Closet DWC Blackberry Nov. 15th 2010

Its day 17 and the roots were hanging from the rock wool of my three best seedlings, so I decided to transplant them to the dwc setup. . Hopefully one of these will be my big strong mother plant.

Heres the roots


This is the atmosphere, and the nutrient schedule I'll be following. I started this two week solution 1/2 strength.


I decided on just using my 60 gallon whisper after I tried a few other pumps that were smaller. They were all similar in noise but this whisper is the strongest one I have and I hooked both air outputs to my 20 in micro pore diffuser.

And the babies in their new home


Now they are happy and I'm getting my 400w MH ready to hang. The reflector has a blue film on the reflecting side does anyone know if I should keep this on? I also need to figure out how high to hang it above them. Any suggestions are appreciated =)
Remove the film, it will melt. As for hanging, I use the small chain link stuff you can find at the hardware store for cheap. Get that and S hooks and you should be good. How are the plants getting water? Is the water splashing onto them from the bubbles?
Thanks man! I ran to the light to turn it off I'm gonna let it cool down and then peel it off. I have those yo-yo hangers but its like tying a string to one end and then the mechanism to lower the light is so awkward, then your supposed to like jiggle it up and down an inch or so to lock? I do it and nothing happens so the light is hanging all the way up I cant lower it Im gonna go get some chains sounds much more simple and reliable.
Anyways though how high above the plants should it hang?
As for your question the air bubbles oxygenate the water and the roots feed off of it that way. I have it filled halfway up the net pot so the bubbles are surrounding the root area right now. I'll lower the water level as the roots grow and I guess it creates an aeroponic zone between the bubbles and the plant stem as well.
I was wondering about the water level because I've seen the bubble style cloners, but have never seen anyone doing that with rockwool. I can't tell how long your roots are, but from what I know, you shouldn't drown rockwool, because it can drown the plant. The rockwool will not store the air from the water effiecint enough and it will just sit like a wet sponge. The roots should be a few inches long so they can dangle in the water. The air between the net pots and water keep the plant from being over watered. Without the air gap you are likely to get an overwatered plant, or root rot, either can kill the plant. I've ran some DWC grows and am still learning, but am pretty sure on that. If you're doing different let me know, I am interested. I saw you are reading up, so I might have different info then you.
I run 2 DWC and 1 Water farm with a airstone in the bottom. Halfway through my grow my water farm started acting up for some reason. Not sure why but the water level kept rising rapidly, then falling for no reason, then mildew started growing on the inside of the water level gauge making it hard to read the water level and besides all that I had to stop using the drip ring altogether or use it on a timer becaue the root ball was so thick it had clogged every hole to the reservoir with tick healthy roots despite the fact I drill extra holes in case just this situation happened. what I did was simply unlplug the airline to the dip ring and just use the bubblerock as a DWC. The plant is doing great without the drip ring. I have been using it like this for about 2 weeks now. Next grow I am doing a SoG with a 1000 watt HPS and 6-8 Bubble Bucket DWC. These are by far the easiest way to grow for me. I hate having to water each plant. I am on very stable PH well water and all I have to do is mix up a fresh batch of nutes and change the res every 7-10 days. I don't even use a PH meter or a PPM or EC meter either and my plants are in great shape.
I got this from the DWC section of How To Grow Marijuana (under the grow room tab if anyone hasn't visited this goldmine corner of the forum)
Medical Marijuana posted under; At what level should the nutrient be in the bucket,
"The nutrient solution should be kept at a level of 1" above the bottom of the net basket when a new plant/clone has been introduced to the bubbler.

After a good root system has been established, the level can drop down in the bucket and will create a nice aeroponic type atmosphere for the roots to thrive in. Make sure to keep an eye on your TDS however,a s a significant drop in the reservoir level can mean a significant increase in your TDS level. With frequent checks using your TDS meter, you should have no problems. When TDS levels rise in the bucket, you can add plain pH adjusted water to top off and adjust TDS to the correct levels."

