Interesting conversation about cloning. I dip my cuttings in cloning gel and pop them into perlite. When I see strong roots they get transplanted into a seedling pot (same size as solo cup) and watered carefully sso that their rootss have time to develoop and strengthem (this time I put mine on a swick and that did the watering for me.) I am growing in craft LOS in 20 L cloth bags.
@Azimuth et al, does sub-irrigation work in a similar way delivering ph'd nutes to the roots? And, it's not necessary to PH if you are growing in LOS, ammirite? I certainly don't but I am also aware that our tap water is fine and I leave it to dechlorinate before filling the reseroir.
If my plants look a little untidy it is my ham fistedness.
Beeautifull Sunday friends