Psycho's 1st Journal Tangerine Dream - Purple Maroc - Bubblegummer - Soil Grow

Hello everyone! I hope you guys had a good 4/20, mine was pretty decent. Now an update on my plants. So far everything is going pretty well but, I seem to be having an issue with one of my Tangerine Dream and possibly my Purple Maroc. The Bubblegummer is making a very slow but steady recovery and the unknown bag seed seems to be doing just fine. None of these plants were given any additional nutes so far, the only ones they are getting are what's in the soil N0.05/P0.04/K0.03.

First up is my Tangerine dream with issues..

Tangerine Dream is looking a little droopy.

This is a closer pic of the leaves I know its still kinda hard to see.

Purple Maroc is lighter in color than the other plants and has a slight leaf fold.

Better angle of the fold.

Bubblegummer making a very slow recovery.

Bag seed doing pretty decent.

Tangerine Dream #2 looking nice and healthy!

Tangerine Dream #3 also looking nice and healthy!

I have 0 idea what is up with my 1st TD plant. I have looked at pics of plant problems but its hard to figure out. The Purple Maroc has me slightly worried but it still looks healthy so I'm not that concerned. I'll try to take better of my sick TD my phone just doesn't cut it, I'll have to bust out the big camera. If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear/read them.

Thanks in advance.
how moist is your soiless mixture? that may be the reason for the droopy leaves on the tangerine dream. i would begin feeding your Purple Maroc 1/4 strength nutrients. i believe that is the reason for the leaf curl.
Thanks for the reply KingJohnC! The soil is a little moist I tend to let it dry out a lot before I water it. The other day I let it dry almost totally then gave them all a really good soaking. The leaves are discolored a bit I took better pics to show more detail of the issue its having. As for the Purple Maroc I'm glad you said that because I was just sitting here thinking that it may be time to start my nutes. I'll start in a day or so because currently the soil is still a bit moist and I don't want to end up overwatering.



Looks like a good start, hope straighten out whatever's going on, if it's a problem. Looking forward to seeing your progress! Subscribed!
Welcome Asteidl, thanks for stopping by glad to have you. Sorry its been a few days without an update but veg is slow and boring for the most part lol. The other day I gave them their first actual feeding at 1/4th strength and they seemed to have loved it. The Purple Maroc is still very light green but has perked up a lot and the leaves have unfolded a bit. My sick Tangerine Dream is still the wrong color but isn't droopy at all which is great because for a bit there I was really concerned, I still am but the fact it had perked up is a big relief. The other TD plants are healthy as shit and I'm really happy about that. My Bubblegummer is still very small but looks rather healthy, I'm hoping it will start a big push here soon. The bag seed is also doing well. Now time for new pics!

First up all 6 of my plants.

TD #1 has perked up quite a bit since the feeding.


TD #2 healthy and happy!


TD #3 looking good.


Purple Maroc.


Bubblegummer tiny as all hell lol.


Bag seed.


As usual advice is always welcome, appreciated and encouraged. I still suck at growing and posting journals.
What's up everyone? Little update on my progress, I think this is going to end up going from 6 plants to 2 lol. The Bubblegummer is still not growing much at all so I decided to find out how well the root system was doing. I carefully removed the soil from its base to see its roots are still tiny as hell. I mixed nutes for the cutting stage which is supposed to stimulate root growth and, if in a few days that doesn't make a difference I'll most likely call it a loss and get rid of it. The bag seed is still about the same size it has been so I may just say screw it as well. The TD that had the issues still does but it isn't droopy anymore but also hasn't grown much at all. The Purple Maroc is confusing me a bit, I know it has healthy long roots I can see them peeking through the drain holes on the 3gal pot but, its still yellowish and small I also started LST on it. The other 2 TD's are doing very well nice and green and responding well to LST. I have fed twice so far 1st was with 1/4th strength and the 2nd which was done last night 1/2 strength. We'll see how that goes lol. My soil has been sprouting all types of things lol, mushrooms are abundant and also some other plant I just pick them all out when I see them. Sad thing is I still have like 50lbs of it or so looks like that's going to be garden soil now after seeing it wasn't sterilized. Not going to use it for MJ again. I think I may attempt to locate some pro-mix HP and try Doc buds Highbrix kit. after seeing him and others doing it I'm straight amazed.. Seriously if you haven't checked his journals out I highly recommend them along with everyone else experimenting with highbrix..
Sorry no pics but my girl would punch me in the eye if I open my tens and start snapping away while she's asleep so I'll get some a little later.

hi mate im no expert i have only just started a grow but i am pretty positive if you get purple colouring/blotches in the leaves its a phosphorus deficiency
Welcome Marinanja23 thanks for stopping by and for that info. After the 1/2 strength feeding plants are doing well even my stunted Purple Maroc and the deficient TD all have had decent growth since.

Now for the pics I was supposed to upload yesterday. lol.

TD #1



TD #2








Purple Maroc



Bubblegummer which is basically dead lol.

and the bagseed


for the plants that are doing well they look great i love that nice green color they have keep up the good work
Thanks for stopping by JB42. Im trying Frosty still don't know what the hell happened, I did everything the same for all the plants but oh well live and learn. I have 2 really good plants so all in all I'll be happy. Having grown TD before they can get pretty big if you let them so. if all else fails I'll just let those 2 get as big as possible and I should end up all right.
OK! First off let me say...... Dorito's breaded chicken is fuckin delicious straight up.

Now on to the update. I was thinking it was going to end up just the 2 TD plants but things have made a turn for the better. My 2 big TD plants are rockin, the other TD is finally growing and I'm super happy about that. The Purple Maroc is finally green again you can tell the difference in the pic from the color it was to what it is now. The bag seed is also growing pretty well. Sadly the Bubblegummer is a lost cause its still tiny as all hell nd not getting any better so I'm going to just give up on it, my girl isn't happy about that its the one she wanted most lol. This has been a very slow grow so far but its speeding up. Temps are stable, and up to half strength on nutes. Every time I feed them the next day they all have noticeable growth and I'm loving it. I want to switch to flower in a few weeks but I need the other smaller plants to catch up at least a little. I'm wondering if I keep them on either half or move up to full strength nutes and give the big plants only water or 1/4th strength if it will help the smaller ones catch up a bit. Any thoughts on that or, anything else I can do to slow the bigger plants down and speed the smaller plants up without topping or anything like that? Sorry for the mini wall of text I still suck at posting lol.

Now for pics!










Purple Maroc



Bag seed



Sorry I forgot to turn some of the pics ><!

As usual any advice or observations are welcome, encouraged and appreciated.

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
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