CFL Grow - The Church - Tangerine Dream - Chemdog - Big Bang - Advice Welcome

Well I wasn't going to update Chemdog until she had another node or two. But I woke up from a nap and look what I found mysteriously growing out the soil!!! Did the Chemdog produce this or what? I tried digging down a lil' bit to see where and how it started, but i didn't see anything. Was I supposed to leave it? Because I killed it; my thought was that it was probably taking up chemdog's energy into producing that shit, and now that's it gone I wonder if she'll recover faster...HMMM...can someone please help me on this?


Very strange...I tried to do some research but....nothing. Hopefully somebody will stroll in and know what's up.

Just watered all of them...

Pictures coming in a couple of days
Doing it tough mate, but im liking the effort you have put back in to revive them, i have some greenhouse seeds and the church and big bang are in there so im keen to see what happens - im growing their cheese at the moment.. very sensitive girls the greenhouse range.

The random seedling - i have a feeling that soil has been elsewhere.. if it has then its from the source. If not then maybe a random seed or spore crept in.

Good stuff buddy!
Doing it tough mate, but im liking the effort you have put back in to revive them, i have some greenhouse seeds and the church and big bang are in there so im keen to see what happens - im growing their cheese at the moment.. very sensitive girls the greenhouse range.

The random seedling - i have a feeling that soil has been elsewhere.. if it has then its from the source. If not then maybe a random seed or spore crept in.

Good stuff buddy!

Sorry to inform you but the church, big bang, and tangerine dream have been killed due to heat stress. I have to re-order them. I still have chemdog, hoping that she'll the be only one to come out of it.

The soil (Humboldt) just sucks. I don't know why I didn't get FFOF or FFHF in the first place! I think it already had gnats when i bought it. Now I'm fighting off these little fuckers!!! And now I have random sprouts just coming out the soil? WHAT THE HELL!!!

Himalayan Gold, Purple Paralysis, Bubble Cheese, and Big Bomb are striving!!! Excited.

When my girls woke up this morning I put Himalaya, Purple P, Bubble C, & Big Bomb out on my window sill to soak up a lil' bit of free sunshine!!! I've been doing this since they were born with no problem. Well when the sun moves to the other side of the house I put them back in the closet. WELL TODAY a freakin' boxelder bug (EATS LEAVES!!!) was on Purple P. I hurried up and smashed the lil' frick!! And just the other day there was one on Bubble C. It's the fall and they're trying to find somewhere warm...i.e my garden. They're covering my house. Just this morning I sealed up everything I could. Anyways enough of the bugs.

The problem I believe is pH. Ive been giving them water of an ph of 6 (I guess too low). Watered them, and yep. pH at 6. So I guess I could try to raise it to 6.5. I gave a drop of pH down (THIS STUFF IS VERY STRONG. 1 DROP RAISED MY PH TO 8.5!!!) I then added some regular tap water; ph of 7 (been using bottled water to water my girls). That put my pH at a neutral 7. So I watered Chemdog, and ph'd the run off at 6.5. So I was like ok cool. I then continued to water Purple P and Himalaya. ph'd the run off at 6.5 on both.

Just in case it is heat stress. I turned off my main lights and just turned on one 23w cfl until they show signs of improvement. Dont want to kill another 4 plants!!!

Here's some pics. Any advice is very appreciated!!1





Temp: 79-80*
Humidity: 58-60%
My advice: If you are using a good soil like FF, the pH of the soil should be right on target or very close. ofter transplanting your seedlings in the soil, be very careful not to overwater and just let them do their thing for a couple of weeks. FF soils have plenty of nutes already. Happy frog typically needs to be cut with some perlite to aid with drainage. Let the soil dry out reallly well between waterings but don't let them wilt. BE patient, they will grow. Sometimes, new growers tend to over-love their plants with nutes and water, etc.. and this causes a lot of problems. Remember, it is a weed and will take off really fast once it's root system is established really well. Once is is developing nicely, start throwing nutes at it.
Thanks for stopping by BPN!

I have a big zip lock bag of perlite I purchased for $2.50! Last time I watered them, I pH'd the run off at 6.5. They've been in the 6-6.5 range. On transplanting; that's exactly what my plans was. Transplant, water, and let them grow. Perlite at the bottom of the root pouches (being purchased tomorrow; 3gal) and also some more mixed in between. I wasnt planning on giving them nutes until around the 1 month mark.

