Closet DWC Blackberry Nov. 15th 2010

Hey Rly nice setup i just make my own similar but still whaiting for seed -.- (will follow ur )

but i use some 2x 40l bucket for only 4 plant each thats too much ? can i put more plants in each bucket ?? ty for everyone can help me !!

Thank you, I'm using a ten gallon reservoir for up to 8 plants when most of the time I only fill it to about 5 gallons or less ( is = to about 18L in a 36L bucket.)
You should be fine just ph the bucket and check your tds. Also, always use a micro pore diffusor if you can afford one. These alternatives to bubble bars put out much finer bubbles and last longer. This is the one I have Micro-Pore Double XLAir Stone Diffuser Ceramic 4"x10" - eBay (item 380286262075 end time Jan-05-11 10:04:51 PST)
but i got it somewhere local. Let me know if you need any more info.
its funny you can see the outline of this bar on the pic with mad algae on the bottom :oops:

When do we get to see an update?
Day after tomorrow :Rasta:
It will be day 47 from seed
Finally! its almost time for an update...
Right now I am changing the res. I am going to go with a light fert. to start transitioning into flower soon. The plants are okay, but they are definently showing a deficiency which I fully expected. When I phed the old water it was at like 4:lot-o-toke: and ppm were very low something like 30. I'm just glad the plants stopped just below the light and didn't have to sacrifice much under foliage to stay alive. I was going to top, but these plants are pretty bushy so I might wait for now.

My question is, if I take clones should I wait a week to let the plants regain some strength with fresh nutes first? Also, if I top or lst should I wait? I was thinking about cutting off some of the dying undergrowth to for air flow, better light penetration, and to make things look good. I stopped myself though because I know these plants were just starting to hurt and they might need a week or so to get back. Any comments at all would be greatly appreciated!!! Pics coming in an hour probably.
Heres the photo update a few hours late, I'm gonna wait at least a couple days see how these plants gets better and go for there. The two smaller ones are about 8 inches tall, the largest is close to 12 inches.

On the up side I think I've spotted pre-flowers on the largest, front plant, and I'm thinking female! I included pictures though because I'm not sure. I will still clone to be 100% positive and get some extra plants into veg. Once the two smaller ones get a little larger its flowering time!

I didn't get any pics of the roots but they pretty much fill out the tub. I've got the res at 5 gal. around 70 degrees, 450ppm, 5.2 ph. The grow room is 82F high, 70F low, 50% rh low, 70% rh high. I will switch to the MH soon to complete veg. to prepare for flowing and the hps.

Group shot day 47 from seed


Large front hopefully female

2nd biggest

these two are of the runt

Possible pre-flowers on the most vigorous plant

I want as much feedback as possible on these last pics does anyone know if these are what I think they are. I can also provide better pics if necessary.

Also I do know these plants are looking deficient, if anyone is new or doesn't know they just vegged in the same res for 2 weeks without any maintenance. I was expecting a lot worse to tell you the truth.

I hope everyone had a happy new year, I'm ready to start this one with a bang.
Looks nice man. Is the inline 6" for venting? or do you have aircooled lights?
Cause I think that thing would suck the walls off of a 32"x32"x64 space. lol
I had one before in a 6x6 room, and it almost caved my mylar room in when i turned it on. lol had to reinforce the mylar.

Good luck with the grow!
sup s13, thanks for the kind words.
I have an inline duct booster, its made to be put at the end of a duct if it runs for a long length to help keep up the cfm, it puts out like 250 cfm boost when attached along the duct of another actual inline fan.. I on the other hand am using it as a main exhaust fan because it realistically puts out about 150 cfm by itself which is perfect because it replaces the 35 cubic ft of my tent about 4 or 5 times a minute. My T5 isn't putting off much heat so I don't have it running all the time like my oscillating fan. When I have the 400w MH and HPS I wil run it all the time because that setup is not air cooled.

I know what you mean about those powerful inline fans I thought it would be too much negative air pressure. Some neg. pressure is definently what you want but you dont want your walls to come in like you said. With this fan running I can put a piece of paper over my intake hole and it holds it up but not so much that it sucks it in through the hole. Another plus of these duct boosters is that I got it for 25$ at a local hardware store :thumb:

I don't know if the more powerful fans do this but when I zip up the tent I can hear the fan slow down because the air isn't being replaced as fast as it is sucked out. It kind of buffers itself. One thing you have to make sure of is that the intake hole is larger than the exhaust, its a pretty simple rule but it is often neglected.

