Garden Update
So last few days temps and humidity have been pretty steady. Im really liking the inkbird so far. I have the living soil grow bags, barley straw, root wise microbes and neem on the way. Once that get here prob by Monday I think the girls may be ready for their final transplant into the 10 gal pots. Biggest Ive ever done is a 5 gallon pot and it did well but hoping the 10 gal will give me bigger roots and fruits.
I was doing so training on the clone and oops accidently broke off a branch... The plant was growing so nicely until I had to go being all rough lol. It was pretty even on 4 sides now the lowers are trying to fill the space. I figured I'd break a few branches coming back but still sad. This may work out for the better anyway now that I have more tops. I think I'm going to put a net up to weave the branches through to try to fill this canopy but we will see.
The Applewood is liking her up potting he has grown a lot since the transplant. I even saw a couple roots sticking out the bottom already. Hoping growth explodes even more her soon so I can top it. I think the clone is going to take most of the tent. So this one can hopefully catch up a little while the other one get most of the training.