Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow

Highya SO,

Nice trichome pics! I'd certainly have a looksee next week and go from there! Have you tried a testor bud yet? I hope she's all you want! Happy Smokin'

Hi folks, my girl is maturing and I don't want to let go! I love grows like this with something keeping me on the edge of my seat every day! She's been a challenge and a pleasure to grow and it's getting to an early end! I see a couple of weeks maybe? She's 45 days since flip. I'm looking for someone to disagree with me!
So I got an e-scope and am figuring it out. Here's some trich pics on the buds. But wait! I got a package from @420 Magazine today with some Booty from winning the JOTM in February! Funny, I pay little attention to winning things until someone puts me in for something like this, then it feels so good! Thanks everyone! I know just what seeds I want when Herbies asks!
Back to the scope pics! First is the seeded one and the rest are for the sake of determining how the trichs look.

Oi, I'd call them milky with some clear and no amber but for a few rubs or bumps. What do you say? 2 to 3 weeks? So 45 days today + 14 = 59, that's close to an indica leaning cultivar? Her bud seems tight to me. Man!

I think this plant is, if i'm lucky 2 weeks away and really lucky 3. She's finishing up in a blizzard of frost! I may start the drought if her lower buds are mature enough to bring some weight to the party. She's plenty frosty enough to have a good buzz, now to fill in the budz!
Did you know @Herbies Seeds carries Ace seeds? Don’t know if you’re into Sativas but they have a lot of great strains. Sold out of a lot of them though. CL🍀
Highya SO,

Nice trichome pics! I'd certainly have a looksee next week and go from there! Have you tried a testor bud yet? I hope she's all you want! Happy Smokin'
Oooh a tester! No I didn't but you're planting an idea in my head! She's all I want, I don't need much. The fun is in the grow and interaction with growers! I'm having a blast with this one!!
Did you know @Herbies Seeds carries Ace seeds? Don’t know if you’re into Sativas but they have a lot of great strains. Sold out of a lot of them though. CL🍀
Hey Cap'n, yes Ace is the place! Thanks!
You have the wild lady Mr Otter. That won't finish outside for you unfortunately. Your best bet is the RVDV or the Iklwa. ;)
I was about to ask. Thanks! I'm watching Ween so maybe I'll get an idea which one I want first. June's coming!
We don't get great fall seasons every year. Last year I could have grown into November a full 2 months more than predicted. Maybe the season is changing! Hope so!
Ahoy There!
You are taking some fine pictures nowadays. Show cases your :love: for the craft.
Bean Towns pride and joy we says!
Full sails of Love fer Ya!
Ahoy There!
You are taking some fine pictures nowadays. Show cases your :love: for the craft.
Bean Towns pride and joy we says!
Full sails of Love fer Ya!
Hello my good brother! Appreciate your kindness! Who would have thought we'd put so much time into being smarter than a plant! (most of the time) 🌝 A single plant at that!
Love you back friend!
Well stone its kindy against the stupid Law here > Last time I got turned in !! They didn't tell me how nice the plants were LOL :laugh: You can have an amount for a slap on the wrist but no no on the grow grow :cough:
I'm sad you have to not grow Smokes! Stay the course and keep out of trouble! I didn't grow when it was illegal either!
Well stone its kindy against the stupid Law here > Last time I got turned in !! They didn't tell me how nice the plants were LOL :laugh: You can have an amount for a slap on the wrist but no no on the grow grow :cough:
When are the rest of the State’s going to catch up with the Recreational legal State’s? Uncle Sam could do it so ez with just one law!Smh CL🍀
bad juju. No juju

When are the rest of the State’s going to catch up with the Recreational legal State’s? Uncle Sam could do it so ez with just one law!Smh CL🍀
The wheels of progress turn painfully slow in some states. This country of ours is more diverse than In thought but not always in a good way. Folks don't get the same information you and I get I'm thinking. I still have folks here in this state who think I'm evil for imbibing. Hearts and minds. We have to win them over. I can only live a good life and lead a good example.
The wheels of progress turn painfully slow in some states. This country of ours is more diverse than In thought but not always in a good way. Folks don't get the same information you and I get I'm thinking. I still have folks here in this state who think I'm evil for imbibing. Hearts and minds. We have to win them over. I can only live a good life and lead a good example.
It’s funny you mention that about people thinking you’re evil. I have a Polish caregiver that does the personal care for my Mother that a son never should anyways she thinks it’s like heroin and has to be horrible for me. I just laugh ,shake my head and give her a stoned smile. CL☘️
Lmao. Whoever that is. Lmao. I take it one of them cursing cartoon things. I maybe seen and flipped over real quick.
my response exactly :laugh:
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