Maaaan...I wanted to like, laugh, and love this post. I'm for sure am organic grower firstly. So many ways we can do to reduce waste. Congrats on the worm farm! I have a couple going. And a baby worm nursery bin. Amazing additions for your soil. Start with a smaller population. They will self-regulate their population if you start small. Versus throwing in too many for a specific space and amount of food. That can create a disaster. I've had disaster strike twice on me because of too many worms and not the right environment.
Silica in the foliar is good choice too. I still prefer a higher amount of it in my drench instead. Great 1-2 punch to add strength to them quick though via the foliar.
Tag me in your new grow
@Reave . Love watching organic grows. I must admit I don't tag people in my journals though.