ClobberWatts Attempt To Conquer The World Phase 2

Damn. I'm not pol pot. I'm trying to be. Instead.. I'm killing people for a bowl of rice a day. I only left them for one day and I picked up the cups. Felt heavy, thought they had water. Didn't realize that coco actually weighs that much with no water. Same as when it does. Boo.

Posted this on Buckshot's journal to get help, but I figure since it does apply to this setup I should copy it here. Plus, I can only harass his journal so much.

So, I do not know what to take of this. Some good news some bad, but this one is throwing me off and wanted to see if any of you guys hanging out here can give me an answer. Trying to hang up the 8 vero 29's. 2x4. I'm getting 120 to driver (hlg-480h--c1750b). DC output goes from .264 to 333v. no light.
You're lucky - I'm right here.

Ok, so what's the wiring? You have 274 volts available. The Vero29s are what voltage again?

Maybe dumb questions, but bring me up to speed.
I should be getting an ohm reading through all of the chips right? Would it make a difference if I hook up a positive to one side and a negative to the other. I thought they were both connected. like...


- -

most are.


a few are..


Would that matter?
Reverse the leads and see what you get.
Check each + and - to ground
When I said a few are it didn't come out right.

most are

+ not connected
- not connected

2 are

+ notconnected
notconnected -

But from all I read it seems that both leads are connected and it doesn't matter...
So, you're running 8 Vero29s at 38 volts each, in series? = 304 volts? Why would the driver work? It only handles 274. Try disconnecting one Vero?

Incidently, those two numbers are very close to the readings you're getting. Oops, nevermind - misread them.
So it's because I went off the open voltage rather than the constant current. Well that sucks. I see so many people doing that and got confused half the time because of that. What the heck am I going to do with this 480 now argh. I want eight dangit. That just ruins everything. Boxes. electrical. meters. And I'm broke.
Would have saved money on two 240-1400's
Yeah, but you only lose one COB ...

You suppose it's returnable? Swappable?

Sheesh, I gotta pay more attention ...

... Two 240-1400s? Not 1750s? Which made me focus ... 8 cobs at 1750 ma at 38 volts is ... 500 some watts? In a 2x4? Heheh, is it possible that you may not have gotten your math right?

I gotta hit the sack now, sorry.
Nope. 7 didn't work.
Yep, me too. Just mad. Has nothing to do with growing weed. This is just for fun. I'll post back tomorrow.
Totally where I messed up. If you look at the 240's and even the 320's, the constant voltage and open voltage are only like 3 volts off. But the 480, it's like 65 to 70 volts difference. So if anyone could buy me a 480-1400... I'll send you my 480 1750 or get me two 240-1400's
I got 9 panels for my 4.5x4.5 that run @ 36v. I'll use this driver to run 6 of them and a 240h-2100 to run the other 3. That should work right? Then I'll get the 480h-1400 for these 8 cobs or two 240's like I said above. Still doesn't explain why I can't get 7 to turn on.

This is why this totally sucks. I went with the 80/20 stuff to make it look professional. It's humboldt, talking to a guy at the bar that I've known for 20 years or so. Talking shit about my new setup and all led tech talk, ppf's, and wattage and shit. I didn't know they were still blackboxing over at this millions of dollars a year bulb farm that he is the head electrician for the last 15 years. They mainly do tulips, lilies, and irises. He's talking how they never wanted to do anything like hid's or mh's. But once I showed him numbers of watts micromules and crap, it blew him away. That's when he broke out being head electrician and went his bosses with what I said and showed him. Now they want to do a 10,000 sq/ft warehouse just off what I told him that he told his boss's so they can do these bulbs in the winter. These were suppose to be the prototypes to show them. I can't have 7 cobs out of eight running lol. This was going to get me in the door to start a huge project run by me? wtf? That would get me going to do other projects for people around here since Kalifornia legalized this year. Cheaper and better than other big corporations before rj reynolds moves in with their million sq/ft warehouses for marijuana.

He's bringing me some bulbs some day this week. He knows it's marijuana spectrums, nutrient levels, heat, and humidity, but it's just for testing purposes and I'm short one vero IF I can even figure out what the problem is today. Damnit... lol.
I notice that the milliamp number keeps changing when you mention drivers. So far, you've mentioned 1750, 1400, and now 2100ma drivers.

