Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

whats mn?
10000 frozen lakes
You ever been ice fishing or slept on a frozen lake?
It takes a bit to get used to the sound of the ice cracking. You don't sleep terribly well for the first few nights.
You ever been ice fishing or slept on a frozen lake?
It takes a bit to get used to the sound of the ice cracking. You don't sleep terribly well for the first few nights.
ahh the sound of a cracking lake echoing off the mountains
Anyone get the OTM packages yet?
My July OTM mag prizes still have not arrived. However, I did receive my Dope Seeds and Seedsman prizes. Dealt with them directly.
It's mainly about the lighter as there are no shops near where I live
Funny you mention that. Last year when I got my Journal of the Month winnings, the only thing I didn't get was the lighter. That's what I was looking forward to the most - I was pretty bummed.
Won't be long now for the haze. I'm thinking about 10 days.
That G13 looks stunning, VG! :welldone:
Greetings fam.
I have a quick question for ya. What lighting schedule do you use for flower?

When my Blue Shark wouldn't flower I cut her back to 11/13 to get her going. It worked and I just left it on that schedule.

I've been doing some light reading this morning and of course I'm seeing a lot of stoner science.

I have seen something pop up a couple of times. It has to do with blooming hormones inside of the plant. These growers were stating that the longer the dark period the faster, bigger and denser the bud will be because of the hormones building up in the plant that are directly responsible for bud growth. Anecdotal evidence is all we have to go on unfortunately.

Anyone have any thoughts on this topic?Is it hogwash?

I don't think there is anywhere in the natural world that gets 12/12 lighting.

I personally like having my lights off the extra hour. It adds up over time and I need to keep my grow as cheap as possible.
My buds are a very nice size but without a control group I have nothing to go on.
I wish I had room. I'd love to compare lighting schedules.
I know this was paaages ago, but it was just a minute ago for me :) I us 11/13 all the way through and this time I’m using a tapering down method at the end - about 2-3 weeks before harvest I switched to 10.5/13.5 for a week or so and then down to 10/14 for the last week or 2, the timing is loose and i got started a bit late maybe. Seems to be going really well and I too like the financial reduction from dropping the lighthours. Every little bit helps!
I have yet to see small buds running 10/14 schedule

Amnesia Haze was huge
The C99 x blueberry where some of the biggest I've grown
The Golden Tiger turned out fantastic

So, I'm pretty happy with the 10/14 schedule
Reading some really long paper on floragenesis. I'm hoping that reading this will clear up some questions I've been having about flowering times and light cycles.

Floragen production is dependant on long darkness periods. Which brings me to my first question.
Is there is some sort of saturation point of the florigen hormone in regard to bud development since its directly related?

At what point are we giving too long of a darkness cycle? On the surface the extra time in the dark cycle would be beneficial to the production of florigen.

Do different strains produce more of this hormone than others? Is it dependant on genetics like most other charastics such as terpines and flavonoids?
Am I rambling? Prolly.
If the drug cartel is hamstrung in Mexico...then it would make sense for border states to legalize it to help curtail the cartel

Least in my mind
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