also considering putting in 6 inch intake as well but temps about 80° Celsius and humidity at 50% but thats door off so heat dissapates to other half of the loft which is ok for now.
Alrighty Damba .. im from central belt as well , i grew x2 autos in ma shed inna grow tent ...height was 6ft ..plenty ... plants were northern lights auto and red russian auto need any more info im happy to help .. nae fear fae helicopter
Hullo mucker sounds like a cool wee grow, helicopter was about the other week whilst testing my set up, so either their not bothered or were too busy OR as I hope my double sided insulation boards have worked a treat its my whole roof not just a section of it insulated
Hi, got 4 inch intake from the wardrobe now and a 4 inch from close to the soffit/eaves of the roof as the cooling intake, both are passive intakes, also considering putting in 6 inch intake as well but temps about 80° Celsius and humidity at 50% but thats door off so heat dissapates to other half of the loft which is ok for now.
Any advice on how not to get a suntan from my grow room
It’s march and I’m going brown
Any advice on how not to get a suntan from my grow room
It’s march and I’m going brown
Lol, just make sure ye got your shades on, I didn't the other day and nearly went headfirst down the stairs because I didn't see the washing bag at the top, quite surreal can hardly see a thing like darkness, not good for your eyes.
Have a question for you all, when would be the best time for transplanting ? now which would be halfway through their day/lights on or at end of their day/lights on, or start of their day/lights on. I know roots don't like light so potting at my little work station under a feeble 35w pendant light.
I wouldnt worry too much about that , i done mine when i thought they were getting too big for their pots ... One thing i learned was you can overthink things , which is totally normal as you want the best for your plants , just dont forget they are weeds in the wild and can put up with just about anything ... fyi i fed mine on " tomarite " the tomato feed once a week , made sure my water ph was correct and never had any problems , harvested them October 2019 . 20190914_113528.jpg20190914_113453.jpg
Lol, just make sure ye got your shades on, I didn't the other day and nearly went headfirst down the stairs because I didn't see the washing bag at the top, quite surreal can hardly see a thing like darkness, not good for your eyes.
I got shades on just waiting on
But I’m gonna need to say to workm8s I’m a sunbed freak lol
just dont forget they are weeds in the wild and can put up with just about anything
What's found in the wilds and what's purchased in the seed banks are entirely different.
I've got some Landrace (Thai brick) growing in my garden, and it's happy growing in rock hard clay and stones at 40c.
A few hybrid plants I tried out there shrivelled and died in a few days, some seeds weren't even strong enough to break soil, they curled around the seed case until they gave up and died.
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