CFL Grow - The Church - Tangerine Dream - Chemdog - Big Bang - Advice Welcome


New Member
Soil: Humboldt
Lighting (3)42w cfls (2)23w cfls FOR NOW
Nutes: Humboldt Oneness 5-9-4
Their seedlings...almost 2 weeks old.

The church...THEN

The church...NOW

Tangerine dream....THEN

Tangerine dream....NOW



This is what happened guys...

I didn't take any pics of them yellowing...but believe me they were. So i gave them a 1/4 of the seedling recommendation of the oneness. (.25ml). But i first gave a dose to a test plant that I have (got the seed from a bag seed). It was a week older than them, and it seemed to like it. I didn't see any damage done. So I gave it them.

They seemed to be doing alright by the feeding too, but then it got hot so I think they got burned bad...but I might be mistaken and it end up being nute burn....what do you think? I flushed them last night...just in case it was a nute burn.

I have risen the lights and the temp is at 76-78* right now
Humidity: 55%

Looks liked you definitely had some heat issues and might have had the lights too close too. You might have only compounded your damage by feeding them this early on. Plants start with a store of food enought to carry them untill they have established a root systed thats capable of suppoting their needs. Those round first set of leaves on the plant are called a cotyledon. they act as a food store for your young plants while they grow. Untill they start to yellow and die off you do not need to supply your plants with food.

It would help if we could see you light setup and you shared a little more info about your setup. How far from the lights where the plants? DO you have any air movement?

I wish you the best to you and your grow and will be around to help if you need it!
will post pics of my light setup when i get home...i have a fan blowin in air. a standing oscilating fan will be purchaed friday. as far as popping in other seeds im working with very little space. so working with more plants than this is pushing it. this my first grow and i just plan on growing them about 12" and put them into flowering.

do you think putting them on a 24hr light cycle will speed up the recovery process. payday is friday and i plan on buying two clamp lights...and (3) 30gal tubs...(seen a guy named LoveVibez grow some nice herb in these)
heres a couple of questions if you dont mind answering them.

1. what is a good soil ph meter? right now i have the GH ph test kit and im just measuring the run off. i would like one that i can stick down in the dirt and give me a accurate reading.

2. although theyre torched they will recover right? i have patience....not really worried about time.
Putting them into 24/0 would probably slow down recovery. Darkness is just as essential to plants as light is. Think of it like this, All day during the light hours the plant is gathering energy and converting that energy into building blocks. If you keep it in the light all the time it will keep making building blocks but never have time to build with them. Taking away the energy source allows the plant time to take all those building blocks its made all day and use them. as your plants get bigger will you start to notice this more. the size between lights off and lights on is amazing.

the next tip I have for you is an old ancient gardening secret:


plants are very resilient and are able to take quit a bit of abuse. we all mess up from time to time, I actually just cooked my plants a bit too. They will bounce back as healthy as ever! just make sure they are happy and they will make sure you're happy too.

as for your PH, checking run of is a fine way to test your PH. Keep doing what you're doing an you'll be fine.
I'm using my bedroom you can see the clothes.The fan is at the bottom of the picture....blowin fresh air in.. I will be purcashing the following Friday:
1. (2) Light Clamp Reflectors
2. Oscillating Fan
3. Neem Oil (seen some gnats)
4. Black & White Placstic (maybe???)

You can also see my test plant in the background...I clipped her leaves to see how she would respond.

There are (3)42w CFLs and (2) 23w CFLs...the distance is 13in. right now.
Well I did some researching and decided to clip the the damaged leaves (the ones 50%+ damaged).

The reasons why:
*read that the plant will keep trying to put energy into those dead leaves. even though there isn't a chance to green up again.
*invites bugs and diseases...(and I already have gnats)
*read that the plant will now put all it's energy into producing new healthy leaves.

Few more questions if you guys don't mind:
*when I flushed did I need to give them a small dose of nutes? i was thinking since i'm trying to flush out the nutes that it didn't need any. but every where i go. i see people flushing BUT THEN adding a lil' nutrients.

Hopefully it will recover. I don't plan on watering until Friday when I purchase the neem oil.


well i know the growth of these 4 will be slow so i germinated the following:

bubble cheese
purple paralysis
himalaya gold
big bomb
I really don't know what to say right now. Since I've flushed them I haven't touched them. I put them in my window sill when the sun hits it, and then it's back in the room. They're 13in from the cfls, so I know they still can't be burning. what the hell man!?? Instead of talking about it, I'll just post the horrible pics...

Here's the Tangerine Dream...I cut a set of her leaves cuz they were more than 50% damaged. Is she still showing signs of burn is that nute burn? Again I did flush all 3 plants (not including the big bang)

My poor poor Church...idk if she's going to survive, but I'm not going to kill any of these plants....!!!