EDIT: Just sprayed them with water right before lights out. I don't know what this will do, but I didn't think it would hurt. Eh.
A lil' update

Purchased from yesterday along with the new pots (2gal) you see the plants in

This bag was full, but at the bottom of all pots is just pure perlite and i also added some more in the mixture of the soil

Decided to re-pot all my babies this morning. I didn't water them for these reasons:
1. They was just watered Wednesday
2. Putting that tape on top of the drinking cups makes the soil stay for longer
3. Want my roots to stretch a lil
4. The root ball was totally moist from top to bottom
5. Don't want the gnats to come back!!!

Will probably post close ups some time tomorrow.

I was just recently released from the hospital (lungs were very close to collapsing). I think it was the combo of the cold/flu. My asthma. Trying some hookah and walking around in the cool night Saturday night. Well I got home, and I started breathing hard. I went to my breathing machine to take a treatment. But with no avail. After 8+ treatments I decided to check myself in early Sunday morning. I could hardly get any air into my lungs. I stayed all day Sunday and Monday and just recently got back home today!! THANK YOU LORD. The babies were pretty much taking care of themselves while I was away. And they seem ok, but I do have questions on what to do with the leaves on Himalaya and Purple P.

QUESTION #1: Their (Himalaya Gold and Purple P) leaves are like that because of heat stress, so should I just leave them alone and let them fall off on their own since they still have a lil' green to them? Or chop the leaves where they're burned and leave the green part on?

QUESTION #2: Look at Big Bomb, if you don't mind. I think it's suffering from a case of bad pH range. Would you agree?

Since I purchased FFHF (Friday), I haven't watered them. While I was in the hospital I told my girl to just sprinkle some water in the pots so they won't stress. So when I came home today I gave them a full watering. I measured they're run off and wow. This soil throws off your pH all the way. I had to water Purple P with an pH of 8.5!!! It kept saying a steady pH of 5; THIS AIN'T HYDRO MAN!!! Read the run off at 6-6.5 FOR ALL PLANTS. So hopefully they'll bounce back since daddy is home.

Here's some pics
Bubble Cheese (the healthiest)

Himalaya Gold, cut or keep the leaves? This is the question.

Big Bomb, I think suffering from too low pH (it's at 6-6.5 right now)

Purple P...same with her. To keep or to cut her leaves. She was the hardest to maintain a pH. Her run off just kept reading 5, until I gave her a watering of 8.5!!!

Group shot!!!

Problems with my plants once again. I think I'm still battling pH. It can't be heat. The temps have barely reached 75*. I haven't feed them anything. I re-potted them to Fox Farm Happy Frog.

Here's what I do to test my plant's pH (please chime in if I'm doing something wrong here!)

1. Get a bottle of water; test it's pH (always at 7)
2. Water the plants w/ the bottled water
3. Suck up the first droplets of water in the run off
4. Fill the vial up
5. Put the pH solution in there.
6. Put the vial and the pH solution bottle next to each other to see what range I'm in.


When I first tested their pH when I got out the hospital it was at 5! So like I said in the earlier post I tried to adjust it. Here's the steps for that.

1. Add 1 drop of pH down (VERY STRONG STUFF). Usually when I do this it raises it all the way up to 8-8.5
2. I figure it's a 2pt drop off when I water my plants (fed at ph of 7, the run off had a ph of 5) so I figure 6-6.5 PERFECT!
3. Watered the plants w/ the water pH of 8-8.5
4. Re-tested the runoff reads 6-6.5 WOOHOO!!!

I put the plants back under the light, and leave them alone.

Well I came in here today and Himalaya Gold has her older/newer leaves yellowing. It can't be heat stress, it just can't. It's been pretty damn cool in that closet. Don't mind the burned leaves, I know they did suffer heat stress at one point of time, but that's been weeks.




Big Bomb is also showing signs of heat stress, but I can't see how. And the temps haven't even reached 80*!! I'm thinking it's pH also, but it looks like it's corrected from the first time I tried to adjust it


Here's Bubble Cheese the healthiest. Her lower leaf is shriveling up....what can be the cause of this?