Thanks again for stopping by im gonna have to look into your grows you gotta love a kush plant!
I looked into taking clones off of stressed plants, its a bad idea. I'm gonna wait to cut these babies just yet and see if they can get a little healthier. I'm still trying to figure out if those are pre-flowers or just new leaves coming out though. Cheers!

So much for waiting I cloned two of the plants, the runt didn't enough have a long enough growth shoot, I would have to top it. I decided to clone because I need to stay on schedule and start flowering asap. I switched the plants to MH 1 ft away from the plants and about 3 1/4 ft from the clones. I used roottech cloning gel, RW cloning gel, and boiled water ph 5.5 on the clones, their humidity dome is 80+% rh and 74F. I took four from the biggest plant and 3 from the other to get some practice in at my first time cloning and to increase light penetration. I used different size branches and different methods like splitting the stem and scraping or not scraping etc. to see what works best. I'm a bit nervous and idk which are going to be used just for sex determining and what not. Can the ones that I flower right after they get roots be reverted back to veg? i think I'm gonna try and build a cabinet for clones and moms in the next week or two just incase I find myself needing a veg area after I start flowering the tent.

The plant's res is at 5.6 ph and 340ppm. I'll post pics of the clones and the trimmed plants tomorrow or later tonight.

Until then...
Im kinda stressin, The temps got up to 100 in the tent last night, I moved the clones under the T5 and hopefully I can get the temps down for the plants under the MH. The leaves are looking either heat stressed, nutrient deficient, or both. The clones are wilting like normal hopefully they start to perk up under the fluorescents. Hydro is pretty hard for a nube even though I've read so much and followed others advice. Lets see if I cant correct this situation...
I hate to say it but I might pick up some FFOF for the clones and look into getting some other type of light for the plants. HID grow plants big fast, but the heat might be too much. could it be my exhaust fan is not strong enough? I might get more oscillating fans, anything that will help.
Pics soon
It is in a closet and now I see how much of a difference it makes, I opened the door right after the lights came on and it was like 95f, its now around 81-85 with the door open and added an extra fan, Thanks for the advice once again hash lol
Instead of locking the closet I will lock the room door to be able to keep the closet open. I wish I could vent out some how without opening the door, but its the only opening to the room at all. I might have to do some creative thinking, I do not own the place and there are others in the building too.

So now that I have the heat stress to a minimal, I just need to make sure the deficiencies don't get worse. Glad I took clones when I did.
These were just after the cloning and addition of the MH


Clones are looking okayish some better than other buts they still have a few days to go, the one plant I couldn't clone was nice enough to show her pre-flowers beautifully so I won't need to take clones unless the others turn out male. Res change ppm 700 ph 5.4 and getting good temps in the tent. Going to top the tallest plant it is getting to close to the light and I want to top at least one week before flowering. The other two are short enough. All I need now is the sex of the two who's clones are rooting and I can switch to 12/12 anytime after that. I'm stoked :)

Also I just learned about this mr.clean auto dry car wash system that cleans water up to 15 ppm tap! Mines in the mail :smokin:
I also am getting ready to rig a CO2 fixture for late veg and flower. It is much overdue. I think thats all peace out
Hydro, looking real good. Great job. I'm doing my first grow using hydro in a diy cab w/ LED's now, but off to a shaky start. I'm very interested in hearing how that Mr. Clean Car Wash system works out for you. For $20 it's a LOT cheaper than buying an R/O. Best!
Thanks Bud, I feel you on needing a cheap R/O filter! I found one for $8.99 or something on amazon. Check the thread that told me about it DIY Reverse Osmosis - For Small Scale Grower - Cheap, Portable, & Effective
I will post my test results when it comes but it might be a few days:tokin:

I love your closet cabinet too. I'm working on finding one for myself it would be really cool to build it but I don't really know where to pick up the materials for the doors and frame. I might buy some kind of cabinet and modify it to be easier, its going to be a cloning/mother area I hope. Any how good luck with Lacy and Pina :goodluck:
Thanks man...BTW...the yellowing between the veins of the plant usually indicates some sort of nutrient deficiency. I'd look at adding some cal-mag. I am still a noob, so maybe some more experienced growers will comment?
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