Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Sorry about the blurry pics. I had to hold her with one hand. She weighs a bit more than I was expecting.
Ya I was expecting to see a lot more roots in there. The fact you were in a 3 gal. helps. Do you think that may have stressed the plant a bit? Uppotting I mean during flower.
Ya I was expecting to see a lot more roots in there. The fact you were in a 3 gal. helps. Do you think that may have stressed the plant a bit? Uppotting I mean during flower.
I think she'll be ok. Maybe a tiny bit of shock, we will have to see.
She looked to be transpiring better a few hours after. I'm a bit nervous but she was starting to look really bad.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that even though i haven't changed her feed ( with the exception of molasses and epsom)the CBD Blue Shark is showing slight signs of N overdose.
Is she getting too green,or some burnt tips?
or both?
I wasn't aware that they made a series.

I'm not really tech savvy but if I can figure out a safe way to post a YouTube vid I would do one just so you can hear my accent. I don't think I sound like they do in Fargo but I guess you guys could judge for yourselves. It's probably a really thick accent that I'm in denial about. LOl.
Hehe we're all that way. People call me Boston wherever I go, all it takes is one sentence.
When I moved form Chicago to Ohio they nicknamed me Chicago for a long time.
My Chicago accent only comes out when I'm drinking.... lol, especially if I'm drinking with my family back home.

Ohhhhh lawwwwwd.....

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Heat stress or lights maybe
Lights.....maybe. I might be a tad close. I'll check it when I get home. Been really distracted lately. Kids are going back to school been busy preparing.
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