Here's my test plant. Got her from a bag seed, she also got burned, but she's coming back nicely if I do say so myself.

Here's the chemdog, I would say she's doing fine. Slow but steady growth

And the big bang. She's really a survivor. She was the last to pop out, so I dug up the soil a lil and found the gnat larvae FEEDING ON HER!!! And here she is today. Again...slow but steady growth. What's up with her leaves? I haven't given her any nutes since she was already stunted from the larvae

Bubble Cheese
Purple Paralysis
Himalaya Gold
Big Bomb
have all popped out of their SHELL!!! I plan on letting them stay in water overnight so their roots grow a lil bit longer. So when I do put them in soil. They'll pop out in 1-2 days
So I bought this and a $2.50 bag of perlite today....

I was going to get a lil' thing of neem oil, but the sales person told me this would be better. I hope it works...Should see gnats flying out and into my sticky traps.

I recently put Himalaya Gold and Purple Paralysis into soil. Those seedlings boomed FAST!! I hope I don't fuck these up. Dont plan on doing nothing but watering and checking ph for the first month.
I feel like we're in the same boat.
I've read about the nematodes. I hope they work for you.
Good luck!:cheer:

yeah...i hope they're doing their job also.

The Church is dead...she didn't come back from the nute feeding and the heat stress...RIP

Himalaya Gold has popped out!!! Still waiting for Purple P. Maybe tomorrow

Big #2 test plant...and Tangerine Dream seem to be coming back to life...YESSS
Himalaya Gold up front. Purple Paralysis in the back.

Debating on which nutes to purchase. I'm stuck between Osmocote Plus and BPN 3part Organic Line. Both are $20, and I've heard nothing but good things about both also.
ok...I think the plant is sucking up all the food and energy from the leaves and focusing on the new growth. The question is do I cut them when 50% damaged or wait until they completely fall off?

Here's my #2 test plant...she's still kind of pale green but i don't want to give her any nutes yet. I want to get some more, but that won't be until 2 weeks. If all else fails I have this humboldt oneness and I guess I can give them a tiny dose if needed.
See what I"m talking about? Should I just let these leaves get sucked dry and fall off or cut them so the plant won't try to use it's energy on them? I always hear mixed views on this topic...STAY OR LEAVE?

Here's my Tangerine Dream..look at her poor leaves...STAY OR LEAVE?

Big Bang...what's up with her leaves? Heat stress again? It's been cool these past couple of days...barely hitting 80*F Maybe it's touching the soil too much, but at the same time the soil is not wet....?

Here's my ChemDog...I think she's going to come along and be very healthy in a couple of weeks!!!

Here's the Big Bang...what's up with her leaves? It's not looking nute burn of deficiency. I seen this earlier in my unsuccessful attempts and some say the leaves are in the soil

And the setup I have so far...
Re-potted Chemdog for her to get some fresh soil (heated the soil in the microwave to sterilize). I filled the bottom of the pot with perlite. Also I didn't water the soil since I just watered her yesterday and I want her roots to stretch....her growth is very slow, but this variety is the one i want the most out of all seeds. So Im going to try my best to get her to produce something for me

My 2cents get a fan and point it at the lights u will be able to get them closer. If u cant keep them lights cool and close it makes no difference what size the pant is she will burn either way. how many plants do you have now? what lights are u going to be using is it just cfls?
Temps have been below 80*. So far so good. Fan, BPN nutes, panda film, and (2) clamp lights will be purchased Friday. And I plan on using CFLs; start to finish. Currently, I have:

Himalaya Gold
Bubble Cheese
Purple Paralysis
Big Bomb

The burned ones:
Tangerine Dream
Big Bang

I might be killing the tangerine dream and big bang off. Just have to re order them. The Chemdog still seems like she doesnt want to be culled. And this is the variety I really wanted. So I'm going try my best to get her back on track.
WELL HERE'S AN UPDATE!!! everything is looking good....

The tape is to fight off the they won't have easy access to the soil. I threw out #1 and #2 test plants...that Humboldt is some shitty soil unless you're mixture is 50% perlite 50% of this stuff (which already has a lil' perlite). IT STAYS WET FOREVER!!! I know it was at least drying out for a week, and the top was to damp. SNS 203 will be ordered Friday to make sure the gnat & gnat larvae is gone out of my garden

Purple Paralysis...she's def. a sativa. her stem is very long. If you can see, I have an toothpick holding her up....I don't want to repot until I get some Fox Farm Happy Frog, and that won't be until Friday. I'm sure she'll be fine until then.

Here's the biggest of the garden..Himalaya Gold...she's my FAV!!!

Bubble Cheese...she has hints of blueish/purplish on her leaves already!!!


Big Bomb


Group Shots!!!

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