Cinnamon - Jack Herer pheno cross

i dont want to sound negative,but some will say that it cant be done; flowering 2 plants under 3 cfls. just remember that when you initiate 12/12 light schedule your plants are gonna stretch, especially since they are almost 100% sativa, there gonna stretch a lot! you might think about doing it sooner rather than later. picture your plants at least 3 times their size now will they recieve enough light? ive flowered with just cfls before and it was fun i new i wasnt gonna get much out of it but it was more for the experience of learning. just outta curiosity how many watts are your cfls? not the equivelent but the actual watts thats what guesssing around 42w a piece...once you start flowering you might want to throw a couple more cfls in there towards the bottom to let lower branches recieve light.

btw im only saying this to help, a lot of people on here read a post like this and take it as criticisim, im not at all criticizing you those plants look great! only suggesting as i have a little experience with this. if your looking for some information swing by and check out the early parts of my grow journal, where i used only cfls. btw feel free to send me a pm if you have ne ?'s. ill be back and check up again. good luck. ne way i gots to get to work. later.
375watts in total....envirolights.

Heres some pics so you know what im talking about...not the 42w, 125w each


And thanks for fixing my pics Bagzgroove!! You know by now im useless!
but yeah man... the plants are lookin good I would assume a decent yeild, just assume the worst so it's all good either way. And yeah you'll be flowering the shit out of the plants, maybe not toooo much though. I flowered mine for like 5 months! lmao
lol..yeah...but it was a very messed up plant, and very few watts. I left two small popcorn buds on the stem and one day I put the stem out on the deck and now its a huge ass REALLY weird looking's got about a foot on me, ha
Stepped out of the bedroom today really sleepy, and got the biggest whiff of weed, not what I need first thing in the morning!:laughtwo::laughtwo: I am dreading what its going to smell like in a few weeks! Im impressed with the plants, but dont think im going to like the smoke.

I am def after growing some grapefruit next! Yum yum!!:cheesygrinsmiley:
I want something sweet and fruity...and def more sativa! Just a nice giggly high, not a couch lock! :D So something like the cinnamon, just fruity tasting as opposed to spicy....
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