Cold climate eg Scotland

Hello everyone, ok so here's latest on grow room, I have everything I need now to start my grow so dilemma is how many plants and can I start another grow about a month later for a perpetual growing cycle would be my goal any ideas most welcomed.Also I have a humidity problem ran a light test last night 'no exhaust fan' just intake air and its at 34% atm had a little air movement as the door wasn't closed to seal the room, so I need to resolve humidity issues before I germinate my seeds.
Coming from such a wet country never thought humidity would be a problem but it is very cold here atm average temps between 3 to 7 degrees Celsius outside so would my intake air be as dry as a bone ? Here's some pics
The cold will most definitively dry out the air. It is -16c. here this morning and the rh is around 15%. Dropps lower then that at times. I grow hydro and even two small plants hold the rh in the room in the high 40's. The larger they get then the more water they transpire. If you get too many plants with no exhaust in that room then high humidity will become a real problem, so maybe something to think about. So far a real nice set up and should work great for you. What do you have planned on the floor to catch any wayward water? :peace: :ganjamon:
If I use Canna pro or john innes soils do they need perlite added to them, also putting a layer of gravel on bottom layer of pot for drainage as I've seen a video saying adding gravel to bottom of pot only raises a said waterline bit confusing
I mix about 10% extra perlite in the Canna terra but it does already have some in it, I prefer a bit more, if you do add perlite just mix it into the soil.
I pH my Canna terra to 5.8 in veg and 6.0 in flower.
If you go for the John innes make sure you go for number 1.
The number 2 and 3 will burn smaller plants.
To answer your perpetual grow question are you wanting to grow multiple strains? I like to take cuttings off of my first plant and once they root place them next to the donor but...are you planning to have separate veg & bloom areas or all together? If all together you could stagger auto flowers
You could make a pass through with pvc pipe, metal ducting, or even just some flexible duct tube with each end pointing down so not to let light reach the plants in the darker room. That way you can take cuttings and raise them one one side while flowering mature plants on the other side. Keep in mind you don't need a lot of space or resources for it. I have a 2'x3' veg tent off to the side that handles all of my clones, moms, and vegging plants under some inexpensive LEDs and T-5 florescent lights.
And the nice thing about using the curtain is having the flexibility of using it or not. My veg tent came with a divider curtain that velcros in. I hardly use it but there was a time where my bloom room was full and I had plants that i had to either flip into bloom or discard so i put up the curtain and got them started to buy a few weeks until the bloom room had some vacancy. In your case you wont really need the divider for say 1-2 months when you are ready to start flowering!
Awesome job! Damn helicopters. I deal with humidity issues here too. About 30% in my basement but about 50% in my 4x4 tent with a little humidifier. I ordered mine for like $25. It runs 24/7 during lights on and my exhaust fan kicks on if it gets too humid.

Can't wait to see how your grow goes. I just dropped three more seeds tonight as well. Best of luck!
Hi all, thats the grow room complete and work station done and all wiped clean'insulation dust everywhere' total nightmare but well worth it. Transferred seeds to paper towel tonight and they looked to have cracked except 1, keeping an eye on temperatures atm seeds are in heated propagator as 15 degrees Celsius only in loft with no lights,got a small oil heater as well so up at 22 - 23 degrees Celsius now, nothing more to report except as I tried to tap a seed down whilst presoaking it stuck to my finger n hit the floor picked it up gently as I could but fear I may have squashed it so fingers crossed it grows a tap root, Just read up on how to start a journal and hopefully I can post 1st instalment tomorrow as I want to get everything as accurate as possible as to information and record proccesses, I have 1 question how far shall I hang my 600hps light from propagator with seeds just been planted and when to turn it on thanks .
I wouldn't know how far away to hang an hps for seedlings. I would consider just hanging a few bulbs (cfl) really close. The cost of the bulbs I imagine would be lessened by saving electricity. Just a thought.

Edit: just realized this may not be an option if temps are currently cold. Sorry
Your 600hp. is a monster of a light for seedlings. If you need to use it to help out with the heat then start out as high as you can get it. Anywhere close and you will fry your little ones. I think that I would cover the heated propagator with a large cardboard box and hang a few cfl's inside. The box will hold enough heat and the two week savings on the electric bill should help pay for the cfl's. :peace: :Rasta:
This is the one I made using a heated bubbler and led's. Worked great in a cold area.
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