Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

I'm not shocked at all. This is Chris being clean.
I had another image that said "not shocked at all"

Shoulda pulled the trigger on that one instead!
:kisstwo: TTFN. Gotta get on the road so I can miss rush hour later. I usually stop at a little café on the way to stretch and re-up the caffeine so I take that into consideration. Its a cool little place and I usually hang for an espresso or two.

I also get to go to Al's Breakfast tomorrow in Dinkytown. I'm super stoked about that. Its a place near campus that was built in an alleyway. It's super tiny and overly popular with its own cult like following. I expect to be drinking coffee while waiting in line outside. There are 12 stools and there are people standing behind you leaning against the wall waiting for a seat. The line goes out the door and down the block and this goes on all year round. It's absolutely insane seeing people wait outside in subzero temps for pancakes.There is seriously about a foot or less between you and the people waiting behind you. The place is about 9 feet wide and they cram a lot into that space. Looks like a damn tchotchky museum exploded.

Best damn breakfast ever, hands down.
Have a safe trip VG! Let us know when you get there safe.
Ladies are looking great. Mr G better watch em real good for you!
Thanks hun. He really shouldn't have to do anything except check the GZ drying.

Gotta run! :love: :love:
It was a smooth trip aside from getting pulled over for speeding.
I'm at my girlfriends all safe and cozy. She left a bottle of whisky , coffee and some chocolates. She knows me so well.:love: She also had Radiohead and Massive Attack ready to play. Could I love her more? Not a chance.
I'm sure she did! I've never been stopped by a woman officer of the law...
We have a lot of female officers up here. I like dealing with them more anyway. They seem calmer.... at least to me.
They seem calmer
have reviewed about a million hours of disclosure over the years, I can assure you that is not the case lol
Lady cops are hyper aggressive and unpredictable when panicked.
Sometimes they overreact and kill someone, and other times they run.

thats not to say there arent lots of really good lady cops, just more that solo patrol work is not the right type of work for 99.9% of females

like just dui stops I cant even tell you how many times i have seen a lady cop get punched in the teeth for no reason other than the drunk guy is mad he got caught.
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