If you're pitching for a large greenhouse, COBs are the ideal answer. Then it's just a matter of how hot they want to run them. With that large area to cover, they wouldn't need the dispersion that panels offer - pinpoint light sources would be fine.

But yeah, if they won't light up ... :oops:

Have you retried it today? Fanleaf corrected a fault with no results, and then the driver worked the next day. I've faulted mine in every way possible I think - overdriven, crossed DC, overheated - managed not to connect DC with AC so far - that might toast 'em. It should work with 7 COBs at 38 volts, in series - plus to minus. Are you using wagos or something easy, for the wiring? You had odd markings on a couple COBs. Maybe try swapping out different COBs for the 8th one?
:thumb:Good luck, hope you can figure it out.It's beyond my expertise.:Namaste:
This is going to take a bit to write out, but I think it should be done for posterity. Small checklist of things I am going through to get this thing running right.
First off. This is for vero 29 se's with 140mm heatsinks. Don't know if it applies to cree's, citizen's, boards, or other chips, but I'm sure some of it will apply.

Here's the setup before ripping it apart.

I should not have put the refelctor holders on before wiring it together and testing it. I thought since I knew where the positives are and negatives are, that I wouldn't run into any problems with the wiring or poke in connections. That's true and not at the same time. I wanted a good solid contact between the chip, thermal paste, and heatsink. Problem with the Vero's is that the reflector holder uses the same screw as the chip covering the poke in disconnects. Looking back, my wanting of a solid thermal paste is not as important as making sure that every connection is solid and a full signal is going through the whole system first, if that makes sense. The paste should glue it enough for you to test it first with a quick fire up, then unscrew your chips, add the holders, and put it together finally. If your using pads, this probably isn't so much of a problem.

Alright, so I tested the system before I ripped it apart and did not get a signal through the eight chips or when graytail told me to drop down to seven. Problem was with that is.. I don't remember if I tried it backwards which I will explain here in a sec. So I took the whole thing apart down to just the chips and every wire seperate. All wires gave me 0 ohms. Wago's tested good and tried different one's just in case. All chips at first gave me open line or OL. But when I put the positive of my meter on the negative of the chip and the negative/common of my meter on the positive of the chip, this is the resistance I got on the chips from the photo above from top left.

1.1 .7
1.05 .5
.95 .5
.5 .5

Tested connections with just my meter and realized that 1 was now 0. Now I have no idea what those numbers mean, but it does make me think for another reason why I would never run chips in parallel. Just opinion here. But these chips are too sensitive and each one is so different. You couldn't get the exact voltage to run exactly for each chip in parallel if I'm understanding it correctly. It also told me at least that I'm getting some sort of signal through the chips and each one was so different and fluctuating which made me come up with some other weird theory... like the five's were getting more sunlight from the window than the others and if you look at the angle. Top left was the highest, the furthest from the angle of sunlight. Were these things acting like solar panels. Look at the angle of measurements. Weird.

All right, back to the task at hand. Now that I know it's not my chips or one chip for that matter. Not the wiring or the poke in connection since once I put it back together and doing my reverse ohm test. I got zero through the system. Then I thought. Ok. My potentiometer is testing @ 101k, but what if it's not sending right signal. Think it was Fanleaf that said if you disconnect one wire it will pull full power which didn't make sense to me. It would seem that you would have to connect both wires together on the dimmer lead to get full power. Didn't matter. Tried it both ways and still no light.

At this point. I'm getting 333v on the dc line from the driver still as I said in previous post. I know I have solid connection on all wires and chips, so I connected a different extenstion cord straight to the driver without the potentiometer or my box with fuses. Still... no light.

My next step that I am working on now is to hook up the 240h-c2100b to three chips on each side and then the final two. If it fires up, I gotta put plugs and shit on it tonight/late first, then I'll know it's a bad 480h, but that still wouldn't explain why I would be getting the 333v on the DC.

We shall see said the blind man.
Ok. Whoever said Zincite is a moron is actually the moron. The only reason I didn't do this...

Was.. I was afraid of blowing my chips. I don't know. I get the 240-2100 all wired up and then it pops in my head, how am I going to blow my chips if he is right and it is backwards, I'd already be blowing my chips if I have it backwards. So I wire it backwards like Zincite suggested and what do I get from that idiotic statement that I totally disconsidered at first that ended up being the smartest thing ever...

