COGrows 400W HPS - Soil - Blue Plant Nutrients

No worries, I do the same with my pH, Corey used to tell me the same thing all the time, til I started telling him what my pH was when I had an issue. Another reason that I love my Organics. They don't change my pH, actually if anything, they help bring it to a proper range. For instance, I had went and filled up gallon jugs of water at a water dispensary and thinking that the pH would be better balanced than my tap water, I tested it, and it came out the same as tap water 8.0, I thought I would let it sit out for a couple of days without the cap on them and it actually rose up to 9.0... I was all tripped out on that, so I did my mixing and did another test on it, it came back with a 6.7 then I shook the jug one more time and it read 6.6.

I love the Farmer's Pride Organics, not the smell so much, but the output and the taste... OMG! I had some friends try out my latest harvest of GDP, and they all kept saying "No way you grew this, it tastes so... BOMB! You can't do that" or "This don't taste like no homegrown!"

I am thinking about trying out the Chems just to put it in the records for a side by side comparison of Chems vs. Organics, but that is all in due time. Right now I have the SUPER NEW AND IMPROVED Organics Formula that is going to be rocking the outdoors this season.

I am glad your loving your BPN, don't forget to recommend it to everyone when you blow their minds away with the meds you will be getting out of their work.
Felt like I saw a change in the overall buds today, so I figured I'd give you a picture. Not the best one, like always, but you get the idea! So much of a hassle to get the big girl out, especially since she was just watered last night.

This is (a majority) of the big girl.
They look good CG. :welldone:
Thanks, means a lot to see compliments to my journal. My first journal, haha.
Damn man jealous :) Mine just did not fill out. Could have been the nute problem, heat problem, low humidity, etc lol. Next time will be better. Good job! +rep
I was getting worried they wouldn't fill out either! Just glad they started to.

How high did your heat get, and how low did your humidity get? I had a few issues with low humidity, but the seasons changed as I got a humidifier and I had no problems from then on. My biggest problem was temps being low. There's such a big difference in the outside temps that I have to constantly go in my room and check to make sure it's within range.

Good luck on your next grows, don't beat yourself up, it's all a learning experience. I know I was worried for a while that I wouldn't have buds that were up to par with what I get now from other sources, effectively not being useful to me if they aren't potent enough to subdue my pain. But as time went on, I just quit worrying and started to take it as a learning experience first, and if I get something beneficial from it second. Some day soon I hope to be able to provide for myself the bud I need and a hobby that I enjoy and can keep me occupied.
Thanks, means a lot to see compliments to my journal. My first journal, haha.

I was getting worried they wouldn't fill out either! Just glad they started to.

How high did your heat get, and how low did your humidity get? I had a few issues with low humidity, but the seasons changed as I got a humidifier and I had no problems from then on. My biggest problem was temps being low. There's such a big difference in the outside temps that I have to constantly go in my room and check to make sure it's within range.

Good luck on your next grows, don't beat yourself up, it's all a learning experience. I know I was worried for a while that I wouldn't have buds that were up to par with what I get now from other sources, effectively not being useful to me if they aren't potent enough to subdue my pain. But as time went on, I just quit worrying and started to take it as a learning experience first, and if I get something beneficial from it second. Some day soon I hope to be able to provide for myself the bud I need and a hobby that I enjoy and can keep me occupied.

How far along are yours in flower? My heat got up to ummm 99F one time for a few hours other times in the low 90's. This wasn't typical, usually I am able to keep it between 75-83F but sometimes it shot up. Humidity was as low as 15% at times, I got the humidifier situated just right in the tent and humidity is hovering around 35-50% now. I'm not worried at all about quality, I think it will be great. I did want to open the tent and see some huge buds though, we will see what happens :) and yeah I love growing, I hope I can do it forever!
How far along are yours in flower? My heat got up to ummm 99F one time for a few hours other times in the low 90's. This wasn't typical, usually I am able to keep it between 75-83F but sometimes it shot up. Humidity was as low as 15% at times, I got the humidifier situated just right in the tent and humidity is hovering around 35-50% now. I'm not worried at all about quality, I think it will be great. I did want to open the tent and see some huge buds though, we will see what happens :) and yeah I love growing, I hope I can do it forever!

31, going on 32 days. Kind of confusing talking about their days because it's my night and vice versa.

But damn, that is definitely warm! My humidity got that low during the start of my grow while it was still winter and one day I came in to one almost completely wilted. Luckily she survived... And damn, I wish the humidifier I bought DIDN'T have a freakin bright red light to signify it was on... I think I can feel the air coming out. I wanted to put it IN the tent, not just in the room the tent was in, but rather than risk a hermi, I opted to cover it as best I could with a little tape and a small light trap and stick it outside the tent, which didn't directly influence the tent humidity as much as I wanted, but it worked great (thanks to the season changing).

BTW, was your humidifier a warm air or cool air machine? I got one that spit out cool air, and for a while I wasn't sure how well it worked (season changed at the same time), but now I'm definitely glad I got the cool air. At least it doesn't add more heat to my room, lol. And it was cheaper. AND it had a filter. My first humidifier that I had from years back did not start up when I went to use it for this grow. The tray underneath the tank that the water evaporated from had no filter or anything and it, along with the heating element, was completely clogged and corroded from the massive amounts of salts left behind. Wish I woulda been aware of that when I got it, lol.
31, going on 32 days. Kind of confusing talking about their days because it's my night and vice versa.

But damn, that is definitely warm! My humidity got that low during the start of my grow while it was still winter and one day I came in to one almost completely wilted. Luckily she survived... And damn, I wish the humidifier I bought DIDN'T have a freakin bright red light to signify it was on... I think I can feel the air coming out. I wanted to put it IN the tent, not just in the room the tent was in, but rather than risk a hermi, I opted to cover it as best I could with a little tape and a small light trap and stick it outside the tent, which didn't directly influence the tent humidity as much as I wanted, but it worked great (thanks to the season changing).