And here's the worst...Purple Paralysis. It looks like she's suffering bad from the pH situation and the heat stress

I know it's kind of a long post. So let me try to sum it up with the questions.

1. I know they've suffered heat stress, but they have been in 70-75* range ever since that day! Why are they still showing signs of it? Or is it pH? Like I'm thinking

2. Do I clip the damaged leaves on Himalaya Gold and Purple Paralysis? I'm pretty sure they're more than 50% damaged, but they still have a lil' green on them. Do I just let them dry up and fall off on their own? That's what I've been trying to do, but at the same time I think it's taking away energy for the new growth?

Checked Purple P's pH today. It had an pH of 5! What's up with the pH staying at 5? Why isn't my method of raising the pH working?

So I tried something different. Instead of watering until the pH was corrected. I FLUSHED it with the pH corrected water.

Here's how I did it.

1. Added 1drop of pH Up to a gal (pH of 8)
2. FLUSHED the Purple P (which has a 2gal pot) with 2gal of the ph8 water.
3. Another gallon with just neutral water.
*I know I should've added more if I really wanted to flush "the right way." But this stays wet for a while, and I gave it numerous ph test of the run off with a constant 6-6.5 for it.

Since I checked the pH of Purple P. I checked the pH of them all. I watered them with my tap water (ph of 7) and ran the ran off at 6-6.5 for them all. So I just left the rest alone. Hopefully they come around.

Guess I'll sucks that everybody looks on here but doesn't want to help a brother out? I thought weed was to bring us together? LOL jk. I'm actually keeping this journal for personal notes. But why not share and try to get as much help as possible?

Here's Himalaya Gold. Really not too much to talk about. She's growing very slow.


Tied her down for a couple of days

Here's Big Bomb. Growing steady. Looks like she's going to be very busy and short inter node height. Gave her less than 1ml of Oneness (5-9-4) yesterday.

Here's my FAV! Bubble Cheese. Can somebody tell me what's up with her yellow leaves though? It's not nitrogen because her cots are still perfectly green! It's affecting the newer growth first instead of the oldest. I looked at the plant problem solver sticky and from what I read it says sulfur!??? Along with Big Bomb, I gave her less 1ml of oneness.


Group shot
New members to the family!!!
These are just bagseed sprouts though. My goal with these is too grow them healthy from seed to harvest (male or female). This way I get a handle of growing without wasting valuable plants that I paid money for. If these are successful; and hopefully I get one female out of 4 (still waiting on one to pop out) I will clone the mother and germinate each plant one by one.
Thanks man. That shitty ass Humboldt soil already had gnats in it, because as soon I threw it out and replaced it with FFHF I haven't seen one gnat!

Plan on buying some new stuff for the garden today. WOO HOO!!! IT'S PAYDAY!
My plan is to buy some FFOF when it's time to transplant into a 3gal container. They're in 2 right now. That way I won't have to feed em for a couple of weeks after transplant. Saving me a couple mL of nutes!

O! And the 4th seed sprouted!

Getting (2) clamp lights tomorrow. Going to attach the "y" sockets on both with 42w cfls. That will be my new grow light until the 125w cfl comes into play. Then I plan on having one reflector on each side of the 125w cfl.

Future purchases:

Grow Tent $70
(2) Clamp Lights $17
125w CFL Grow Light $70
BPN 2part $20
Root Magic $20
Yo Yo Hangers $10
6" Inline Duct Fan $15
6" Ducting $10
FFOF $20ea
Perlite $2.50ea.
Hydroton $10ea
(4)3gal Air/Smart Pots $10 for all 4 ($2.30ea)
Dolomite $10
Clone Dome $10
Clone Gel $10
Thought I share on the new setup....

The only sucky part is that I couldn't get the "y" socket attached to one of the reflectors....I just put one 42w cfl in it.

So right now I have (3)42w cfls and (3)23w cfls. it also gives you the idea on how it's going to look when the 125w cfl up. The placement of the outlet strip represents the 125w placement. Both reflectors sitting on each side.

And here's some nice meds I got yesterday. Guy I got it from said it's GDP. Whatever it's some good stuff.

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