I wired the damn DC line backwards. Since I got that 333v I didn't even check to see which was positive. Had the volts, thought it was right.

Pretty sure everything I posted above still applies to setting up your Vero's though. Can't see why it wouldn't.

Don't know how people feel religiously around here. I just know I believe in God. If I wouldn't have messed up that one plug to get the DC reversed. I would not Have had to check the system because it would have fired up, but not running right. I would have not gotten the slap from graytail about my numbers being wrong on the driver to get it to run correctly and I think it would have taken me days to figure out messing up other parts, chips, screws stripping, connections, just to figure out why the output was not going correctly. Lesson well learned. Thanks guys for the input.
Ack, didn't mean it to sound like a slap - more like "is it plugged it?" :p

And the direction of DC usually doesn't matter. :hmmmm:

Glad you got 'er runnin'! :thumb:
The DC positive and negative to the chips does not matter? That's their main power. Why would that not matter? Why put a positive and negative on the driver and the chips if it did not matter? Come on bro, you seriously have to be messing with me.
Heheh, no, I meant typical cheap 12 volt circuits. I wired up a 4-board parallel/series setup and wired one set backwards. Had me stumped for awhile.
So I just pulled the 480 out and put the 240-2100 for three of them. Look what I'm dealing with. I put 5 new seeds in, my T5 was pulling 100 micromules. These three vero's.. I thought I could inch them up 50 watts to closer to 400 micro's.. nope. These are running at 8 watts a piece and I got 115 in between the lights and 200 micormules under the chips.

I toasted a four leaf paired seedling under a 15 watt panel at a foot. Dey bright!
I toasted a four leaf paired seedling under a 15 watt panel at a foot. Dey bright!

Don't know if I told you this, the reason I toasted them, was.. I was used to the ph level at my old house only six blocks from here. No one will ever admit this, but the whole town's water system was set at a ph level of straight 6.0 for indoor grows here. Humboldt was the original and the whole economy over the last 50 years has been based off of it even though normal people (do not know what that is), does not even realize it. So I based my water being at that and when I finally tested it... freakin 8.5 on those seadling's. I'm supprised that I have any left.
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Ok. So what happened above was I didn't realize that my ph was like 8.5. I was so spoiled with the house being a constant 6.2 no matter what in my tap water at my old house it made no sense. Filtered awesome. It never crossed my brain until I looked it up. I just assumed being only a few blocks away. Anyways, that took me a week with them dying and ended up saving 11 out of 15 which turned into this on the 25th of april or so.

You got the bigger one's going. Knew I was on to something right and wanted to LST the bigger one's soon. So I had to start working on the doubledacker system I wanted (yes, I said dacker.. fuck off).

So I transplanted those 11 after I knew they had a foothold on the torture they had been through as kids. and put the system down lower in bigger 1gl pots. Plus I was having problems with my led's, wattage and all that bullshit. I can link to it on buck's page if you need it.

This was about a week later when I got everything together and decided that..

"I will not allow this treachery. I do not build this forest of clobberwatts to have teenage children rebel. I dispatched my tie fighters to catch this so called "aluminum flacum". "

We got an ebb and flow/drip/water from top/perilite/coco fiber/I have no idea what's going on/led/.... alright. Since we are all on the same page system going on with some strain from a friend bullshit.

So now that I got them downstairs. I started topping and Lsting crap.

Actually the star wars photos were after this cuz I was excited on the lst and system I set up.

We're at about the 15th of may at this point. With all of the problems I have had, I still had to go forward with the DOUBLEDACKER. I had to top them and give them a home.

At this time I built the upstairs, planted some seeds of the same strains, and had this going. If you look in the right of the photo you can see the cuts in cubes. Look at the lid. I didn't have one. Rigged it. Still using it lol. This was about on the 20th of MMMMay I. Think I have how the water runs now. It took me a week just to figure that out. I didn't have a pump that would run water to upstairs and if it did, it was blasting water on my lights but I got it. Always douche.

A few days ago I got upstairs running right with downstairs.

Now here is what is so freaking awesome. These plants have to go into 12 right. I do not have the firepower to do it. I got my panel ready.

But I do not have the drivers to run it. Friend of mine who we all know and love is sending me a couple to get these girls on the pole. This was a few days ago.

I never have been a scrog person, but I guess I am with this run somehow. I'll post some photos of right now just to show you my cuts lid at least lol.
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