Chromes Gone Hempy: "Kushberry" + Bagseed/Bagseed Clone: CFLs!

Not sure why Its called Hempy. But the deal is its a bucket or for now cups that have a small part on the bottom that hold water. You place a hole in the side to allow excess water to rain out. Its basically a passive hydro set up.. The perlite gives the roots something to hold on to basically and that is it. Perlite is ph neutral so it wont effect the grow as much as soil would. Also it allows for the roots to remain aerated.

When I transplanted I just removed the mesh from the peat and am just letting it break down and wash to the bottom of the cups. They wont be in the cups for to long so it should be fine. though I honestly have no real idea whats going on in there right now as I can not see.. ;)
hmm.. interesting... that is pretty neat.. do you have to clean out or change that water in the bottom often? or would it kinda flush out naturally by addin more water to the top?
It flushes it self as you add more water. Also if you happen to run into a situation where for what ever reason you need the water out, No problem just tip the bucket and out the hole it comes. or just poor a bunch of fresh water till you feel you've flushed it well.

I really like the idea a lot cause it make me think of how plants work in the wild. In soil there is a point under the soil where it is always moist. Above that will dry out between grows. When running soil indoors I feel it tends to remain most the whole way top to bottom and dries from the side to core bore than top to bottom. while the hempy imitates nature more. So I feel any ways.
thanks.. very interesting indeed.. I may have to experiment in the future..

again,, it is so interesting to see all the different way people can grow. very cool
I know It's awesome how many variations you can run to grow one plant. Its crazy really and my mind runs wild with possibilities. It totally plays into my nerdiness. My mind has been trained for years for trouble shooting/problem solving and being able to think out side of the box. what better hobby to indulge in?!

And don't even get me started on lighting choices!
I'm excited to see how this turns out as well. Seems like you would be able to identify and correct plant issues rather quickly. I may have to try something like this as well, it's always fun to experiment. :)
With the notorious MB hung out to dry our team of intoxicating vixens are free to take possession of the grow room. Now with sunny skies on their backs and the gods on their side they set forth on their journey to greatness. The road is long and the journey not with out peril but they are prepared!



All moved in.


The ******e Lisa Bell


The "kushberry"



Bag seed.

That is all for now but stay tuned!
very nice Chrome, the new growth on Lisa Bell looks nice.

what is the green on the perlite? looking at the second to bottom picture,, the half of the cup in the top left of the pic,, there is a ton of green stuff on it.. in the main pic, you can see it in Lisa Bell's cup...
very nice Chrome, the new growth on Lisa Bell looks nice.

what is the green on the perlite? looking at the second to bottom picture,, the half of the cup in the top left of the pic,, there is a ton of green stuff on it.. in the main pic, you can see it in Lisa Bell's cup...

I think its algae. They have been out in the open and its been really humid and hot. I wanted to change her perlite out last night but didn't have the time, I plan on doing it tonight. I wouldn't want that to get to her roots as well.
Hey thanks again every one for tuning in and not dropping out. Its always more fun to grow when you can share the exp with fellow enthusiasts. Plus i love to show off my babies, I'm such a gushing father.. haha
LB has got some nice new growth on her and the seedlings are looking good. How are you liking the perlite hempy thing so far?
I am loving it. Its funny though cause with seedlings in the soil I notice that growth is steady over all. While with these you think, WTF they aren't growing cause its all roots at first while they hunt for water. then one day they just explode and don't stop. the big seedling looked like the other two just a day or so ago. then Boom! she exploded. I have to take care of this algae problem though before it spreads.

I am really impressed with Lb as well. I am just wondering how long will she gets normal leaves and what will she look like.

Oh also I picked out my actual grow buckets. they are 2.5 gal rectangle trash bins. I want this shape cause I will be doing LST on all the ladies and want the horizontal plain. does that make sense..¿ oh well it will one day.
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