I'm hoping this is right because like you said, the rock wool is soaked and that kinda worries me, hopefully the bubbles are getting to the roots that I have just barely hanging out of the rock wool.
nice thanks for the info growing, so me being OCD about the ph and everything of my babies is only helping a little then haha, so would you happen to know from experience if having the nute level touching the rock wool when the plants are young is the right thing to do? I agree on how easy they are I don't have to worry about them drying up because of my hot ass MH in the grow tent. I didn't have the ocilating fan on and it got up to 105F, but thats above the light it stayed around 80 near the plants cause its like 55 in my house.
OK, that sounds good, but it doesn't mention medium in the netpot which leaves it open to discussion. I could see if you have hydroton in the bottom inch and coverd that, but not the rockwool, that should be good. But I do not think soaking rockwool is a good idea. I'm sure someone has to know better. Hydroton does hold liquid. Here's a link to an awesome tutorial about bubble DWC. I was good friends with the guy who wrote it, and he helped me a ton. Not sure why he left this forum, I was off for a while, came back, and he was gone. I learned a lot from him and a bunch of other awesome DWC growers. I found that the hub and drip lines aren't needed if you pay really close attention and are around enough to hand water for the first couple of weeks, or get your plants to have long roots before getting put into the DWC resivour. Anyhow, it's a long read, but very helpful.DWC Tutorial by Tulip (not his real screen name)
hey hydro, just catching up on whats going on and the how to grow section is right on the money, so is Joe. if your medium stays too wet as the plant matures you can develop pythium (root rot) or even stem rot on your stalk. i have experienced this before. and for nutes touching the rock wool it shouldn't hurt them at all so long as the strain isn't too hypersensitive to nutes. and the plants are looking awesome hydro. im anxious to see how they grow.

by the way; 2.25 ounces and a 1 gallon bag full of trimmings for bubble hash. not bad for my first "complete":yahoo: grow cycle.
Interesting, I see he talks about systems with a submersible pump and air hose going directly to each net cup,Idk if what I'm doing is possible but I just wanted to lover the nute level until the roots hang, just bubble style. If not I'm gonna need some more supplies ha. hmm:morenutes:

Your right though, it probably differs by medium, I'm not sure so thats why I just did what I did, hopefully it works.
hey hydro, just catching up on whats going on and the how to grow section is right on the money, so is Joe. if your medium stays too wet as the plant matures you can develop pythium (root rot) or even stem rot on your stalk. i have experienced this before. and for nutes touching the rock wool it shouldn't hurt them at all so long as the strain isn't too hypersensitive to nutes. and the plants are looking awesome hydro. im anxious to see how they grow.

by the way; 2.25 ounces and a 1 gallon bag full of trimmings for bubble hash. not bad for my first "complete":yahoo: grow cycle.
:goodjob: thats awesome, and that was just one plant no? If I were you I'd be a very happy man.

Thanks for the info, I believe these seedlings will be fine with the nutes at the level they are at, I expect to see those roots through the net cups in about a week, before I leave them for a week after that:lot-o-toke: if the roots grow as I anticipate then i can lower the level to just below the cups before I go, then change it when I get back. By then the roots might be hanging enough to lower again. As for the rock wool its soaked now but once I can lower the nutes it will dry out a little to let more air in, in the meantime I'm gonna watch for rot I really hope it stays away.

This forum is a blessing, I've received so much help already that I otherwise might have had to guess at. Even before the grow this website helped me prepare in the months before I started, much thanks to everyone and thank you 420!:thanks:

I also just got my Blueberry and Mango seeds from the UK! I also got a skunk haze, no G13 :/
I want to start a blue cause they are feminized and a couple mango but I know I should wait till I get back from vacation. I think I will just start a seperate grow journal for them when the time comes. This time around I'm gonna clone the blackberry and have one big purple harvest =)
Blueberry!!! :yahoo: I plan on growing that sometime. Can't wait to watch her grow.

Thanks Joe; my fondest memories of my first 420 was of me and my brother smoking blueberry out of his vaporizer, such a great taste and awesome high, definently my favorite strain.

Hopefully spliff seeds has a good blueberry, its 75% indica and it says hard to grow. The seed is soaking now should be ready for a napkin tonight.
hydro, by the way the submersible pump thing is a recirculating dwc system aka ------------. not a bad system but when u have a recirculating system (referring to recirculating the nute solution) u have a increased risk for pythium. i had one before and thats where i experienced stem rot. FYI
hydro, by the way the submersible pump thing is a recirculating dwc system aka ------------. not a bad system but when u have a recirculating system (referring to recirculating the nute solution) u have a increased risk for pythium. i had one before and thats where i experienced stem rot. FYI

I can't see what its as known as but I understand, I'm glad I chose the simpler set-up, I was worried about the noise coming from an additional pump. I'm glad to have your experienced opinion on my side bill.
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