Chromes Gone Hempy: "Kushberry" + Bagseed/Bagseed Clone: CFLs!

I am loving it. Its funny though cause with seedlings in the soil I notice that growth is steady over all. While with these you think, WTF they aren't growing cause its all roots at first while they hunt for water. then one day they just explode and don't stop. the big seedling looked like the other two just a day or so ago. then Boom! she exploded. I have to take care of this algae problem though before it spreads.

I am really impressed with Lb as well. I am just wondering how long will she gets normal leaves and what will she look like.

Oh also I picked out my actual grow buckets. they are 2.5 gal rectangle trash bins. I want this shape cause I will be doing LST on all the ladies and want the horizontal plain. does that make sense..¿ oh well it will one day.

Nice! So your diving right in! Yeah that growth after flower is so weird, i'm not sure how long but I think I remember reading a few weeks after root development. Is there something you can put on top of the perlite to combat the algae.

Makes perfect sense to me. Maybe were just one the same level...:)
Haha yeah we must be! but warning things get weird on this level some times.. :)

I was just thinking about that. was thinking tine foil or something.
Yes they do! Or maybe an old string of Christmas lights.:)

Ok bare with me, I am very stoned right now.. But wouldn't that just help the algae grow? you all the light and what not.. Hey would Christmas lights help a plant grow? I have tones of them!
Ok bare with me, I am very stoned right now.. But wouldn't that just help the algae grow? you all the light and what not.. Hey would Christmas lights help a plant grow? I have tones of them!

Not sure buddy! Maybe they would help if it was a led string (doubted), but purely cosmetic otherwise.
Not sure buddy! Maybe they would help if it was a led string (doubted), but purely cosmetic otherwise.

Hmmmmmmmm.... :roorrip: :hmmmm: :nomo: :hmmmm: :bigtoke: :idea: If they were LED I don't see how they couldn't help!
I'll dig down a little if I see it I will deal with it. If not then I will leave it be for now. Its only on LB any ways since really she is the only one who's be getting nute thus far. 'Cept for the larger seedling, that gets a little nuts sprayed on twice a day. But a very week solution.
Hey guys ,

So I'm kind of worried about the ladies. I am going to gone for 3 days, well 1 full and two half days any ways. I'm worried that they will dry out while I am gone.

As for their current growth, Well its steady. LB is looking weird though. hard to explain with out pics, which I will take tonight or later this after noon. who knows. Mostly I think she's just looking for some actual nutes beyond the foliar feeding. And I'm going to have to clean all the ladies out. The algae is spreading so I'm going to change their perlite and cups out before I leave town.

Wow, also I'm taking a break from smoking cause I have a few Job interviews lined up over the next week. One this after noon and one next Wednesday. So I'll be taking a break from smoking. the only execption being when I go see P'Funk next Thursday. I refuse to watch them not stoned.. haha. My point being, posting isn't as much fun with out a wake n bake. So I apologize if they aren't as fun to read..
Hey guys ,

So I'm kind of worried about the ladies. I am going to gone for 3 days, well 1 full and two half days any ways. I'm worried that they will dry out while I am gone.

As for their current growth, Well its steady. LB is looking weird though. hard to explain with out pics, which I will take tonight or later this after noon. who knows. Mostly I think she's just looking for some actual nutes beyond the foliar feeding. And I'm going to have to clean all the ladies out. The algae is spreading so I'm going to change their perlite and cups out before I leave town.

Wow, also I'm taking a break from smoking cause I have a few Job interviews lined up over the next week. One this after noon and one next Wednesday. So I'll be taking a break from smoking. the only execption being when I go see P'Funk next Thursday. I refuse to watch them not stoned.. haha. My point being, posting isn't as much fun with out a wake n bake. So I apologize if they aren't as fun to read..

you mean we gonna have boring posts now... man,, that's it.. I'm out:grinjoint:

J/K :smokin:

how much water they taking in now? if I remember you mentioned they got a hole in the side, to create a little pocket in the bottom to hold water? why not but them in a saucer of some sort, like a small 6" one for the one gal pots, and put some extra water in that,, so they got a little extra to suck up if needed? (never done what you are doing,, so just thinking outloud.. :))
oh,, and I almost forgot... :goodluck: on the job interviews,, hopefully you get something that will let you actually work again,, (well, that is if you really WANT to do actual work.. :))
Yeah, I'm thinking of moving them into cups with out holes and filling them half way. This should be ok for a few days I think. them when I get back on Monday I can just poke a hole into the cup and give them a flush.

And yes that's the whole reason I'm looking for work. I want to get back into the trenches. this job is good for the wallet but bad for the career. I need to stay on top of my game, not my movie watching. :) I'll let you guys know how they go.
Hey hey!

Well I had a good time this week. Hot and exhausting but tons of fun! Might post some travel pics in another thread maybe.

Wellt he ladies are looking great. LB is looking.... odd. she is dropping her old growth like its cancer and her new growth is looking more marijuana like. but still odd. :loopy: the other ladies look fantastic. The "kushberry" is painfully slow growing while the two bag seed gals I kept are going great. To survive the week end with out me I moved them into cups with no holes and just filled half way with water. they seemed to enjoy that. they drank it all up, or it all evaporated. Hard to say really. but they look great and that is all that matters! I will try and get pics up tonight.
:yahoo: glad they made it thorough your weekend..

hope you had a good one.. (I went swimmming with my blackberry... it did not like it so much,, another victim of Zen's pool of death)
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