BTW, was your humidifier a warm air or cool air machine? I got one that spit out cool air, and for a while I wasn't sure how well it worked (season changed at the same time), but now I'm definitely glad I got the cool air. At least it doesn't add more heat to my room, lol. And it was cheaper. AND it had a filter. My first humidifier that I had from years back did not start up when I went to use it for this grow. The tray underneath the tank that the water evaporated from had no filter or anything and it, along with the heating element, was completely clogged and corroded from the massive amounts of salts left behind. Wish I woulda been aware of that when I got it, lol.

Yeah I have my humidifier in the tent it has a light on it as well but it only is on when the humidifier is on, I turn it off at night because the humidity jumps up 10-20% from the plants in the dark. Mine is a cool air machine, when I turn it on temps generally drop 5-8 degrees. I'm not sure if it's because the humidity is higher or because the humidifier is blowing out cold mist into the air. Probably both.
just checking in, things are looking good bro...

Thanks man!

Well, yesterday I taped up the gaps on my hood.. Fixed the smell problem, but now it's not cooling my tent properly! I had to leave the door to the tent open all night just to keep the temps around 75-76 with the fan at 100%. Usually I have it way down, so I've gotta figure something out...

carbon > 65cfm 4" fan > hood > 400cfm 6" fan > out

I'm wondering if that 65cfm fan is just causing drag, making it lose suction. Maybe I'll take it out... I just figured there's no way it would be less efficient with the fan than without it, so I put it in. Maybe that was the wrong decision, lol... Damnit, just what I need now, having to mess with the environment again.
Thanks man!

Well, yesterday I taped up the gaps on my hood.. Fixed the smell problem, but now it's not cooling my tent properly! I had to leave the door to the tent open all night just to keep the temps around 75-76 with the fan at 100%. Usually I have it way down, so I've gotta figure something out...

carbon > 65cfm 4" fan > hood > 400cfm 6" fan > out

I'm wondering if that 65cfm fan is just causing drag, making it lose suction. Maybe I'll take it out... I just figured there's no way it would be less efficient with the fan than without it, so I put it in. Maybe that was the wrong decision, lol... Damnit, just what I need now, having to mess with the environment again.

I would take the 65cfm fan out, its really not going to do much beside possibly restrict flow from your 400cfm... I have a duct fan like that as a intake fan, but the negative pressure sucks air in better than it provides on its own. Great job so far on your journal and grow :)
Hmm I really don't know how the fans work but it could potentially be slowing it down because the 400 can't pull as hard as it could. Again I have no idea but it seems possible.
Yeah, that's the debate. It would be nice to be able to measure how much air the fan is moving when it's set up with all the ducting, turns, and hood.
I would take the 65cfm fan out, its really not going to do much beside possibly restrict flow from your 400cfm... I have a duct fan like that as a intake fan, but the negative pressure sucks air in better than it provides on its own. Great job so far on your journal and grow :)

Thank you both, I really value your opinions! I do bet the fan is the problem, my filter is rated at 200cfm, and I bet my fan is pulling at least that much through the hood before I put the filter+65cfm on. Just not sure, so I'm gonna have to go test it and just remove the 65cfm. Can use that to exchange air from the room the tent is in and the tent itself.

Thanks guys and welcome Icemud. I appreciate you checking out my grow, and I appreciate your compliments!
I too would take out the 65cfm, it is eating up energy that you don't need to be wasting. IMO, it is just slowing the fan that is trying to suck the air even more.

Thanks, you guys were all right (I think... haha, it got cold outside and the wind started gusting 35+mph as soon as I got it out and re-hooked up). As of right now, with the tent closed, it's acting as it did before I added the filter. :cheer:
OMGGGG fire!!! im on fire! BPN nutes and your devotion is amazing!! great work!!
Thanks man! I appreciate it, BPN all the way!

Oh yeah, I fed the big one nutrients tonight. Since the pH has been creeping up over the past week I went from putting it in at 6.4 to 6. Last time it came out at 7, this time 7.2 or so. Going to put it in at 5.8-6 for the next week. They're at day 34 so I gotta get this stable.

I'm pretty sure it's from a few weeks ago when I had too low of a pH and I reacted too abruptly, adjusting the pH going in to be way too high way too fast. I could see all the pH problems coming (which I'm extremely proud of) by the spotting, minor clawing, and burnt tips (compared to the little girl). At least I'm learning something.

So, anyone, correct me if I'm wrong with the pH adjustment stuff. I'm in promix with FFOF left on the roots from transplant.
Picture update. Buds are getting fatter, nothing new to report, really, but I wanted to update my journal. Dimmed the light down as far as it goes and raised it to the top of my tent for these pictures, I hope you enjoy haha.

Both of them from the front

Both of them from the left

You can see this bud from the first picture. It is the tallest one on the far left. It's in picture two as well, but you're looking straight at it, so it's hard to tell that it's the first bud in the foreground. This is basically the same picture as the second picture, only close up. Couldn't get the shadow to go away...
Well, I know I have had the worst pictures ever so far, but hopefully this will rejuvenate my journal. Somehow I got the right balance of HPS light and the settings on my phone. Flash picked up the trichomes nicely.
Day 40 on a 6-9 week strain. These pictures are all from the smaller plant, it's getting less light being crammed in the corner but it seems to be maturing slightly faster than the big girl. I need to get more than a 30x loupe so I can check the cloudiness here soon. I want to harvest some early and some late to get some of both of the highs.


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